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Posts posted by DubWolf

  1. Don’t know if I can’t fall for anybody because I haven’t met such a person in a while, or I’ve become too hard to people that might be it.

    Or I’m hoping for too much. I’ve waited so long, I do want to make it right and not feel like I just went with whoever was available. Certainly I haven’t been so out there in so long. Dating apps are balls and suggest I’m not ideal enough.

  2. Yeah, want to know when I want to know how much I'll be making? When I'm hired, not when I'm not.

    A big number times zero is zero, but the bigger the number the bigger the loss.


    I had to move the phone away...

    I never cared about that number. I just wanted the satisfaction of it all, but given how much bullcrap I've had to deal with, I kinda do now.... but I wish I never did.

    • Hugs 1
  3. It's mind-boggling how people fail to commit on what they said they would do.

    To me, tomorrow or "later" has always meant "never". Just like MLKJ had said... "that wait has always meant never"....

    Don't keep me waiting. No. I have already paid that due.

    • Delighted Giggle 1
    • Sad 1
  4. On 2024-02-06 at 3:22 AM, Dreambiscuit said:

    I used to have a facebook account but rarely used it. There was nothing enjoyable about it. I tried Instagram once and didn’t understand it; it didn’t impress me at all. I’ve heard good things about sites like Discord but again, I can’t figure out how to make them work or how to do anything on them. I must be missing something obvious but I have tried. I simply failed, so the answer to the big question is no, I do not use social media except for these forums right here, and that’s it.

    I figured you’d say that: you always seemed old-fashioned :proud: . A classy fellow you be!

    I had one but it was hacked and I had requested it locked. Haven’t gotten it back, and am mostly ok with that, though I might create a Facebook just for family to stay connected eventually.

    • Hugs 1
  5. The level of closed-mindedness is unbelievably mind-boggling and frustrating, even among one's supposed allies. People need to check their privilege and reflect much more than they do now. It's tearing everything apart.

    • Sad 2
  6. On 2024-02-10 at 1:23 PM, Clawdeen said:

    Congrats girl you’ve officially joined the receiving voice messages from Clawdeen club. 

    Ooo how does one join this club :wau: ? Is it subscription based :wacko: ? What is the genre of content? So many questions :ooh: .

    Thinking about how I’m bored even though I’m watching the Super Bowl. I also can’t be alone at the moment..

    • Sad 1
  7. The fear hole episode in Rick and Morty is one of my favorites. I wonder what Rick’s biggest fear is. Do we even necessarily know our deepest fear?


    I guess I do know it. I can’t accept it and it’s holding me back.

    Or two. I’d be crushed to know… I’d be impressed if I wasn’t. But I feel I’d probably collapse pretty hard.

    • Brohoof 1
    • Sad 1
  8. On 2024-02-04 at 9:41 PM, Envy said:

    I have loner tendencies that mean that I can easily isolate myself without evening thinking about it. I lose so many friends because I never reach out. It's probably a large reason I'm single, too. I don't put myself out there, so to speak. Oh well. Being in my space, with lots of space from others is my happy place. That's not to say that I don't enjoy socializing or being in the presence of others, but I need lots of time to myself to recharge, and just tend to default to being reclusive.

    Whatever one can say about being a loner, it sure helped me out during the pandemic.

    If they knew, they'd probably know just to reach out to you every now and then, just not super frequently :wacko: .

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