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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Kaska

  1. Some people wanna watch the world burn, others, wold peace. I... Want to watch the world confuse

  2. Aya, had a two week trip to Turkey and Russia. It was awesome! So, I am back now, if anyone notices

  3. I was watching that Maud Pie episode a bit and, well, go to 8:28. I loled

  4. I try to not think about things, but when I do it will be guns, damnit, TOO MUCH DAKKA (Jk u kan never ever hav enuff dakka) Mainly operationg mechanism of th... I'm gonna shut up, riiiiggghhht there, better not to make everyone dislike me

  5. I love the local bads, saw these guys playing live, they are bloody awesome! https://soundcloud.com/al-bairre/we-move-on

  6. Just watched Elysium, I loved the South African guys, even if they were bad guys, but so cool. All the Afrikaans slang and the Jan Pierewiet song, SO AWESOME!!!

    1. Kaska


      Ja boet, And even the space plane thing had the RSA military symbol, (EVEN THE RSA FLAG!!) and the camo, all South African, I basically had a awesome failure when I saw that.

  7. - this is playing so loud in my headset I can't hear myself think
  8. Enjoy this rock song:

    , goodnight
  9. Ag hell, I am getting online more often, jus need a way to get online more, can't read 200 status updates (I LIKE READING THOSE)

  10. Im writing some crazy fanfics, Ill prob upload some when I feel happy about it

    1. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen


      such fanfics

      very likes

      many watchers.

    2. Kaska


      the doges may come together one day.. to form a doge cult

    3. Sweet Pen
  11. Ok ok, status here: THE DAYS ARE GETTING COLDER, my thoughts on this? Awesome, It was often around 35-39°C (South Africans know) So, I'm really happy

  12. Arr, hello me mates, I've been on long ago, I'm gonna try be active more

  13. Has anyone got any drawing tips for me? Pencil and paper, I am just starting though, quite happy, but I want to improve

    1. Wayzer


      maybe ask doc? I suck at drawing

    2. Kaska


      Good Idea, ill try one sometime later. got stuff to do now...

      I do think I'm doing good, for a beginner, still lots of improvements to do

  14. Anyone got Razer Comms?

  15. I'm FINALLY BACK!!!! And a 425 update count... Sorry to everyone if anyone tried telling me something.

  16. Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

  17. I just like, deleted two random files and Suddenly got an extra 100gb free...


  19. The feel of the familiar plastic keys below my fingers, the view of a half filled desktop, The look of the 1360 x 769 pixels screen and the open pc case, I am home

    1. Wayzer
    2. Kaska


      I iz home after a bloody 10 DAYS!!!!!

    3. Wayzer


      Omg congratzzzz

  20. Where did you get that gif in your signature?

    1. Kaska


      IT, IS, AWESOME!

    2. GenderIsAnIllusion


      I found it in another users sig

  21. I just feel like, Just going out one day, find a large rock, and carve out a Tom. Because why not?

  22. A, knewwwww you'd say.. THAT!

  23. Fours hours till New year... BRAH

  24. WE MASH UP THE BYESS (base) TURN UP THE BYESS (Bass). The accent of the guy in make it bun dem is weird

    1. Skullbuster


      hes Jamaican, and bob marleys son

    2. Kaska


      Yes, Jr. Gong

      It is just that 'Base' And 'bass' sound the same

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