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Wolf General Alpha

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Status Replies posted by Wolf General Alpha

  1. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

  2. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

    1. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      Thanks, you're awesome as well.

      Well, right now I am going to figure out whether I want to make a third YouTube channel or a Facebook Page about Science Fiction ships and weapons. I have been thinking about which to make for the past few days now, but can't really get a clear answer.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

    1. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      Hm...interesting (sorry for saying "Interesting" a lot, it is just something I say).

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

  5. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

  6. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

    1. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      It probably makes celebrating a win more memorable.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

    1. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      I found some of them to be interesting in the second video, especially the ones where they are just a few inches away from not actually getting anything.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

    1. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      Sounds dangerous, but knowing today's society, dangerous is entertaining.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

    1. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      Hm...so by the looks of it, Rugby is sort of a mix between American Football and Soccer. That is interesting. The videos made it look like the overall sport of American Football, but with Soccer-like uniforms and instead of full-on tackling people, it looked more like a forceful shove. At least that is how I see it.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

  11. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

    1. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      Sorry, never asked which sport. I forget things a lot.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

  13. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

    1. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      I would probably single mine down to a single team in the future, but for now I have those five as teams I could possibly cheer for or whatever.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  14. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

    1. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      Don't really know anything about Rugby League. As for American Football, I am not much of a fan, though I do have an interest in some teams (Carolina Panthers, Pittsburgh Steelers, Denver Broncos, San Francisco 49ers, and Buffalo Bills). For Soccer, hm...I never really got interested in the sport (ironic on my part since 90% of my family plays it).

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  15. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

    1. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      Hm...it would depend on your definition of "football".

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

    1. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      It was one of those matches that I really wanted one person to win, but in the end the result was inevitable. Although I knew very little about Sting at the time, I really wanted him to win...but knowing McMahon and the WWE Creative team, they had to have Triple H win.

      One of the worst decisions in my opinion...well not too bad, but still.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  17. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

    1. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      I never really enjoyed the match that much, I mean it was great to see Sting participate in WrestleMania, as well as seeing DX and the nWo all together, but the end result was highly predictable.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

    1. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      I feel indifferent for WWE, it was better in the past, but I am waiting to see what the company will do since they had the Brand Split. I have heard that TNA is good, though never got around to watching anything from it yet.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  19. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

    1. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      Mostly WWE, somewhat WCW, and have recently started watching NJPW on television.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  20. Hi, if I've asked you this before than forgive me, are you a wrestling fan?

    1. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      Yes, I am (also I don't remember you ever asking before, but that could just be me having trouble remembering).

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  21. Happy B-Day! Save some cake for me! x3

    1. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      Thanks! Okay then, I will make sure there is some left XD

  22. Why do I feel like I'm a tree?

    1. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      Are you sure that you're not a tree right now and thinking that you're human? o_O

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  23. I was "attacked" by a centipede! Those devious varmints, always crawling on people when they least expect it.

    1. Wolf General Alpha

      Wolf General Alpha

      Luckily, I wasn't bitten. I don't really know for sure if I am allergic to them or not, but I really don't want to find out anytime soon. Also, apparently one of my younger brothers took a computer chair and rolled over it many times. So I no longer have to worry about that centipede again.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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