I'm not sure of what to say that won't come off as redundent. Please excuse me if I seem hostile at times, I'm used to reprehension, not friendly greetings. I am an epicurean and a peculiar individual. I like to write things, and I'm trying to do it more often. For a long time I didn't feel the necessity to associate with other fans of the show. I like all forms of animation. Were I capable of drawing I would have loved to have taken a career in it. But for now, I'll stick to my plot of some day writing a novel.
My first exposure to the series was the silly memes. There's a pony version of just about everything. I shrugged it off as 4chan trolling nonsense. When I heard there was a cartoon around it I laughed. Considering it came from Harbro, I figured it in the same obnoxious caliber as Chowder or Spongebob. I watched the first episode out of curiosity. My reaction (nine episodes later, thank you netflix!) was, more or less this:
I hope to do more than lurk like I usually do on forums. I am rather blunt indivdual so now that I'm done with the gristle, let's get down to the bare bones. I LOVE horror. The first two Hellraiser movies easily rank as my favorites followed by the classic universal monsters (Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy, Invisible Man). I'm also adore the fluff of Warhammer and it's spin off 40k (CHAOS CONSUME US!). My favorite anime of all time is Serial Experiments Lain (that alone should tell you of my tastes in anime). My favorite character in the series is Spike, I like his spunk. Dragons by their very nature are awesome. My favorite pony is a toss up between Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy. Twilight is a bookworm and a magic user, two great quailties on their own. I admire her skeptical out look, though she can be a little brash about it (not that I'm one to talk). She is also prone to high anxiety, which I can empathize with.
Well at any rate that's all I can think of to say for now. I wish you all well.