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Blog Entries posted by BlinkZ

  1. BlinkZ
    So an interesting story about my newer computer I got from my grandpa. He didn't really know any better (hell neither did i), that fake GPU's exist. I RAn GPU-Z and using the release date it gave me manage to track down what the actual card was. Turns out that so-called GTX 660 ti was actually a ... GT 420 (OEM) 
    Ouch! that is rip off. the old card in my old machine is better then that..and I had a Radeon card from liek 2006 i think.

  2. BlinkZ
    A comic called MLP: Fim - Without Magic  driving me nuts. Basically he trying to sy Twlight is more then just her magic.
    Uh hello she a uncorn. Would Dash stil be her if she had no wings ..NO she wouldn't her entire interests and hobbies are bound to being abl to fly. Twlight must like using magic all the dang time. she has a great talent for it..and your saying she someone not different witout it...nonsesn utter nonsense
  3. BlinkZ
    Disclaimer: the following is my personal opinion, said opinion being strongly influenced by my eye condition. I will make it clear here that I don't mind if someone likes Snowdrop, who am I to tell you not too? However this blog is not to judge its quality, but to help state the reasons it rubs me the wrong way to the point of being insulting.
    Now for starters let me tell you about myself. Long story short, I have Aspergers and I'm visually impaired. Now while I have eye sight it still counts as being Legally blind. Where am I going with this?
    Well, as stated above i'm not judging the animation, music, or voice acting in this, nor am I really the reviewer type, so please bare with me.
    Well I suppose the best place to start would be the main character herself, Snowdrop. Throughout this entire animation your suppose to feel empathy for her. The problem is the way the plot is written made me angry at everything too much to care for her. *takes breath* Okay let me explain.
    Firstly, yes she is blind, which isn't my issue here. The biggest issue is no one, and I do mean no one, seems to even care about Snowdrop in the slightest, solitary bit. Every single student is an ass to her showing little personality or any emotion towards her. The teacher didn't notice she didn't have a partner for this assigntment till the last minute. Okay first off, that has to be the worst teacher to not notice a detail like that for one of her classmates. Where not talking a classroom of 50 students. No were dealing with like 15 kids here, and that is a tolerable number of kids to keep track of. If she was social awkward then it might make sense why she had no partner but nope. Secondly, kids with disabilities usually get special help if needed, did Snowdrop get any extra help, eeenope. Oh yeah and she just waves goodbye to the blind pegasus on the way out the door, despite the fact she knows it dangerous. Um, hello! Go with her, I mean I know you can't fly but still guide her home.
    That's another thing that erked me this whole time, a blind Pegasus, how does that even work. You can't fly without any sense of up or down. Sure wind blowing and such but in a blizzard all that would be static as in she have no way of tell direction or even which way was up.
    Okay, nickpicking aside, back on track. Snowdrop's own personality annoys me. Displayed as a perfect little angel, oh give me a break, is this really how you want people to see blink people as? Shy, weak and helpless, really you're not helping in the slightest to make a good character here. In fact go watch Avatar The Last Airbender series and look at Toph. She is blind, but does that stop her from proving herself? No in fact she found a way around her disability, earth bending aside she still has a weak side and still has hardship to overcome but she pulls though and still retains her kiss-ass personality. Thus you can actually feel for her when she get in trouble or had a heart to heart moment.
    Now compared her to Snowdrop...yeah, Snowdrop's about as developed as the snowflakes she carves out. Do I feel any connection to her? Well no, I can't connected with what she feeling cause the entire situation is contrived beyond believe, feels shoved down your throat until you choke on it.
    Now, I know I'm sounding like i'm just hating on Snowdrop but i'm not. The fact that the character was blind and so contrived at the same time with no redeeming qualities is what made me cringe and overall felt like I was being slapped in the face.
  4. BlinkZ
    NOw a few phrases get tossed around that I just find hypocritical.
    Like the "Oh it is just a kids cartoon dont' take it serously."
    Uh haha is that suppose to make it a free pass NO, it doesn't. it like saying "oh its just adult cartoon dont' take those serously." and some people do take them too serious evne when they are written worse then 'kid' cartoons. So what's in the middle 'teeny ' cartoons?
    Granted everyone entitled to opinions but really using poor escape goats like that doesn't help your points at all. Especially when t the only thing you point back at someone argument.
  5. BlinkZ
    Okay if the title confuses you let me clarify, I really hate people using the phrase "close minded" it drives me nuts. It has got to be the worst defense for a viewpoint I have ever heard. People use it as if it unbeatable but let me clarify something for you. definition of opinion and close minded are exactly the same. You cant be Open minded it not possible Why? you may ask.
    Well think about it there really is no true neutral side to a debate or argument is there. You choose a side, either you are for it or against something. On the fence is an utterly pointless statement cause it's not true. The instant you try to not get involved is a chose, thus you closed your mind to said topic. See how the phrase was used, see how loosely it can be thrown about. Wonder why i'm being all whinny about this
    Iif you care click the spoiler otherwise my rant is done
  6. BlinkZ
    Okay i'm going to rant about something here so if you dont want to read a rant just skip this blog post.
    Okay I have got to speak my mind here. After reading Mare In a Wheelchair I got really ticked, and I mean really ticked off. For good reasons. Now while I cant judge the story onf how the quality is i'm mostly just stated what my problems with it are. So once again personal opinon as follows...
    Okay Major issue the main character:
    strike one : wheelchaired. Okay so this is an attempt to get feels then. okay not so bad inoceint enough right?
    strike two : Wrong, She's also mentally handycapped as well. Well frak that bites but I have hung out with a bunch of people who had mental handycappes they are nice people and live fine lives. But no she has to have a sad life on top of that cake.
    Strike three: oh come on, you made her fatally ill okay that might have made me have some feels if not for the points stated above.
    Oh and just for another slap in the face to handycapped people the story makes the parents leave her on the freakin roof to die or rather make her do suicide to "stop the suffering" instead of being by her bedside till the last(which would have been a hell of a lot more touching then this ending) I mean I wasn't feeling any sadness at the end, I was pissed and i mean really pissed at the parents.
    It's this kind of writing that made me dislike the Snowdrop Animation. Disablity =/= feels EVER. a well written story makes you feel the feels not shove it down your throats till you choke on it.
    Well if you made it this far thanks for reading anyway. I just had to get this off my chest.
  7. BlinkZ
    This might seem old but i'v recently goteen used to the features Google+ brings to youtube. Now granted I wont ever use the actual G+ site to socilize but I do find comment section a lot more interesting.
    For one comment chains are now mini threads in a way, which is nice when you have a related topic in that "thread" plus the notifications notifies you when a comment has be upvoted which I like as well.
    Overall I think i was just pissed at the whole being forced to use G+ in the first place but overall I like the features ti gave to youtube overall.
  8. BlinkZ
    Well I don't hate the holidays in fact I love them but guess what walmart is playing Christmas music already. granted its not ever single song that is a cherry gingle but I work at a Walmart and I have to listen to the same song done but 20 different artist..ahhhh its pure torture and i still have a month to go
  9. BlinkZ
    Thought i would share this here since a thread would be kind of silly.
    A few things that floats around as fanon that i dont/or refuse to accept
    1: lyra and bon bon couple (or any same gender shippings really)
    2: Berry Punch as a drunk...never going to accept that, cause well its a kids show and its just a dumb fanon thing.
    3: Dinky as Derpies daugter...I still dont get that one...
    3.5: derpy as not so bright. Mostly cause ive been around people with acutal mental issues and they are okay people so I really just see derpy as clumbsy.
    4: ??? thought this list was going to be longer guess not.
    As a last note i know these are all just fun fanon things that people latch on to, i dont take them too seriously and this was just to get my thoughts out to anyone who cared.
  10. BlinkZ
    I'm one of those kind of people that make up story ideas but can never seem to get passed conecpt stage. i have a few that are on the back burner..i think that the right term to use.
    A concept I keep thinking i want to do
    This one never quite got off the ground for a concept but if anyone has any ideas. (at least this one has a title -Friendship is drama-)
    Just thought i would share.
  11. BlinkZ
    and ugh December why! I work in retail so you can image the greif i'm about to get. WElcome the the moth of Christmas...ugh a whole moth early ..is it any wonder people are burnt out by the time the holiday acutaly comes around.
    of course my family is doing a simple christmas this year(well mostly due to money issue and such) but hte stamtnet still means a lot. it about family and togetherness not about capatilizm first world nonsense shoved in our faces like EVERYWEHRE
  12. BlinkZ
    "Sitting here in the summer breeze.
    The birds are singing, and so are the trees.
    For here I am, a moment saved in time:
    Laying under this tree, yes it's all mine."
    For one to many, many for one.
    One shall see what no one can see.
    Come far and near, to here and there.
    Rest now, for you are here.
    Clean slate, for a winter state.
    White snow fell consuming dying life.
    Renewed the next season, to melt and come to life.
    Refresh your mind, and body alike.
    For winter is here relax in delight.

    --What Will You Be?--
    What will you be, when the time comes?
    What will you be, when there is nowhere to run?
    What will you be, when you look back on the world?
    And what will you become, when life shows you the way
    What will you become, when given the chance?
    And what will you do, when you reach your end?
    All of my words, Here they are,
    a series of letters let all in a row,
    For though I try, they will never come,
    I call and bark and then some.
    For there they are just out of reach,
    and there they shall stay to never make a peep.
  13. BlinkZ
    You know after looking at vidoes on youtube and just tkaing in my own personality, I realize that mlp has helpd me in a few ways. For one gave me and my brother topics to discuss, i love talking, sometimes in circles but i won't go there.
    Another thing is i've slolwy started to pin down who i'm most like. i'm sort of mix between Applejack and PInkie pies (power to the earth ponies!) I'm stuborn but only cause i want to be indepened despite my need for assistance at times due to my eye sight issues, which can get relaly fustrating at times.
  14. BlinkZ
    Now while I won't reveal my name here I will say this is mine and I wrote this
    Winter night
    Your feet crinkle with each step you take through forest path. The night is young, not a cloud in the sky leaving the twinkling gems to hang in the night unobstructed. A gently breeze blows the snow about creating trails of white to streak across the ground.
    Snowflakes are but memories, some happy some not. Each are special in their own way. They all eventually fall blending into the ground amongst so many others, most forgotten or lost amongst the sea of white.
    Then tell me, what of the moon and stars high in the sky? Well, those are the highest moments, ones saved to be preserved, worthy of being egnologed and shown to the world below. The sparkling moon brightest of all, reflecting off the pool of scattered thoughts as if to say they are no less important.
    Stare upwards at the good, and learn from the bad. For once a new year has dawned it shall all be washed away with the warmth of the sun. New memories shall grow from the land to be nurtured and explored. Most will go un-noticed but some will stand out like the stars.
  15. BlinkZ
    Today i'm going to tell my thoughts on My little portal Episode 5.

    My Little portal is a fan-made project mixing Valve's Portal with MLP universe. The concept itself was well and good the first few episodes creating an interesting story with Twilight waking up in the facility. Now can't blame the animation for being a bit choppy giving the animation program used which surprising isn't flash, though personally probably would have look a lot better in Flash but I digress. May be wrong i'm no expert here just a fan expressing my opinion.
    While the animation may look nice(to an extent), the voice acting leaves a lot to be desired specially in the latest episode. I never could get immersed and convinced myself they weren't reading from a script, the voices having no direction towards being sad, angry or even shocked. Which is kind of important when
    Even turning the "battle" scene the acting was off, there was no real sense you were really there so I could never get invested. Now i'm not expecting perfect acting but, dam some acting would be nice. The voices used during the Episodes 1, 2, and even three were decent and you could at least feel it, however as stated before it was very subpar, very monotone and unintereted sounding.
    The first three episodes had decent voice acting but now it sounds like they don't care.
    I could go on about how the plot of the episode made no sense heres a list
    - Sombra was blown up how the hell was he tied up to a rock.
    - 4 Alicorns vs one Sombra powered changlings...DO SOMETHING!!
    - oh she ripped twilight wings offf, why not just have this all take place BEFORE season 4.
    - lost memoirs cliche/ copout
  16. BlinkZ
    I"m not a fan of Human in Equestria fiction much. Why? Well because most of the time it one of two things
    1: Wish fulfillment: this one you could make a check list for. Meet mane 6 and/or favoarte character of show, check. instant freinds or no one care about a bipedal creature(which makes sense kind of they have minitors and such that have hands) take a shot for everytime a fic has the 'i'm a brony' trope.
    2: dies and wakes up as pony/griffing whatever: Just doesn't sit well with me when the main character really just ends up there, if you can tell as story and your human part of it has little to no baring of the plot then why not just have your main character be a pony in the first place.
  17. BlinkZ
    Well update on what I've been doing lately. Well not much, helped people feel better by rping, workong on a fanfic collab of sorts and workong on a story as well. Other then that hanging with the podcast team and youtube.
  18. BlinkZ
    You know what I want...
    A mlp movie..which oh dare I say it PONIES in it. it my little pony, I get it Hasbro you want to indorse your butt ugly toy line to little girls and apparently making annelixic look like it a good thing. But come on at least make a mlp movie that involves oh Equestria. *crumbles here*
    Hell at least the G1 movies focus on the ponies and ot the 2 kids all the time...heck those movies had better plots then EqG..and that saying a lot!
  19. BlinkZ
    Well just got back from my reatlives this weekend. early holiday so i got two christmas meals in on weekend. ohhh so good. It was a great time. Just thought i would share cause Merry chirstmas
  20. BlinkZ
    Well last night me and my friend decided to watch mlp together and well comment and such so here our Lets watch. We plan to do more. I need some feedback

  21. BlinkZ
    I"m having so much fun bulding in Space Engineers
    have a look
    these images are huge so i'll just post the URLs
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