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About faervczxdaghna

  • Birthday 1987-03-08

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faervczxdaghna's Achievements


Cupcake (3/23)


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  1. oohhhh my god IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! You know what that means? Yeah that's right, random people are gonna post happy birthday on your profile feed. But your inactive so you probably don't care, BUT I DO SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

    1. faervczxdaghna


      Thanks, I've been busy doing other things and had no time to check, glad I checked my email.

  2. Anyone who was paying attention to my homework updates probably thinks I failed. Well turns out our teacher only grades ONE of our labs, and I happened to have done that lab before. Now all I hope is that I get a good grade..

  3. Turns out I forgot my book at home, can''t do my homework..

  4. Lots of homework, none of it done, no chance to do it all before class. Roughly 12.5% of grade.

  5. I like this Luna better then any of the fanfic Luna's. Her choice of words however is slightly annoying and though I understand why if/when she comes back in another episode I hope she's gotten used to how everpony else speaks.
  6. Waiting for a youtube link. Trying not to read spoilers on this and other forums is an extremely difficult process.

  7. I will be either Recon or Assault. I had much fun in the beta, and I found out i'm also an amazing helicopter pilot.
  8. Pre-ordered on PC and it's already done pre-loading. Do I win? And I can play this on ultra.
  9. Progress has been slow the past two days with almost nothing getting done. Hopefully something gets done today.
  10. Still waiting on our clan server to go up so I can take video of everything in it. Big edit: Return To Blockland (RTB) is probably one of the biggest and oldest mods ever created for Blockland. Today V4 came out improving nearly everything with it.
  11. Did Detroit win or lose their game? I didn't watch any football today :c

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