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Posts posted by Sn0wblind

  1. Prepare to get glomped by the forumers, Lindsay! May I call you Cupcake? Nah, that's creepyish weird...


    Anyway, WELCOME and *brohoof* /) 

  2. @@Doc. Volt




    ...still better than I am (emphasis on the latest). Look at the sheer number of drawings (emphasis on the latest) you've done (emphasis on the latest) and compare it to the number I've done. 


    (emphasis on the latest)


    (emphasis...on...the latest...drawing. That is a SIGNIFICANT improvement. I could extrapolate and deduce that you will be doing this in a few months http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEdRLlqdgA4     


    Morgan F*cking Freeman 


    Ok, a bit of a stretch, but like I said, you're going places! *brohoof*)






    Also, honestly, what do you actually SEE in my drawings? They are so bad I think they're haunting the apartment complex I live in. We've got Sam and Dean Winchester investigating and they're going to find my "art" and exorcise it.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure that I get the red cross in the center. I must be brain dead right now.

    I was kind of thinking a Terminator-esque effect. I don't know why, but when I first saw your character one of the first things I thought of was Deus Ex. Geez, I need a CT scan XD


    I guess it doesn't really fit all that well. I'll fix it tonight after work (as well as finish the reference)




    Ok, I may have fixed it :P














    Alright, thanks everyone for the supportive comments! I really appreciate it even though I think it's garbage. Hopefully I can get my mood straitened out and my motivation in order. 

  4. @@Sn0wblind,


    yeah but you are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy better 


    Pfft, look at your drawings and compare them to mine, especially your latest one. Yours make mine look like I had a lobotomy and tried to draw with one hand. You draw with a pencil then translate to digital, I only do digital. BAD things happen when I draw with a pencil. Yours look great, mine...not so much. Oh, and 1 hr 40 minutes is still very fast for me. 


    YOU, my friend, are going places. you draw fast and very well. Seriously, I see nothing wrong with your drawings. Great job!

    Leave the negative stuff for someone who legitimately sucks at art, like me. 

  5. Ok, so last year after everyone freaked out about equestria girls I decided to take a peek at it once the dust settled. It was weird and I felt like it was a pretty generic kid's movie lacking the charm the regular MLP:FIM show had to save it from being more than that (except for the scenes with ponies). There was one thing that stood out, though. 


    It was freaking Vice Principal Luna. Holy...Crap. THIS:






    Seeing this absolutely haunted me. Why? Because she looks freakishly similar to my mom. Her general hair style (should be shorter and blonde), her body shape, her facial structure, it all just immediately reminded me of my mom.


    Now I can't look at pony Luna the same any more! Hey, maybe my ponysona is Luna's non-cannon son?         No? Ok, I'll shut up... 




    *looks at mirror and screams* AND I LOOK LIKE SHAGGY! Why? Is that why cops keep pulling me over for suspected possession of weed?




    I am certain you guys have stories where you were walking along and saw someone who looked freakishly similar to a cartoon character. Maybe you know a person who looks like a cartoon character. Hell, maybe YOU look like a cartoon character!


    What's your favorite cartoon lookalike story/stories? 

  6. Favorite pony. Lyra. Because she'd go nuts and wouldn't want to leave and I'd get to keep her and that would be awesome  :wub:


    I wish...:(  too bad none of this is cannon. 


    I guess I'd say...aww hell, I can't decide! *enlists for the magical super pony roulette (safe, non-Japanese version)*

  7. the only phone with a removable battery of the three I listed was the Samsung... Risky.


    Yeah, really the only thing that a removable battery is going to help you with is a) if the battery decides to commit seppuku on you and you have to replace it (happened to my old iPhone 3GS. It was a nightmare to repair)  B) You want to install a battery with a higher capacity


    Might I add phones with a metal body like the aluminum HTC One WILL get the crap scratched out of them if you do not take care of them or do not put them in a case. Trust me. Mine looks like it failed a will it blend test and I take care of my phone.

  8. I have the HTC One and to be honest, I don't like it that much. I'm an Android guy for life, but this phone has been a disappointment after all the high praises the critics have been heaping on it gave me high hopes. The version of android packed into the HTC One, Sense, is awful IMO. Everything that comes pre-loaded on it feels like it is all gimmick at the cost of usability. I would have just gone to stock with root access, but my brother did the same and after a while, his got bricked (not that it's hard to restore it, it's just a pain to do so, especially with the limited time a lot of people have). Also, having a battery that is damn near impossible to replace is a con. Though I will say it does have a very sexy build and feels like a premium phone plus the FM-radio is a nice addon (I used it for local talk shows and sportscasts back when I was in Dallas). 


    I'd go with the Nexus 5 or the Moto X. The HTC One with stock android would be OK I guess, but I think you would be better off with one of those two, preferably the Nexus 5.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. It all depends on the type of person or brony you are talking with. Some people aren't shy at all about announcing to the world they are bronies and I applaud them for that not only because they have the confidence required to do that but they believe in what they are a fan of. 


    I, for one, am extremely quiet by nature but will open up to be very outgoing and sociable around the right people, but will NEVER talk about MLP in public because I am extremely wary of being open about the show. However, I am pretty open about it online, at least with people I don't know IRL like you guys. I feel a lot of bronies are like this share the same sentiment.There are probably a whole lot of people out there who are bronies that we don't know about because, well, they're scared to admit they like a show aimed at a younger demographic.


    Over time though, I think the brony community will gain more and more acceptance and people will be more open about it. It's still growing and doing so at a very promising speed, but as of now, don't be alarmed if people are wary about discussing the show in public. 

    • Brohoof 2
  10. This. Drives. Me. NUTS. I have a pretty good gaming rig and to be honest, I still play some graphically ugly games from pre 08 because they are fun. 


    Why does almost every single gamer play games? To be entertained! Entertainment lies at the core mechanics of the game itself, not in the visual display of the game. Sure, it's nice to have a pretty game with lifelike visuals, but if it's little more than a graphical benchmark/eyecandy, it's not really a game!


    I think this is a bit easier for those of us who grew up playing games back in the days when Sega and Nintendo were the big game companies. I do think there are some kids nowadays who understand that good gameplay is not a function of graphical power, though. An example would be minecraft. A lot of kids play that game to death and I'm sure they wouldn't argue the great gameplay and graphics go hand-in-hand. 

    • Brohoof 1
  11. I've actually wondered the exact same thing. I've never really been interested in attending any cons (except shotshow, which I consider the comic con for gun enthusiasts :P) until I became a brony, but I'm naturally extremely shy so I don't think I'll ever go to a convention, much less a brony one (Ugh, the thought of it makes me want to die). I've only been to one con before and that one was not even an official convention. It was something our university put together that was everything like comic con (the big guest was Jannet Varney, VA for Korra. I walked right by her not knowing who she was D:) except significantly smaller. I was there because in the same building was a seminar on the chemistry of cosmetics put together by Mary Kay, completely unrelated to the convention taking place there. Needless to say I almost ran away because of the sheer amount of people (most in cosplay) but eventually timidly made my way into the correct auditorium.


    My brother who is even more shy than I am (he struggles with social anxiety) went to nightmare nights in Dallas but had to leave early because of time constraints. I'm proud of him for overcoming his social fears and going to a place he'd want to be.



    I think the reason a lot of bronies don't want to meet up is because a lot of bronies out there are like me: they're super scared of being open about being a brony. 

  12. Originally I didn't have a favorite pony, it was just a matter of which ones I didn't like. Then, I finally decided on Lyra because I once had a hilarious moment a long time ago where I had this really weird lucid dream where Lyra and I were in this huge city trying to find this drug lord or some criminal and I left her behind at this bar while we split up looking for answers. I woke up and was instantly like, "CRAP! I LEFT LYRA BACK AT THE-" then I realized it was a dream. It was so funny because I actually legitimately got anxious about it before realizing was a dream. Needless to say, I laughed. :D


    Also, I love the fandom about her being obsessed with humans because I love the parallel universe aspect where she is picked on by ponies for liking humans, much like bronies are IRL for liking ponies. I know a lot of bronies hate this fandom but I love it.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Furries follow a much more broad fandom than bronies. Besides that I do see a lot of things similar to the two fan bases, particularly the public perception of the two, which seems to be either "They're creeps synonymous with pedophiles D:< *rage*" or "They're weird and I'll just keep my distance".

    • Brohoof 2
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