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About Rudolphin

  • Birthday 1992-05-07

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  1. Merry Birthiversary! 

  2. Ahhhhhhhhhh snap!!! You have a chuck norris poster on your wall, a portal core AND A DHALEK. Did we just become best friends? because awesome...
  3. If the opportunity arouse and I was granted this power, I would take it. I'd use it to advance humanity in some way or another. Being Immortal, one thing I could do even though it goes against the will of the gods, is to act as a messenger and have followers. Change the world so all man is united and reach for the stars. Being immortal I'll have age and wisdom and also people who may think that the Gods have blessed me in that sense. If anything I'd freeze rather than die not because I want to be selfish but because once I deem humanity to be going in the right approach I'd freeze myself and wait to see what happens. At the expense of my happiness I'd bring a whole new world to existence. And having the ability to kill myself would allow me once humanity disappears from the universe and no other intelligent life be present I'd finally be able to sleep.
  4. I loved my roommates so far. My freshmen year I roomed with my good friend Tiny. He is a massive big rugby/ fire fighter guy. I at the time was a small little dude who played frisbee who also had firefighting in mind for a career. We both met during move in day and the first thing I told him when I met him was "Wow your big". I also signed up to be part of a LLC a living learning community, which consisted of only people who were Fire Majors would be in the same area. After awhile we all became good friends, I still am in contact with most of them and still can talk with out being mad, some of my friends refuse to talk to each other because of what something they did or do. I don't care there nice to me and treat me right. Freshmen year So I wasn't in the mood to go to college, I wanted to be lazy. Any way after a week or 2 all of us had something in common even though some were larger, or shorter, or jocker then others we all had something in common and it wasn't firefighting. It was watching dumb ass videos on youtube and having a good laugh. Brian Regan was our thing, Tourerettes guy, and a couple of other things. We all were a gang we we all for the most part would do everything together. Other freshmen would call us the Fire Fags cause you would see us coming. But we made do with what we had and we had a blast. Sophomore year I roomed again with Tiny, and two other friends I had meet through the LLC. Great times again. But during my Junior I got shafted with roommate selection. I wanted to room with them again, but because I missed a semester, b/c I slacked off one semester I had to miss it. So I was a Soph when they were Juniors. The roommates I got were random. Two of them were friends and were I guess acted like Frat boys. One wanted to get antlers and everytime someone brought a chick to the room hang their bra on it. The other guy a football player, he was a nerd. First thing I saw when I walked in was that he had a duel screen set up and thought this must be someone else's NOPE. I got along with all of them, but the football player was who I related to more. He was a nerd, he played WOW all the time and would do all nighters playing. And he got me into playing DOTA 2. They were all good guys just some better than the others. I'm in my Senior year, and I talk with most of the LLC when I see them, I'm on a good basis with them all. I am rooming with two of my friends I roomed with in my Sophomore year, no Tiny though but when we see each other I get a big bear hug. I was able to room with them because right now I am taking accelerated summer courses to make up the semester. Once you made friends in College, these are the friends that you most likely will have for the rest of your life. I'm doing these classes even though I am miserable, I'm doing it to be with them and walk when it comes to Graduation. The friends I have met so far in College I couldn't ask for anything better. My two things I would advice you to do are the following: 1) step out of your comfort zone and do different things, and just be sociable. Don't do things that maybe frowned upon. Try to see what a group does, the thing that related for me was videos on youtube. I knocked on the door when I saw they were all in the room, and asked if I can come in they laughed "fuck of course come on" After watching a couple videos I told them one video and we had a good laugh, and 2) Don't judge people by looks I told all my friends freshmen year, you guys intimated me and I was nervous talking, They understood and joked about it. Good guys. Don't be afraid, everyone is in the same boat. And everyone is starting to become adults, people may still act immature and those are the people who don't go far. The people who understand are the ones who make it and also make great friends.
  5. My best friend and I've known each other since I believe 1st grade. He used to make fun of me for somethings I didn't do lack of social skills, and daily things I should be doing. For example i wouldn't cut my nails they would grow to be large. And well he and my other friends would make fun of me. Kid shit. Now though we are BRO's. He drove 2 hours to my college to go to a party and get Drunk with my friends and I. Hits me hard in the feels.
  6. Mine is quite simple when ever I get into a conversation and I have to say okay. 99 will always be said. 99 was a thing my friends and I started saying in our freshmen year, It's supposed to be the equivalence to 10-4. That and I also say from time to time Okie Doki. But stop myself short from saying Loki sometimes. I also like to say Barnacles instead of swearing depending on the situation.
  7. My bucketlist its small, I'm satisfied with what I have but would like a few things to accomplish. - Attend a Competetive Gaming tournament and win something. - Go on a plane to another country. - Skydive - Dive in the ocean. Pretty much it nothing to big for me.
  8. To maybe persuade you about Reach. My knowledge as to why Reach was what it was, was because Bungie had to make two more Halo themed games, when they learned that they weren't going to have the IP, alot of there attention went to Destiny. Even though they should have still catered to Reach. I can see it as a middle finger to Microsoft, if that makes sense. It's no reason to not listen to the fans asking for improvement, but at that time I don't thing Microsoft was Banging on their door telling them to fix their shit.
  9. I like to wear most of time casual clothing mostly t-shirts and jeans with a sweatshirt under jacket look. I practically wear the same 3 shirts but don't ever wear them back to back. I have a good taste in fashion, and among my friends who are all fire Buffs (firefighters) they announce to everyone I have great taste. I wear in the cold alot of the time cardigans, button downs, and sometimes a nice sweater. Always with jeans I have black n white jeans but never know how to pull them off so I just lock them away until the time is right. I also when I want to look extremely spiffy I'll rock the bow tie this was me going to a fire science banquet my freshmen year and I still rock the bow tie different color every year.
  10. I cannot wait for Destiny as the opening phone message states "My body is ready" Serious though I have 100% fate in Bungie every game they made whether story or multiplayer their games are great. Reach great story, multiplayer eh... But any way Bungie they are one of the only companies out there that I love greatly because what they do. Them deciding to make a new IP rather than keep pumping out Halo games; I love halo still but I would have been happy if H3 was the last one. They have the commitment, dedication and they listen to the fans. The reason I believe Reach was what it was because Bungie had to make two more games under Microsoft's contract ODST great, and Reach again was eh. They didn't want to spend all this time dedicated to this game when they had a new IP they wanted to work on. I am already planning on pre- ordering this game because Bungie again is one of the few game developers who deserve the credit. And I am behind them 100%. Hell if they made a toaster with the Bungie emblem on it I might buy, I'm such a fangirl.
  11. Probable the only show that is uncomfortable for me is Squidbillies, I just can't stand that show, every other show Brak show, Sealab, ATHF, all of these I can stand Squid though I guess I'm just not into that deep southern redneck style theme stuff.
  12. I see what your going at with this, any idea on types of food I should be looking for? I usually eat mostly only dinner and sometimes breakfest, and I'd have a whole wheat bagel. With cream cheese. I'll have a can of soda maybe one a day and drink it thoughout the course of 2 hours about.
  13. I also forgot to mention when I go sometimes I would work on my pecks every once in a while,though my schedule is messed up and I go at random times typically at night though. I am not working out as much as I did during the fall due to having to walk in to the gym and I am never in the mood to walk in the cold. Any ways what I am trying to accomplish is to get a nice tone body. If I sit on the beach shirtless and see a guy who has a nice body I get embarrassed and cover up when I'm with friends though I don't really care. During the Fall or last semester I was working out at least 3 maybe more a week, after practice for Frisbee I would go to the gym. Have a protein shake and have as a meal Chicken and rice that I would cook on the stove. The rice would be the instant stuff 90 seconds microwave and the chicken would be breasts that I'd put some sauce on I also would drink water through out the day. I know I need to watch what I eat, but as a College student with little money and no car, I can't really get quality food. Any tips. and I believe the reason why I don't go as often as I used to is because I don't Frisbee due to the cold.
  14. I've been going to the gym, and I've noticed how much I can lift now starting only barely able to lift the bar 45 lbs last year when benching to now benching to 115 lb. My goal for benching during this semester to at least bench my weight which is 150 lbs. My only thing I notice when I go to the gym I am very biased. I'll run to warm up always a mile on the track. 2 laps then stretch then 10 laps. My track is 1/10 mile Bench/ deadlift/ squat After I would go and lift weights I don't know the correct name of it, but maybe someone would know. I have a straight bar and pull it up in a bending motion from knees to my chest. Then another one where the bar is at my shoulders and I pull it down to my waist. Leave and have a protein shake. I'm trying to build enough muscle to help with my career in the fire service. My thing though is while I am at college I play Ultimate Frisbee so I still want to be agile enough until college is done. Anyone have any tips I try to watch videos, but can't find anything I can get into.
  15. My second attempt my first attempt I wasn't paying attention, basically same outcome Words Per Minute (WPM) 57 Keystrokes: 306 Correct words: 53 Wrong Words: 4 And I always though I was hot stuff when I'm typing fast
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