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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Posts posted by Enigma

  1. @, Just letting you know that I've not forgotten about the request! I've been really busy for the past week or so (christmas shopping, family visiting, getting new gas boiler and radiators etc). I'll get working on your thing again next week :3 I'll fix up the sketch how you want it and run it by you again to check it's alright before I finish it though~ 

  2. If you're up to the challenge, I've got a few OCs needing art if you're up to doing any of them~ = w=

    I put in as much references as I could o vo;;


    Cobweb (she's a vampire pony, typically has nosebleeds. You can draw her with her mane down if you want~):





    Lunar Sugar (earth pony with a love for adventure!):




    Dahlia (pony with a black dahlia flower as her tail):



  3. @@Lightbulb, I'm just waiting on some more requests to come in before I decide which ones I'll do XD; Not got anything else that I want to do right now. Though, I really should start wrapping up my christmas presents, I need to get it done by the end of today o-o;;

    @@Venomous,@@Sweet Pen, Grats, I've decided to do both of your requests! = w= 




    @@Venomous, If you could tell me what colour or pattern you want that'd be good o vo If you'd also like anything changed or added just say~ When I know you're happy with the sketch I'll go on to finishing it~ :3


  4. @, I do not accept any requests without a reference image, please refer to my "Rules" that is why they are there. I don't mind accepting requests that have a reference from Pony Maker or similar though.

    @@Snake, Ah, alright. I've made myself a little more clearer now. Sorry! If you have any pony-based OCs you can request them if you like :3 

  5. @, Done done done! Took a little more while than what was planned because ALL of my brushes just up and bloody VANISHED! (ones that I needed and had to try and replicate) = A= Good thing that I use mostly custom tool presets, they managed to stick about. ANYWAY~


    With bird:






    150x150 Icon:



    @@Silver Stream., I also have an icon for you! o vo Figured I should start making them from now on~



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