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Tiina Brown

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Posts posted by Tiina Brown

  1. 1. Which pony would you watch a sad movie with?

    Um, i do not watch sad movies on purpose, normally ...

    2. Which pony would you watch a funny movie with?

    Big Mac, i'd like to know how he sounds when laughing ....

    3. What would you do if Rarity hacked into your MLP forums account?

    ...... Rarity as a hacker? I'd try to make some kind of damage control, and then try asking her "why?".

    4. What would you do if you saw Applejack at a shopping mall?

    Probably stare. Perhaps ask her what she's doing in a mall, and offer to help her find her way, if needed.

    5. Which pony do you think makes the best cookies?

    I have no idea, i'd have to have a bake-off between Mr Cake, Mrs Cake, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Derpy, in order to then taste the result, and then decide.

    6. Which pony would plan your birthday party? Pinkie, Twilight, or Rainbow Dash?

    ..... I think Pinkie Pie ...

    7. What would you do if Fluttershy was fast asleep on your bed?

    Perhaps put a bedsheet over her, definitely make another bed elsewhere .....

    8. What would you do if Twilight came to visit you in the hospital?

    Talk with her.

    9. What would you do if you saw Twilight next to you in the train that you were on, reading a newspaper?

    Look at her. ... but try to not do it too much.

  2. Well that is capitalism. It's a very social type of capitalism but just because Equestria has Universal Healthcare doesn't mean that they aren't capitalist. Many capitalist nations like Japan and Korea have universal healthcare.


    But you can see a very capitalist market as seen in the assertive Fluttershy episode's beginning. For example, the cherry salesman who charges ridiculous amounts for a single cherry because Fluttershy offered up a demand for the last remaining cherry. In your examples of Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight, it's simple.


    Fluttershy probably sells chicken eggs and I assume she may grow her own food. Rainbow Dash, in the first episode, was part of the weather team, right? That's probably where she gets her money. And Twilight Sparkle is a librarian AND Princess Celestia's apprentice. The latter probably covers for all of her living costs.


    I think you confuse capitalism with a liberal market ....

    In capitalism, everything cost something, everything, or at least most things, including base needs, costs money/capital.

    In Ponyville, trading services for the simpler things seems just as common.

    ..... But then, i think there may be no point in what i say, because, as with all ideologies, if one sees them from an idealistic view, one may essentially put anything into them, even though it isn't really correct.

    To me, you are too liberal with what "Capitalism" means .... and you might think i'm wrong.


    Hm, i've said my opinion, i need not say more.

  3. Alright, Celestia is a benevolent monarch with absolute power (I don't see a parliament...). Considering her rule is marked with little poverty (at least in the cities we've seen) and no ponies suffering because of Celestia, she basically destroys the two problems with an absolute monarchy: The child taking over and being a total dick (Nero) and restriction of civil rights (Hitler).


    However, I don't get why you put communist because it's pretty obvious that Equestria is a capitalist nation. For example, Applejack having a business mindset or Filthy Rich in general.


    It isn't capitalist, because healthcare seems to be free.

    That the actual marketplace deals in monetary bits is obvious, but people aren't forced into labour, but encouraged to find the work that suits them.

    For instance, what do Fluttershy, Twilight, or even Rainbow Dash work with, then?

    It rather implies that the base needs are cared for, possibly by communal sharing, and that only certain things really cost.

  4. I think the best way to describe her is "somehow gained power through sheer force but maintained legitimacy through time through benevolence, which is why nopony cares (or really knows, for that matter) about how". What makes everypony believe that Celestia was elected? Are we too used to liberal democracy that we cannot accept that it may not work for all types of sapient creatures?


    A nation's economic system is not determined by the presence or absence of poverty. To me Equestria is, from what I've observed, runs mostly on a capitalist, market system.


    In a capitalist system, everything has a prize, including healthcare.

    Healthcare do not seem to cost anything in Equestria.

    Market system, as in the original meanining of market system, i agree, but not on the capitalist definition.

    We do seem to agree on the other things, though.


  5. What crossovers would I like? Well, I don't have one for the whole thing, but I do for some of different characters. I would like to see Pinkie Pie in SpongeBob's world (explain to me why not XD), RD in Speed Racer's world (BUCK YEAH!), Twilight in Scooby Doo's world (this would be totally hilarious XD), Applejack in...Okay, I'm not sure with her XD. Fluttershy in Captain Planet's world (I don't know what in Celestia I just thought...ignore me), and Rarity... just because of Edna Mode (had to look the name in English, being from Argentina XD), in The Incredibles' world (imagine the faints she would have at so much spandex XD).


    But hello!

    AJ would clearly fit in with Bob the Builder, right? ^_^


    I don't think i have seen a Negima! - FiM crossover yet, i tried google it, but found at least no pictures ... :(

    I'd like to see that! :D

  6. Elec ... It is obvious she wansn't elected!

    None of the options in the poll works, because it is obviously a mix of some of them:

    The rule itself seems to very much be Monarchy-styled, but she and Luna expressively took the rule from Discord once, so there are no lineage to talk about.

    There are obviously Nobles, but it is also obvious that the system isn't feudal, since the workers arent't hevily used and taxed as they are in feudal systems.

    Since the base needs seems to be cared for, the system obviously isn't capitalistic, however, it isn't really communistic either.

    It rather seems to be a mix between communistic and liberal, or in that area where those two definitons meet.


    One could say that Celestia's rule is similar to a teocracy, however, Celestia Herself is the "higher power".

    It is also obvious that she doesn't do like in other teocracies, since she cares more about helping people learn on their own, than on forcing her opinions in others.

    She also cares nothing about any personal cult she might have ... except perhaps giving them servant-jobs in Canterlot, but that is just me extrapolating and guessing.

  7. Luna's new look is what I expected when we first saw her, and I prefer it over the filly form we first saw instead. When we finally got the look I had imagined from the beginning it was surprising because I had already come to accept her as a foal. I'd like to know the reason for the original design and the later change.


    Easy explanation, to defeat Nightmare Moon, Luna essentially had to get stripped of her powers, an it took a while for her to get them back in full .....
    • Brohoof 1
  8. Nostradamus wrote several quatrains about the "Pony of uneven eyes".


    My favorite was:


    Beware the sky, oh learned purple bard

    The pony of uneven eyes will fail

    Flowerpots anvils and harpsichords rain hard

    Twitch a twitch, the tale is in the tail

    - Nostradamus


    Um, sorry for being a joke-killer, but as a seeker of truth, i must know:

    Are you joking?


    ..... Behause of the instated 100-caracter-limit, i obviously must rephrase the above, simple, and complete question, so, thusly:


    I'm a seeker of truth, and as such, if your above quote is true, then the ramifications will be massive ... or perhaps he just predicted the "Pinkie Keen" - episode ... but what for?!

    ... Or are you just joking?

  9. I have the obvious reason:

    Remember why Celestia REALLY wanted the mane 6 to be at the Gala?

    She actually thought that their prescence would liven up the ... event, which they did. :)


    She could easily have gotten Derpy over for delivering something, and suggested she'd stay for the whole gala, for much the same reason .... or perhaps to show that not even Celestia cares amout the clumsyness.

  10. Since the character minimum is fully automated, you cannot accuse anyone for anything when your post is so short that it would be worth deleting anyway. Meanwhile, there is no logical argument you can make a case for yourself with if you attempted to circumvent the system by adding nonsense to your post.


    I think you missed the point. Posts like "I like this" or "I agree" contribute virtually nothing of value to MLP Forums as a website and community. Great, you agree with a post, but what is the significance of your agreement? Posts like that clutter discussions and ultimately lead to more scrolling and clicking being necessary to get to the good stuff in a topic.


    If you only want to express your agreement to or support of a post, that's what the brohoof button is for. Posts are meant for you to produce some kind of content with, and "I like this" hardly qualifies as content.


    Howcome the ones that conciders the 100-character limit to be bad is seen as if they have missed the point?

    It is just as much the other way around, that the ones that speaks for the 100-character limit misses the points that the nay-sayers have.


    You say that full agreement is what brohoof is for, and i say that people don't work that way.

    Brohoof cannot replace the words "I agree", "Thank you", "Quoted and brohoofed for truth" or similar.

    Nor can it replace the short comments of "I like that", or small puns that without doubt is neccesary in forums with a familiar tone like this one.

    Brohoof is more like the brofist or high-five, an amplifier, and not merely an "I agree".


    And, as also has been pointed out, some people are not comfortable with using several words.

    To put it bluntly: the 100-caracter limit excludes Fluttershy.


    Also, a note on the answer you gave to someone else (included above):

    "Since the character minimum is fully automated, you cannot accuse anyone for anything".

    You can accuse someone, still, namely the one that decided on adding that automated limit.

    "Meanwhile, there is no logical argument you can make a case for yourself with if you attempted to circumvent the system by adding nonsense to your post."

    If we agree on that nonsense is a nuisence, then why increasing it?

    Who can decide what is a nonsense-addition and what is not?


    Well, i get the impression that it is not possible to change your mind on it, and i seem to have said mine now, so i guess it has to be done the hard ... or at least the empirical way, and that the results may speak for themselves.

    Who knows, i might even be wrong.

  11. I am contemplating contributing to this thread in a meaningful fashion and hence exceeding 100 characters, which will undoubtedly prove that my post is intellectually driven and contains meaningful substance, hence contributing to important and serious discourse as a consequence.


    Forcing people to make longer posts won't necessarily increase the quality of posts. It's causation, not correlation.


    This here.

    I understand the 200 in life advice ... but not more.

    200 in rp? I have my origin in Roleplaying Games, the pen & paper variants.

    In games like such, the responses are often quick and short, like "What are you doing?" "I'm running after him" I'm trying to pick the lock" "I shoot at the mushrooms" "Roll 3D4 -5" ... and so on.

    To me, making a limit like even 100+ would make it impossible for me to roleplay or GM anything on here, i would be forced to the roleplays that are more like joint storytelling, ....


    100+ everywhere else? What if i just want to say that i agree?

    No, i have to more or less repeat what the one i agreed with said.

    Also, see what i quoted above.


    This will lead to longer sentences, but i sincerely doubt the quality will increase .... except for in one way: Several used to posting short will stop posting, and that includes several that post with "less content".

    Also, i'm used to say 3 words if i mean those three words, and 100 words if i mean those words.

    It may seem like i won't have any problems with the limit, but belive me, next time i feel like writing "I like this", then i will consider removing myself from this site if i cannot do so at that time.


    Unless it is OOC content, there is no such thing as useless content in an RP post.

    That depends on what style of roleplay one is going by. See above


  12. I want it having to do with minecraft, but have some relation to Vinyl Scratch or Doctor Whooves. Okee?QUOTE ME IF YOU HAVE AN IDEA!


    I live in Sweden. Here, records older than WW II is usually called "stonecakes" ... but in swedish, if course.

    However, that made me think ...


    "Stonecake Scratch"


  13. And they're offspring will either resemble this:


    Posted Image


    Or this




    I was about to brohoof you ... and then i saw the "or this" .....


    Again (this is not specifically directed to you, but it is to anyone that reads this) a centaur would not be the result of a 50/50 - mix human and pony.

    A Centaur is 1/2 human, and 4/5 of a horse.

    That would mean 13/10, or 130% that Isn't 20 % cooler ...

  14. Perhaps, but with help from magic, gene splicing (cloning/genetic engineering) abomination unto the lord science we could make a hybrid MLP Pony and Human Centaur baby abomination.


    .... And i who prefer to be normal, realistic, ... or at least aestetically pleasing in my wierdness .... XP
  15. How do you think MLP: FiM will affect coming toy cartoon series?

    Well, there will probably be some impact, but what?


    I mean, it could be that hasbro makes a transformer that is a pony, or that some toymaker, Hasbro or otherwise, makes a toyline directed towards bronies with some kind of "Action ponies" including a series of course ...


    Or, it could be that even Mattell tries to bring quality to their Barbie-..... cartoons.

    Or that an existing franchise desides to bring in qality and/or ponies or other anthrofied animals and/or "darker stories" to whatever series and toyline it is they have.


    The most probable, as i see it, is that others try to copy the succsess of FiM, in various ways, and with varying result.....


    But now, what do you all others think?

  16. Hello and welcome even if you aren't from Sweden. ^_^


    Mulle (his name translates easily into "Chubby" ), is a beloved horse from a swedish horse magazine, that also includes comics.

    I just wondered, though, how he would manage as a pony in equestria ....

    I mean, he eats much, and is chubby as a result ... however, he can be extremely fast ... usually when snaching food, and he is also a free-thinker ...


    Somehow, i have no problem seeing Granny Smith fending him off with a broom ... and her attitude. :)


    There's a few pictures on Mulle's creator's site here:



    So, any opinions?

  17. why is derpy standing on that red pony(is that...a bionicle?)


    Because she feel for it? Because she landed there? Because she want to look at it closer? Because she wants to talk to it?

    You may suggest, if you like :)

    And no, it is not a bionicle, it is not from LEGO, it is from Hasbro .... ;)


    They look good, how is the actual story coming along? :)


    The Game's story is almost, or fully, done, but the game itself has gone nowhere, essentially.

    The mini-movie-story that i was planning to do in the meantime, is just started on.

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