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Blog Comments posted by SanityNotIncluded

  1. First of all. Clara's undermined death. I disagree here, the episode doesn't undermine her death at all. She still has to "Face the Raven", the death we saw is still her death, she's just got a bit of "Wiggle room" to have some fun first. If you were brought back from the dead, and knew you had a chance to go on one last little adventure before you die, why wouldn't you?


     The Doctor was supposed to be "Out of character". He even says in the episode to Clara "Well I can't be the Doctor all the time." That was the whole point, he's breaking all his codes. He's going against what "The Doctor" stands for. The Doctor tries to be a good man, but he's not perfect. He's been Selfish, he's been cruel, he's been desperate before.


     He's also used guns before. In the new series alone I can think of the end of time, and A Town Called Mercy where he almost shot people. In the Classic series he has actually used guns to kill a few times. He's not as much of a pacifist as people like to think. Sure, this was different. The General was unarmed and not a villain, but he still only regenerated, not died. The Doctor even checked to make sure he wasn't killing him, by asking what regeneration he was on.


     I loved the episode, but then again I love Clara. She's one of my favorite companions and I think she's been amazing with Capaldi's Doctor. This episode's ending for her was optimistic, she get's a chance to be "The Doctor" for a bit, with her own travelling companion and TARDIS, before she faces her death. It's also tragic to the Doctor, he's lost all of his emotional memory to someone that used to mean so much to him, she's just a character, a story in his head now, not a friend.


     I'm sure we'll see some more of Gallifrey in the future, this episode still set up quite a lot for it. The Doctor is probably back on their bad side after all this insanity.

    Thanks for your insight, it was very interesting.


    The impression I seem to be getting is that the episode comes down to how much you like Clara's character. While I don't dislike Clara persay (she was much better in series 8-9), I found her to be one of the weaker companions in new who. If you're not invested in Clara, the Doctor acting out of character to save her becomes less believable - especially when he didn't go to such lengths to save other companions. Conversely, if you are invested in Clara, his actions make more sense. I think the scene with the gun is a really good example. While the Doctor has used guns before, it was always in really dire circumstances. So, the question then becomes, 'were the circumstances in Hell Bent sufficiently dire for The Doctor to use a weapon?' If you love Clara, you'll probably say 'yes'. If you don't you'll probably say 'no'.


    If I may add a specific point on Clara's death, I think the problem people have is that there's no clearly defined limit on how long Clara can stay alive. While she will eventually have to go back and face the raven, she could potentially live for a very long time before doing that. For some people, that makes the death less significant because Clara's bravery was expressed through how quickly she accepted her fate. In other words, the fact that she didn't face her death 'there and then' makes her less brave, and therefore with it, the scene less meaningful. Hopefully that made sense xD.


    I completely agree with you on Gallifrey, and I'll be very excited if they decide to go down the path you described.


    It sounds like to me you dont like watching Doctor Who.So I have one thing to say to you: Dont watch it because no one is forcing you to watch it, expect yourself

    On the contrary, I actually loved season 9 up to Hell Bent. While I understand that it can be frustrating when people disagree with you, responding defensively isn't a good way to promote discussion. The video wasn't intended to be a personal attack, if you'd like to explain your own perspective, I'd be more than happy to listen.

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