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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Lightning-flickr

  1. Sure, I already have an idea for your pony. If you don't mind I'd really like to do it like this but with the word "freedom"
  2. Do you mean like the actual transformation of her turning into an alicorn?
  3. no problem! What color would like? Or would accurate star swirl the bearded robes?
  4. absolutely! It'd also be great if you could request backgrounds or actions. stuff like that
  5. eeyup, you got it dude. You should get it by latest Monday next week
  6. I'm thinking of doing a request weekend next week. If you want your OC done different of something send me a message lightning-flickr.deviantart.com/gallery/
  7. They already made that one but it got sent to the moon
  8. Lightning Flicker woke up several hours later in a daze with his book on his face and drooling. He let out a grown and pushed the book off his face. Once he'd woken himself up, he walked back out to the counter to give the room key back and say thanks. He then trotted down the street to the breakfast bar. He saw no reason in leaving just yet; and by now he assumed the rumors about changelings were false. He trotted in a took a seat by the window.
  9. Having accomplished nothing from making himself look like a idiot, Lighting flicker trotted out of the book store. He decided to look around town to find a hotel. Eventually he found himself in front of a B&B called "hooves and hay". It looked like it was in pretty good shape, but he really couldn't be too picky in a town as small as this. He walked in and got a room. He then read a chapter of the book he'd gotten (cost him 5 bits, might as well use it) and passed out. Little did he know he was in a room right next to a changeling.
  10. He noticed one pony had left but there was now a new pony there. he walked up to a random place in the store and just stared at it till he saw a chance to ask about the hotel. The store was so full with books that some had just been left in piles on the floor. The ponies weren't moving so he did the next best thing. He picked up a random book off the floor and walked up to the counter. He didn't actually realize what the book was. "How to navigate equestria for idiots" Once he realized this he blushed and asked "are there any hotels round here?"
  11. Lightning flicker then walked out of the book store cause he saw that the ponies were obviously having a conversation related to the town that wasn't any of his business. However, he did hear the word "changelings" and was now on edge. He scanned the town real quick before getting ready to fly off, but then realized it was quite dark. He then decided to walk back into the book shop but hang round like he was looking at a book before asking where a hotel was.
  12. lightning flicker stumbled into the book store and walked nervously up to the counter. "mmm, 'ello, sorry, hope I'm not bothering you it's just, I'm a tad lost and could reeeally use some directions" he smiled awkwardly. there was and awkward silence between the 3 ponies as LF started to feel a bit more awkward. "... Oh, I didn't tell you where I wanted to go! Ponyville. Please tell me you've heard of it?" and smiled awkwardly again.
  13. Lightning flicker arrives in town having just traveled to canterlot for a meet up with some old friends. he plonks all hooves on the ground and looks around. He starts to question his sense of direction "I... am pretty bloody lost." He says to himself. "I should probably go get directions back to ponyville" he mermers under his breath.
  14. update! 4 more people want that statute since I last looked at it. We are so gunna get it.
  15. The hasbro toy department aren't trolling... They're just stupid. They don't even care about the show, they just pump out toys so they can get money. They don't even know their own characters! I'm pretty sure by this point this is intensest. and there is NO excuse for blind bag fluttershy.
  16. To even out the people who wouldn't like it, we can just stick an 'merican flag in his claw
  17. I just wana point out that the ponies we love live in demoicisom. they have a 4 princesses, 1 mayor yet live in a socialist society. Is socialism really that bad?
  18. I personally class myself as an anarchist. Not someone who runs round starting riots, I just don't believe that government can work. Now I'm not saying that we should stop giving money to troops over sea, just give less to the military here. I don't think we need new weapons developed. "here's a big missile that can kill 1000 people! Give us a billion dollars and we can make it kill 10000!". I think that a big statue of celestial would be much better then any more blood shed. besides, a statue can't cost more than a million bucks, and as for gold, I could go to lowes and pick up 5 cans of gold spray paint for $3 each. I really don't see a problem with the statue. It's better then funding a weapon of mass destruction.
  19. So someone sent me the link to this and it needs to be done. Email your friends about it, tell random strangers about it, but it needs to be done! https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/construct-giantgolden-princess-celestia-statue-us-capital-dc/zs3Z6j7B
  20. apparently you guys like memory loss and dead parents
  21. choose your favorite one, or all of them if you can be bothered to type it all. I really just want to read as many as possible cause it's always fun to see how other ponies creative mind works so I think my comic is gunna take a while... When I started it I was really bad at drawing, so this is one of the early scene... It looks like lightning flicker crossed with a meth head crossed with homer simpson
  22. kay, always happy to help out a random stranger
  23. I'm not sure how that happened actually
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