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Everything posted by Thepumpkinking

  1. He laid down and did what he was told. And then he heard what Ben had to say about the needle, that they had to 'hold' him down. "You a-ain't putting a needle In me. I'm fine....I-I can deal with it" he said coughing violently. He knew was lying and couldn't hide it no matter how hard he tried.
  2. With that Blake gasped and his eyes shot open. He coughed underneath the helmet. His breathing was shallow and deep, "w-where is he, where's the overlord is he dead...please don't tell me he survived a grenade point bl-" he then coughed violently hacking up blood inside the helmet. With a grunt he took off the helmet and clipped it to the backpack. His chest burned as if his lungs were on fire. Blake pulled out the pistol from his side and shot the pace soldier in his head. With a sigh he fell back onto his back breathing shallowly. "Fuck....fucking...fucking pace"
  3. All he saw was the flame of the explosion as the force sent him flying, his body was protected by the heat because of the suit. he saw the blue of the sky, and heard the wind buzz around him as he fell. His body couldn't take the pain anymore. It shut down. Blake hit the ground, once his body landed he was rendered unconscious
  4. Blake's face was now shown. His face was untouched, but he struggled to breathe. "Yeah....don't take my helmet you fuck" he studdered before pulling the knife from his left leg holster, stabbed it into the arm of the overlord. He pulled the knife out as the overlord let go of him. Once he fell to his feet, he rolled underneath him grabbing the helmet, and putting it on. He teleported grabbing his backpack and his carbine. He pulled out his grenade, pulled the pin and threw it at the overlord. It was a impact grenade. And once it hit the overlord in his back, it exploded. Blake couldn't get out of the way fast enough so the explosion sent him flying into the ground below.
  5. As he felt the hit he went right through the wall. His backpack ripped off and he dropped his carbine. He came through the wall and was thrown to the grown from the force of the hit. His HUD read that he had a broken rib, and had fractured his left shoulder blade. If it weren't for the protection of the armor, he would've been long gone. He coughed inside the mask, his chest burned. He pulled out his pistol and shot at the overlords chest a couple times "I ain't g-going down that e-easy...." He said while leaning against the wall, using one hand to grub his chest, the other to shoot the pistol.
  6. The shots hit the trauma plates on his armor, making him stumble back, but one hit his shoulder. Sending him twisting back. "Fuck" he said grasping his shoulder as he ignored the pain and unloaded the clip on the overlord. "EAT THIS YOU SLIMY PEACE OF SHIT."
  7. Blake heard Lydia's speech. "Lets hope the-" he was cut off by the overlord picking up the ODST by his throat. He held onto the tanks hands trying to pry himself free, but to no preval. "P-piss of...f-freak" he said allowing his waist to bend up, he grabbed onto his arm using his legs to wrap around it. Then they teleported into the air, 20 yards up. And then they fell, once they got close enough, black twisted off and tumbled back rolling around as the overlord smashed into the roof. Blake was on his stomach, he got up massaging his neck. His HUD told him there were no injuries luckily. He pulled out his carbine and aimed it at the overlord.
  8. "AH FUCK, the shields down everyone!" He said on the radio. He then pulled back the lever on the rifle to load up the bullet in the chamber. He then aimed down the sights and started to slow his breathe "come on Blake...you got it." He said to himself. He aimed at a troop in front if the overlord and shot it right in the head, putting it down. He the pulled the lever back and loaded the barrel before taking out another. "BRING IT PUNKS"
  9. Blake slung his carbine over his shoulder and it clipped to his back. He grabbed the sniper rifle and looked up for a tall building. And luckily there was a condo building right in the same ally that the troops were about to come from. He quickly ran jumped, and his body dematerialized. He then reappeared on the edge of the condo building pulling himself up to the roof. He then ran to the edge, laid down and pulled out the bipod for the sniper. He aimed down the scope and watched the PACE troops coming in. He then radioed in on a private channel to JT. "You know...I have no idea how to use a sniper rifle...but hey it's a first time for everything" he joked nervously.
  10. "Alright....THIS IS GOING TO BE A BLAST..." He said sarcastically. "Wait, we need to build a barrier of some kind, we need all the fire power we can get, and we need to get some sniper support to. If anyone is willing to give me a sniper...or snipe by themselves. But we need to be quick about it" he spoke trying to raise the ponies spirits. "Come on guys grab whatever you can and build a barrier we can use to slow them down once they pass through the gate" he said watching as ponies grabbed anything they could find to make a sturdy barrier.
  11. Blake looked at Luna, and bowed with his arms apart to show respect before walking over to JT. "Maybe if I could find some, I could change the visor of my ODST helmet into a red skull" he said jokingly "if anything ill paint my armor white with gray and black splotches. And possible add a cloth piece that is colored dark gray. Just so it could act like a gilly suit if I need to give long range support."
  12. "Yeah tell me about it....their anatomy is off versus what ponies are back home... Makes it hard to figure out their medical problems." He whispered. "I bet there's some scientifical answer for all this, but we just don't know yet" Short circuit had electricity buzzing through his wings after Luna hugged him. Star struck he was, dream come true. He smiled and backed away.
  13. Short circuit shrugged as Luna asked him the question. "Eh just be- WHOA WHOA WHOA WAIT?!?!" He said freezing "LUNA? Your talking to me?" He said feeling all the sudden popular. He then calmed down "sorry...ehhem... It's only because I see you to be Miss treated for your actions before hoof. And no one ever uses your name, only celestia's. but your both equal. So I use your name instead of her's since your miss understood, and no pony gets it. I guess except for me....your highness" he said bowing his head. Blake watched the conversation with short circuit and Luna he then whispered to Ben "it's like their the ponies god or something...." He whispered so only Ben could hear. "If it makes it any easier for them. We can you know, spray paint. Or paint our suits to show difference" he half joked. But the idea of the customization seemed provoking.
  14. Blake looks to JT with a tilted head "and the probably with are uniforms is?" He was questioning the whole problem that he was having. Short circuit looked around "agh for Luna's sake, why are we in canterlot. Stupid snobbish place" he mumbled to himself.
  15. Blake made sure ever pony, and human got in before looking around, and shutting the gate. He hadn't noticed the tanks and army down below due to it being night. But they had walked through the canterlot gates, and it felt safe. "Hank, shouldn't we talk to the leader of this capital. We have to warn them of the up coming events"
  16. "There's nothing we can do except wait to get to the capital, all we have to do is keep them full of hope, not doubt. If they doubt us, then their going to give up. So we need to keep pushing them, plus there ponies, they stronger then us" he said walking up. And that's when he saw the gates... The city was massive, a beauty it was. "Well, time lord pony....can you get us through or what?" He asked hank.
  17. Blake looked down at rocket "don't worry, well get them back, just wait" "Alright you heard him, lets go ponies hustle hustle we ain't got all day" he said leading them on. He checked for any bullet holes in his suit, he was lucky to not find in. With the adrenaline that was pumping through him, he wouldn't feel the shot. But by the time he would, it would've already been to late.
  18. Blake nodded his head to JT "you know...I wouldn't of been able to hit him if he wasn't so close....it doesn't make sense though, a sniper is made for far range combat....why did he assault us so close" he explained. He then looked at rocket and then the other ponies "well....with the right materials it can be done... But unless your a unicorn you can't use these types, made for finger use only. See I press the trigger" he showed the trigger mechanism on the carbine "and it lets go of the hammer on the inside, the hammer hits the bullets igniting a very flammable powder that creates pressure, this pressure in the shells here" he said picking up a shell off the ground. " will build up instantly sending the projectile that is at the other end out, at enormous speeds. Which can kill, the nozzle if the gun is used to control the accuracy, or the direction of the projectile." He explained to the pony. "I bet if canterlot had the materials, I could figure something out. I know guns as good as I know animal science"
  19. Blake heard the shot, and saw hank in the corner of his eyes, got shot. "HOW ABOUT WE SAVE THIS CONVERSATION FOR LATER, OK? OK" he said popping out of cover and tapping the trigger of his carbine. Letting out short bursts of fire. He hit the sniper in the leg, then in the chest three times, and one in the neck. Putting the man down. "Target down" he said getting up. He sighed from the sudden stress.
  20. The shot of the sniper made Blake flinch, and a bullet went right by his head. All he heard was the wiz of the bullet, piercing through the air, quickly he took cover laying on his back against a rock. "FUCK, shit, does anyone have a visual on this fuck" he shouted in panick. 'A ambush....how come we didn't know this would happen' Short circuit in a quick motion created a magnetic barrier around the ponies. Keeping them safe from any bullets. But the more he held it up the more energy it drained from him.
  21. Blake called over to JT "nope....lets hurry and get to canterlot, were basically almost there" he explained "lets ho-" he said before getting cut off by overlord. The video of the overlords vid-com popped up in the corner of his helmets HUD. He noticed the new background, Blake rolled his eyes. "Nice upgrade, I bet you had to really get on your knees for the boss. If ya know what I mean" he sarcastically spoke as he led the ponies to canterlot. All the had to do now was travel up the mountain.
  22. Blake looked up to the sky, as if he could see the Mac cannon...but he knew it was in orbit probably watching them. He went into his bag and searched around, he had medical foam, a suturing kit, lots of NATO ammo and five-seven ammo. And a couple frag grenades, and breach charges But he didn't have anymore rations or water, maybe he should've thought ahead..."anyone have anymore rations or water?"
  23. Blake turned around "ALRIGHT GUYS AND LADIES....and ponies LETS HEAD OUT BEFORE WE GET A MAC GUN UP OUR ASSES....and that means you to Ben and Lydia no more 'alone time' we have to leave now" he said half joking. blake held the gun tightly as he walked with JT leading the ponies with him. Short circuit looked to hank "come on bud, lets go with them" he said. (Remember, the tardis can't save us from everything)
  24. "And you told me to put my weapon down, but no let the big trigger happy monster go" he said sarcastically "I get first shot when I see him" he said. "Well we should move....if he has a gun big enough to destroy cloudsdale....then we need to get to canterlot and defend it ASAP or else....well I guess we lose"
  25. "Wait, what did who did?" He asked JT. Confused on the current topic at hand. Now, if they destroyed a city with a MAC round, the that means they could easily take out the group with a single MAC round. The thought made Blake nervous, and it also gave him second thoughts. Short circuit looked at hank "your not going to lose another home, we are still fighting. Now be the hero that equestria needs and suck it up and stop being a cry baby" said the Pegasus
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