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Posts posted by purple.teal

  1. Everlast made it down the stairs to the ground level with the other walkers behind him.That is something I wouldn't mind having wings for, would never have to deal with stairs again. Manehatten is one of the most bustling cities in Equestria, but Everlast was surprised with how little traffic was on the street this morning. It did make it easy to keep up with the flyers.


    Even though he knew he technically wasn't leading anyone, the fact that the princess wanted him in front made him nervous. He tried to focus on the spells the princess wanted him to handle, but he didn't have a lot of searching magic. There was one spell. Before, when he looked at Blaze using his vitalis sight, he was impossible to miss. Just like she was, but we missed it all the same. Not going to see it happen again.




    "Raze, would you mind taking the lead? I do have a spell that may be useful. I will be almost blind however, and would need someone in front of me to more or less act as a guide."

  2. @@Lightning Bliss


    Everlast was still a bit tired, but he got the gist of the plan. He mock saluted Lightning. "Affirmative princess, all ready to go." He reached for his gear and mentally kicked himself in the face again. Without any gear to grab, he began walking toward the suite door. He heard that he was supposed to be the lead of the ground position, so he waited to see if his charges would follow.

  3. OOC: ((Sorry, internet was down, so I was out for the weekend. I didn't miss any action though it seems.))


    A gunshot woke Everlast from his heavy sleep. He stayed frozen in bed, listening for anything else, but just heard natural conversation. Everlast got up slowly, still half asleep, and walked in as everyone seemed to be in the finishing stages of planning. All he really comprehended was, 'Are we doing this', but he nodded and decided he would just follow the group and figure out the plan as they went along. 

    • Brohoof 1
  4. @ 

    "I do enjoy a good game of cards, but I am in need of rest for the night. Perhaps another time." Everlast went back to the roof access and down the stairs to the penthouse. All the while he was in awe at the destruction they caused. It is a wonder no one else has woken up yet to see what the ruckus was all about. I wonder what the staff are going to thing when they do wake up and find it all. 


    As he went to bed, Everlast was replaying all the action that happened that day in his head. Memory would have to do until he could document it all in his journal. 

  5. First thought, Everlast was loathe to go all night without rest, but as Clover explained what she needed he perked up again. 


    @@Pripyat Pony


    "That sounds like a good plan. All you need is a hair from Blaze you say? Well, I'm sure if we just look up here on the roof, we could find some torn off in the fight." With that he set about searching the battleground that the fighters left behind.

  6. Peace. Bliss. Serenity. As The princess's magic enveloped his, these thoughts eased him. He let it wipe away all his stress, and when it was over, Everlast felt weak. His legs almost gave way but he was able to catch himself."Yes, I feel much better... Thank you."  He was amazed by the power the princess possessed and reached for his bag to document the effects, but then realized that one of the reasons he was in this predicament is because his bag was taken. 


    He felt his stress returning at the thought of loosing all his equipment, and he wiped his hoof across his face, the scar was still there as well. He pulled up when he heard Hurricane's suggestion. 


    @,@@Pripyat Pony, @@Lightning Bliss


    "I think, that we should first get some rest. I feel that if he was as tired as you say he was when he left, he will be forced to rest as well."

  7. @@Lightning Bliss

    His vision was blurred, but Everlast was able to make out Lightning Bliss as she came to him. He listened to her then replied. "Well, we are all still alive, so it could be worse." He dropped his face into his hoof and felt the scar again. Count your blessings. "If you would, princess, be willing to attempt what you say, I would greatly appreciate it." He made the motion of bowing before her and lowered his horn toward her, right as clover smashed into her with a great hug.

  8. Slowly the blackness began to slip away as he regained consciousness. Everlast felt numb, but he moved a hoof to his face where the pain was the strongest. He was able to feel, covering the whole left side of his face, a cauterized scab, where he was struck directly with Blaze's flaming chains. Hopefully it doesn't scar and become permanent. Ah well, that is what I get for trying to bring only words to a fight. He was able to hear faintly, the shouts of other ponies. Surely they still can't be fighting. How long have I lain here? He staggered on to his feet and through blurred vision, saw two ponies flying toward him. Hurricane and Lightning Bliss. Where have they been?


    Knowing the locations of his allies made him wonder where the location of his enemy was, but he couldn't see Blaze anywhere. He must have gotten away with my equipment it seems. Well, that is great, no magic, no tools... Can this get any worse?

  9. Blaze's quick theft and subsequent ponynapping of the princess left Everlast in shock. It wasn't until everyone around him had already cleared the room that he began to move again. He followed them out, then stopped at the edge of the broken glass as they all flew out the window. Am I the only one here who can't fly? He heard a commotion on the roof and turned around. What is the point of teleporting such a short distance? What is the point of taking the princess? He ran out of the suite and up the stairs, to the roof access. Most of the party was already caught up in the action. He watched the others prepare to attack blaze as he put up a magic dome. The final judgment, can he be saved before he gets killed? If he is not separated from that controlling spirit soon... He recoiled at the thought of the last time he had attempted to split a mind. No we try a different approach. If Blaze is still alive inside that body, if he has even the slightest bit of power, he could take back control. He ran and stood at the edge of the shield. If this doesn't work, I just put myself in front of every blade...


  10. After Lightning Bliss had jumped off him, and rushed up the stairs, Everlast made his way back down and picked up his equipment.He then walked slowly back up the stairs, made his way to his table, sunk his head into his hooves, and groaned. She thinks I'm against her now. NO, it isn't that i don't believe her, I've seen it too. But I only see one option of approach, and I cannot run the risk of destroying a mind already under attack. Without my magic, even had I wanted to I couldn't. 


    He heard Blaze enter her room, and was going to ignore it and let Hurricane take care of it, but rose when he heard Blaze mention being lucky the poison didn't do worse. 



    "To gloat over a victory, bane of every evil." Everlast joined Hurricane in the doorway "Truly I wasn't sure if this poison was you, I had hoped not. But now I am sure it was. That is a crime you will be made to pay for. But that brings me to a problem. Any punishment meted out on that body won't hurt you, will it? You, malignant spirit, will simply withdraw, and hide behind the true Blaze. That fact brings yet another problem. You can hurt us, but I am going to be unwilling to hurt you. However, If you planned to hurt us, you would have by now. Rather, you continue to tag along, keeping us alive. This means you too are after the power at the end of this adventure, aren't you?"

  11. Everlast sat with the rest of the teachers and listened intently to the opening speech. He clapped vigorously at the end, and watched as the students of every race intermingled with each other. This is true harmony. Everypony, technically non ponies included as well, working together for a common goal. He made his way to his classroom. He walked through the doorway and sat at his desk, reflecting on everything that made this possible for him. I think, that I have been put in a peculiar position. For only by truly studying the past troubles, can we truly avoid conflict and bring peace.

  12. @@Lightning Bliss
    Everlast was focused on Blaze when he saw Bliss slump down. "What?" He turned to steel, whom he saw withdrawing. "What was that about?!?" he leaned down to the spasming body. "Let's get you up. Back to safety." Everlast dropped his stuff that he was gathering and bent under the body to pick her up. He glanced up at their window. Who's idea was it to get a room on the top floor? Focused on balancing the sleeping body, he turned a bit toward the conversation.
    "To be truly honest, we all have known each other for only three days as it is. The only thing we have in common is our treasure hunt." He glared at Blaze. "I won't throw away the theory that a traitor is within our midst as it is until I have final proof, one way or another."



    "But please if the commotion is over for now, and ponies are going to stop breaking in through windows and knocking others unconscious, let's return to rest. We are never going to get anywhere having to deal with each other like this. Especially if we can still expect card thrower to show up again."


    This party just gets more exciting every moment doesn't it? I'm going to have to watch my back now, until this poisoned thing is all over. Just when I thought I could finally find a trustworthy group.

  13. Everlast listened to the negotiations, and then watched as Royal Flush disappeared. He shook his head and began gathering his scattered papers, happy to call it a day. He heard yelling behind him again so he turned around to see Lightning Bliss attacking Blaze. He watched in horror as she was about to skewer him.


    But she didn't, Instead she began to blame him for the poisoned meal. 


    @@Lightning Bliss


    "Princess, STOP! Listen to me before anypony else gets hurt. What proof do we have that he did it? The word of an assassin? From where I stand, I see two things; The first being you, and by accident, me, were poisoned right before this one-" He pointed at steel, "Shows up to finish the job. The second, is that the one who just tried to kill us, tells you that one of our own group, is the culprit, and you believe hem."


    He moves closer to the action and turns toward Blaze.




    I don't want to believe you did it, but by what I've seen and heard, you are the only one, besides the ones who attacked us, who had a motive. She was close to understanding something you didn't want her knowing. Blaze, I need to know what is going on, I only want to help you, And I'm sure that is her goal too. To put it bluntly, you are not right in the head. Maybe you know exactly what is going on. Maybe you don't fully understand yourself. Either way is acceptable. Just let us help."

  14. Everlast rose, freed from his bonds by Blaze. If he had poisoned the princess, and by accident, me, why would he continue to help me? He shook of these thoughts and the last of the lingering pain. I'll look into this later for now... Use my big brain he says. So Everlast thought. He looked around for his bag, remembering the cards he had found. Being unable to cast magic, he would use the dealer's magic against him. That is, if he isn't immune to his own magic, and the magic is within the cards as theorized, and not royal pain himself. 


    When the two alicorn princesses assaulted royal flush, he froze in awe. The princess are going to kill him! Seeing his bag a on the side of the alley, he dashed over and pulled out the two chain cards, He ran back to the combat and tossed one at the pagasus, He stopped before throwing the second at Royal Flush, afraid to see what would happen if he caught the princesses along with the target. 

  15. Everlast turned away from staring at the pagasus to see the new arrival just in time to see a card flying at him. Him! How could I not see he was involved?!? The card latched him to the ground, and began electrocuting him. AGAIN!?! I will not put up with this again! He strained against the chains and struggled uselessly hopelessly to move toward the card thrower. He attempted to use magic against his bonds, but the searing pain in his horn, coupled with the electricity coursing through him, caused him to black out.

  16. @


    "He has a treacherous look in his eyes." Everlast rose, seeing everyone else take action gave him courage. "He has the look of a traitor. So says the one who assaults us for no apparent reason. To attack without a reason would make you less than the most primitive of beings. Now we have seen how combat has worked, let us now try words. You attacked us, so what was your reasoning? Give me a valid reason as to why each of us should suffer under your hand." As he spoke, he moved to the front of the party, but stopped as he finished. He stood there staring into the wind, trying to see a reaction, waiting for a reply.

  17. Everlast was frantically flipping through pages in his book, searching for anything that could be related to a cure. So engrossed in his work was he, that he didn't notice the new arrival. It wasn't until he was already lying prone in an alleyway that he began to look around him again. He saw a Pegasus with a sword knock Hurricane back, and cut her, all without touching her. At the same time, beside him, the poisoned princess fell. He wanted to go help both of them, But without his magic, he knew he was useless. He wasn't going to confront the invader either, not after witnessing what he could do. So instead he settled himself for continuing to lie down, and observe what he could, without attracting attention to himself.

  18. @@Lightning Bliss


    "What?" Everlast almost dropped his bowl, hoping he heard improperly, "Are you suggesting that someone poisoned the meal?" He looked down at his own soup and gently set it down and slid it away from himself. "Let's take a look." Everlast attempted to switch views so he could see what, if anything was ailing her, but found that his magic was dampened and just trying caused him pain. He dropped his face into his hooves. "Ok, Question one is answered, It was definitely poisoned." Everlast rubbed his hooves against his temples. "Argh. Second and third questions; Who would poison you and why? What enemies would you have made?" Everlast was close to panicking. Without magic! No... I need... magic... I'm weak. He quickly got up. "I'm sorry to cut this dinner short, but I am going to return to my books, hopefully I have documented something about a poison related to this one, if not this one exactly." He left her room, and returned to the coffee table where he left his books and papers.


    Of course I won't find anything, I didn't train for these kind of things, I never expected to run into poison and I never did. But, now, a princess's life is on the line, and I can't do anything! 

  19. @@Lightning Bliss 


    Everlast takes the bowl offered to him and stirs it around. "Good question, why are things the way they are, something I have spent most of my life looking into. In your specific case though, It is because however much you tell yourself otherwise, you are different from every other pony." He blows softly into his soup to cool it off before taking a bite. "Of course," Everlast smiles, "Everypony is different from everypony else, be glad you are different. What would the world be like if everypony was exactly the same? Everypony was all unicorn, pegasus, or earth pony with no variety. In my opinion, it would be pretty boring. I wouldn't have stories to document if I was told the same old story by everypony I ask." Everlast slowly takes small spoonfuls of soup, now more interested in the alicorn before him and their conversation.


    "You, just so happen to be a new level of different. As to how others see you, and why they treat you the way they do. They could simply be admiring a rare occurrence, do you ever think that shooting stars ever get angry at all of us down here who admire it as it passes by? It isn't all that often one gets to see an alicorn. In deeper cases, it could be because we are jealous. I will admit, I am jealous of you. To be given the position you have, what I wouldn't do." He finished speaking and began digging into his soup while he waited for her response.

  20. @@Lightning Bliss,


    Everlast frowned slightly at the exchange before him.

    "Do you not enjoy being an alicorn? You seem to shirk from everything it brings you." He shook his head and sighed. "I'm sorry, that is a topic that I should not bring up after you invite me so cordially to dinner. Speaking of which, yes soup is always a simple and great place to start a meal, It is enough to whet the taste buds in preparation for the rest of the meal, but not enough to satisfy." 

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