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Posts posted by purple.teal

  1. @, @@Lightning Bliss


    Hurricane joined the group and Everlast looked at her wings. "Are you going to need anything for that?" Got to give the pegasus one thing, she is tough.


    As the others talked about Blaze, Everlast turned and stared intently at him. Something is wrong, he knows it, we know it. That headache he had earlier, and his fainting in combat... I believe he lost control of his power. Is it permanent? Why would he distance himself then? Two options I see, he knows he lost his power and either his pride keeps him from admitting it, or he stays away for our own safety. without turning away, he spoke quietly to those near him. "Leave him be for now, I believe he just lost control. I ask that everyone keep an eye on him, but keep a distance. If he can't control fire anymore, who knows what could happen if he is stressed."


    He turned to the newest addition to their huddle, Clover, just returning from placing shields around the clearing.



    @@Pripyat Pony


    "You set up protections around this place," Everlast waved a hoof around the clearing. "Forgive me for questioning your actions, but how long do you plan on us hanging around here? I'm not one to force a march on those incapable of making it, but I think that we should get out of the Everfree Forest as quickly as possible. Of course, I am in no position to make that call in the first place, simply my opinion. I'd say that we have had enough trouble here." 

  2. @


    Everlast, who was reaching inside of his pack for his journal, closed the bag and got up, as Blaze walked away.  "Uh, I'm sorry. Sir. I did not mean to accuse you of anything. Forgive me if it was taken that way." Everlast partly trailed after the alicorn and called after him. "I just  wished to know more about yourself. In addition to, as I said, gathering information to help the group work together, I am researching the topic of alicorns and divinity. So if you are not up for a more in depth interview now, I would be greatly appreciative if you would find me later."


    He let Blaze go on alone and returned to the main group.


    @@Lightning Bliss@@


    "So uh, I suppose this should have been my first priority after a battle, but is everyone alright?" He saw Hurricane come out of the forest. "You look like a true hurricane ran through here."

  3. @,


    "Unless you had places to be and your time with us has held you from important happenings, I believe it would be beneficial if you hung with us for as long as our paths lead in the same direction. Whether you do decide to stay with us or not, it would be my pleasure if you were to allow me to ask a few questions about your leg. Later though, If you would excuse me."


    Everlast bowed out of the conversation and stood over Blaze as he laid down. 




    "I do not mean to interrupt your peace, sir, but I understand that the fire was your doing. Was it not? If you would let me ask a few questions about your power that I believe may help us all collaborate and plan for the future of this endeavor." Everlast sat down and looked at the sword Blaze always carried with him.


    "Might I begin with your tool here? Does it in anyway affect or even aid you in controlling fire? I understand that many mages in history had a tool of their own that let them channel magic beyond the basics of a horn." At this he touched his own horn with a forehoof. You said you were, as far as you know, born an alicorn, and fire came naturally for you. Have you attempted any other kind of magic?"

  4. @

    Everlast bowed. "Forgive me, you are right. You saved us all and I should thank you." A fool. Either he does not understand what could have happened to all of the magic users in the group or he is telling less than he knows. Doesn't matter. I have to play along if I want to know what is going on with this limb of his. "I was scared, I was focused on a danger present in front of me and was not expecting an attack from behind. I reacted poorly. I'm sorry."

    • Brohoof 1
  5. @

    "I fear I will be of little assistance here, I will provide what assistance I can and attempt to stay out of your way."  For once, I think I envy the wings of a pegasus. I can't see the whole problem from down here and I can't work without information. Everlast sighed heavily. I am not trained to deal with this kind of problem. How to stop a fire... Starve it. He looked to Hurricane. Well, If she continues giving it air, can't starve it like that. 


    Everlast whipped open his book and began running under hurricane as she flew. He began placing enchantments in the wind she threw about. I wonder how this will work...



    Sadly, it didn't work well. Everlast watched his spells get pulled away almost as soon as he cast them. He stopped running and with his eyes, followed their funnel into... Who has the power to create and control a black hole?!?! He gaped as it pulled every bit of magic into itself, and continued to grow. He wondered how it could affect his own magic energy and grew scared. "CLOSE THE INFERNAL THING! CLOSE IT!" he hardly heard how high his voice went.


    Whether he made an impression or not, it did close. Everlast steadied his breathing and heartbeat. May Celestia have mercy on the one who conjured that force. I will have their hide! He began walking back toward the group. He spoke slowly as he sat down and scanned everyone. "What fool here believed he could effectively contain that kind of destructive conjuration?"

  6. While he pondered the destruction he may have inadvertently compounded, Everlast listened to the others worry about thawing out Lightning Bliss, who had yet to get over her attack, and the encroaching fire. This is most definitely turning out to be one of the more exciting adventures I've been on. Everlast turned to the group, and saw the plentiful hands helping The alicorn. Alright then, rather than get in their way... He saw Hurricane alone facing the fire and calling for help. Maybe I could be useful there.



    He trotted over to the pegasus. "Oi! Can you see the edges of the fire from up there? How well do you think you can contain it?"

  7. Everlast finally rose from his prone position. He was free from the chains, and the pain from the fire and ice had mostly subsided. I have put myself into painful positions for others a plethora of times before, but that was the worst. Was it even worth it? He shambled over to his book, lying on the ground where he had dropped it. He levitated it closer to his face and he turned to his favorite page. 


    He looked around and moved to the farthest edge of the clearing, away from the others. He could see a new pony talking to the rest of the group. Not a threat, but even if he was, what could I do about it now? 


    Sitting down at the roots of a tree, he picked up the biggest rock he could find, and using magic, stripped a sizable piece of bark from his chair. On each of the two objects he wrote a few sigils. He then set the rock down in front of him but held tightly to the bark.


    Once again, he was back into his aura vision, but instead of just seeing living animals, he could see all living plant life as well. Most of them, a healthy blue. Almost a shame. To have to damage a beautiful ecosystem. He watched as the color of the tree at his back began darkening to purple. He spread he aura throughout the forest and began draining energy from everything it caught.


    Feeling fully whole again, Everlast crushed the bark and his vision returned to normal. he stood up, stretched and turned to the tree he sat against. Its leaves had grown brown and it looked like it was preparing for winter. He was about to return to the group until he caught a whiff of smoke. I can't start fires with this. The pyromancer, what is he doing? Everlast frowned at the tree he just dried out. This is not going to help anything at all.

  8. @

    Everlast held his spear and waited, but as Blaze continued to prepare, he saw Hurricane go down. That is where I belong. He slammed his book shut and tossed the spear, Not caring what it did. Let it be absorbed. He sprinted in a wide arc around the enemy cardslinger to Hurricane, By the time he reached her, she was dying of the enchanted cold. He touched her with his magic and began sending her his own body heat. He couldn't stop shivering  This is powerful magic. It is probably not his. Magic thief. Is it possible to separate him from his cards? Achieve that and I am certain he would be weaker than the least of us. How could it be done?


    He looked to the fray for an answer and watched Blaze go down. No. I go first. He reopened the book to a bookmark and scratched a sign into both of his fore hooves. I am no fighter, but she is. He touched the chains and hurricane. Instantly, the chains unwrapped themselves from her and latched onto himself and her curses also transferred. He fell. Tied taut by the ropes. Freezing and burning intermittently.


    He looked at her, and urged her up, "Go on, take the thief down. I'll watch from over here." His chuckle at his terrible joke began turning into a scream, but he bit his tongue and clenched his teeth. She is strong, to have been silent under this torture.

  9. Everlast watched as the chains and fire were brought back into the cards they were spawned from, and as soon as she was freed from the chains, Hurricane blew past him, almost knocking him over and began creating a tornado around their opponent. Clover followed began to speak to him and charge up a spell from her horn. Everlast, quickly reached into his bag and brought out his own runebook to join the fray. 


    The magic bolt Clover created seemed powerful enough take out Royal Flush, and Everlast stopped flipping through his book when he saw the spell absorbed by a card. So he is a magic thief. Now magic isn't our most effective weapon here. For me however, it is my only weapon.


    Blaze stepped up with his sword drawn, and Everlast wondered if the cards could absorb physical attacks as well, or even fully trap an attacking pony. An unknown opponent, observe him. Make his strengths and weaknesses known. What we know is that he can absorb magic. Does he have to focus on the absorption process? Is it possible to hit him from behind? As Blaze drove his sword into the ground and began his own spell, Everlast couldn't help but groan. Did he not just see what happened? Use this opportunity. Strike at the same time, see if he can block both at the same time.


    As Blaze raised his sword in a display of intimidation and preparation for his spell, Everlast raised his book and conjured a blade of his own. A spear, with an over sized blade, and he held it with his magic, waiting to throw it until Blaze attacked. What if this kills him? I don't want to kill anypony, let it will never be said of me that I am a murderer. Why are we fighting anyway? He works for someone else, but who would want to see us defeated? What enemies have we made?

  10. Everlast abruptly ended his singing as an explosion spread fire in their path. He was shocked, and looked at Blaze, their known pyromancer. By his expression, he was not the cause, unless, he lost control of his power. 


    Then, as Hurricane attempted to fan the flames, he was about to shout what a stupid idea that would be. But watched in terror as a card hit her and sprouted chains, binding her to the ground. as the fire crept closer, he dashed to her side. What is going on? As she maneuvered to her knife and hacked at the chains, he began attempting to use his magic to pull them apart. He couldn't help but get a mocking jab in as they were close to being burned,  "I was going to ask what you thought was going to happen by giving the fire air, but to be fair, even I wouldn't foresee random chains."


    He paused as the true culprit of the attack appeared in the center of the group. A swirling mass of cards rose and settled, and a cowboy unicorn stepped out. I hate it when ponies stack the decks. Takes all the fun out of playing. He was brought back to the current position as his flank began to get burned, and he returned to the magic chains. They are going to have to take care of him, keep him off our flanks.



  11. As the group was brought back to peak condition, Everlast felt his heart lighten. For once, he didn't feel like sticking his nose in a book. I should thank the alicorn for bringing them back before I forget. Instead, he interested himself in watching the rest of the group. The variety in everypony's look and demeanor made him chuckle a bit. This is turning out to be the most exciting journey I've taken to date. I've already got a stockpile of Starswirl's relics waiting for archiving, I get first first hand experience with three alicorns, and if all works perfectly, I will have a wish granted. 


    If I could choose the wish, what would I wish for? Always an intriguing question. What would be worth crawling to the edge of the world for? I guarantee I know what she would wish for. Her and her one track mind. But she is gone now, no use worrying about her. 


    To take his mind off his darker thoughts, inappropriate for this light time, He began to sing a travelling song he picked up on his travels. "Upon the heart the fire is red, beneath the roof, there is a bed. But not yet weary are our feet, still 'round the corner we may meet. A sudden tree or standing stone, that none have seen but we alone."

  12. @

    Everlast backed away from the pegasus. "You're screaming, you're healthy, my job here is done." He was about to turn around and begin walking again, but as she mentioned Blaze he looked and also saw him slumping. How hard did those diamond dogs actually hit us? He turned to his new subject but didn't see any external scratches.



    "Number two, the specialist will see you now." He stood in front of the male alicorn, "Where does it hurt, when did it start, and does it feel serious enough to interrupt cognitive or physical abilities?" 

  13. @

    Everlast, watched as the others attempted to help Hurricane and sighed. He slowed down to meet them, and watched as Hurricane shoved the others away and fell flat on her face. He knelt down in front of her and began to probe the wounds with his magic. "I applaud your stubbornness, I really do. Right now though, it is just being a pain in the flank. We have been on the road for not even a full two days, and we have already been attacked twice. We really aren't going to get very far if each day is the same and then we have to waste hooves carrying you."


    Everlast rose to his feet, without wings to hurt, His ribs suffered in their place.


    "Understand this. Princess Twilight herself would be nothing without her friends. The element of magic doesn't work unless all of the other elements are present. Think if a single one was removed from the picture... the other elements become useless. Together the wielders and magic become greater than the sum of ponies in jewelry."


    He struck a mock thinking pose. "Now that I mention it, isn't that how it always works? Teamwork I mean, don't really need jewelry. By covering the weaknesses of the others, one allows them to do what they do best without worry." 


    He leaned in to whisper, "Long story short. You can't face the world completely alone. I'm sure you understand this, but just won't admit it. Now come. I believe you could get up now." 

  14. @

    Everlast walked out of the cave and the light blinded him for a bit. Once he could see again, he walked toward the pile of bags teleported back to the surface. He passed by the pegasus who tried so hard to hide her pain but wasclearly wounded. "It looks like you could use a little mending there. That's just my observation though, If I'm wrong, I'll leave it at that. If I'm right, and you need help sometime, let me know." This was all spoken without stopping on his way to the recovered equipment.


    Sure enough, his own gear was in there. Praise sunbutt. He picked up his own gear and put his pack back on. Well, this adventure has been quite fun so far. Luckly no one was lost. Right? He turned back to the group to asses the situation.

  15. @@Lightning Bliss, @@Pripyat Pony

    Everlast recieved the princess's hug with a stoic face, but was quite happy with himself on the inside. I have saved the life of an Alicorn princess. Not many can say that. As he watched the pegasus get teleported and the two Alicorns begin to leave, he hung back a bit. "I still have to grab... Nevermind, It doesn't matter."


    My own gear is still down here. My books and some of starswirl's own works. I hate to see them fall here, torn up because the diamond dogs can't understand worth of anything that doesn't sparkle. But there is no efficient way to get it. If I go alone, I run a Very high risk of not making it out. Yet, If I ask them to help me look, I put them in danger as well. Either way, I force everyone to wait for me. 


    Everlast sighed, hung his head, and trudged behind the others.

  16. Everlast heard the sound of struggle very close, and when he saw flashes magic, he dashed in that direction through one last tunnel to see two alicorns, One he couldn't name and Bliss. Bliss was on the ground bleeding and The other was standing over her.


    @@Lightning Bliss, @@Pripyat Pony.

    "Did I miss another party? Shoot I'm always late." He walked over to stand next to Bliss and using a stream of his magic, healed her wounded head. He felt a little dizzy and felt blood running down his own face as he suffered the wound. Maybe, that wasn't such a good idea. Now she is still down and I will soon be as well. He smiled when he saw the Diamond dog that was chained in blissy's cell.


    He put him self against the bars, and began a second transfer of life, this time, taking the wound from himself, and giving it to the prisoner. He laughed heartily as he felt his head become whole again. "Never before has doing that been as satisfying as now." He said as he watched the diamond dog deal with the tables being ungracefully turned against him.

  17. Everlast rolled his eyes, but as she turned right, he went left. So, while ponies could be dying, she is worried about objects. Whatever. I don't have time to worry about a troublesome pegasus. The tunnel eventually opened up into a wider room. "Princess?" He shouted, "Are you here?"


    Who IS down here? Everlast sighed. Never split the party, and here we are with who knows how many splinter groups. "PRINCESS!" The princess must be the one I saw dragged down, The pegasus must have come after me... "If you are not a diamond dog, I would appreciate it if you spoke up!" Three. Three are guaranteed lost down here. He reached for his books only to remember they were gone. One of the reasons he was underground. He slowly crept through the room, searching for anypony while staying wary of more diamond dogs. 

  18. Everlast hit the hard dirt and ungracefully tumbled to a halt. He paused for a second, letting his dazed mind catch up. He rose and lit up his to see a few tunnels branching out. Always go left. After what couldn't have been more than a few minutes but felt like eternity in the dark he heard a yell, and then a second one, even nearer. "OI! OI! Give me a name! Who is down here!" He burst out of one tunnel into another to see the trouble causing pegasus running at him and away from a pair of diamond dogs.



     Everlast dodged the pegasus who flew past him, and turned and started chasing after him "Looks like you could use a hoof here." He looked back as he ran. "We're building quite the conga line here."

  19. Everlast heard his name being desperately called. He swung around to see the last few inches of a hoof being dragged into one of the holes. He dashed away from his prisoner and toward the hole only to be blocked by a group of more dogs. "Move!" He sent out many tendrils of his magic and as they made contact to their targets, the diamond dogs doubled over and curled up. Silently suffering as their life force was sapped away. he leaped over their prone forms and jumped into the hole after the other pony. 


    He was in the air as he saw the diamond dogs fill up the hole behind them. NO! Instead of diving after them as he hoped, Everlast smashed his face into packed dirt. He ungracefully flipped back onto his hooves and looked around. just a short distance away, another hole was still open. They better still better be in one piece. He lept headlong into his new target. Wait, what am I doing? I'm no hero... These thoughts came too late, as he was already sliding down a smooth dirt tunnel. 

  20. Everlast continued following the others, singing to himself a little travelling song as he saw Bliss's shade jumping carefree around the group.


    "See the road flow past your doorstep calling for your feet to stray. Like a swift and rolling river it will sweep them far away..."


    Suddenly, Hands reached from the ground and quickly took everything on him. Buck you all, Those are mine.


    He undid the enchantment on the piece of bark they took and his vision returned to normal. He saw many other diamond dogs rise and strip the others of their equipment as well. He chose the nearest one currently looting another party member, and sent a tendril of his aura toward it. On contact it began to corrupt the life energy of the dog. While sapping the Diamond dog, he ran up to it, knocked it over, and pinned it to the ground. 


    "Understand this, wretch," He snarled into it's ear, "What you took from me I find more valuable than your life. So I should take it in a meager restitution. I however, don't find that to be enough, So I will make you a deal. You lead us back to your slump of a home, give us back our stuff, and I will not kill you."


    He got off his charge and released his magic, leaving a small trace of it as a tag. Whether you run away or lead us peacefully, I will follow you. I will find what you stole. I will have it back.

    • Brohoof 1
  21. Quill Wit left the group of ponies as quickly as he arrived, He followed under the station as it moved above the city. dreading what was about to happen. As it left the city limits, he, stopped, unwilling to leave the two wounded soldiers alone in a compromised environment. Too many engineer supporters abound in this area. If Ponyville is truly about to be destroyed, as much as he hated to admit to being a coward, Quill wit saw no reason to throw himself into the body count. So he returned home to his two patients and began tending to them, Waiting for the light and noise signifying the destruction of another city.  

  22. Quill Wit Wandered through the Canterlot rubble And reconstruction areas. Unsure of exact directions in the new city layout, he generally made his way toward the center of the city. Eventually he found his goal, The Canterlot Library and Archives, Now in ruins. Seeing the general devestation caused by the cannon was disheartening already. Seeing his own personal memories and the countless years of accumulated knowledge destroyed in an instant brought him to a new low. While returning home, He saw a group of ponies arguing about the Sparkle Rebellion. "Excuse me, can I ask what you know of the rebellion? And in theoretical speaking, do you support it?" 

  23. Quill Wit looked out the window of his temporary apartment in Canterlot. Where he lived now was part of the reconstructed area and it overlooked a plaza that was still mostly covered with rubble from the destruction of the city. Above the city, floated the ominous cannon. The cause of this destruction. He could feel the pull of the beacon and it made him feel both happy and sad. Happy that someone was attempting to do something about this mess, and sad that he himself was not able to join this rebellion.


    He would not leave his charges behind. He turned away from the window, he could not bare to look at the dreary state any longer. There on cots lay two of  guardsmen. While clearing rubble he found them and brought them here. If found they would surely be killed, just as surely as when they are healed they will join the fight...


    Quill Wit, while unable to make it to Twilight's side, was going to make sure his every waking moment was helping her. When the delegates from other nations arrived he started collecting word on their allegiances. Some of them he knew were only there to save their own people and were sympathetic to the cause. If he could make figure out which were willing to help, and get the news to the Princess, they would have many allies to help take down this upstart.

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