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Everything posted by Sekel

  1. @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE "I am just frustrated that this parasite decided to take root in my mind," Karmic muttered, doing her best to keep calm but the insistent prodding and niggling from Atzy was making it hard for her to even do that. "I would take a break but I don't know what would happen if I did," she added, slamming the last Equestrian book onto her pile with a short growl. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "I don't know, Happy. Is there anything special to talk about? Give me some options here, I can't exactly talk about anything on command. I need guidance," Aurora told him with a tilted head. She did keep pace with the wagon but tried to at least keep an ear out for anything that could harm them. @Blitz Boom, @Moonlit TWILIGHT SPARKLE "Oh, sure, of course, come on in," Twilight smiled at the disguised Siren and let her inside. "Do you want to come in as well, Miss Stand?" @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO "That really does sound complicated," Watts commented before shaking her head and moving on towards the alleyway. "There's a store I vaguely remember being here, at the end of the alleyway, that may have the part I needed to come here for in the first place."
  2. @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO "So you can't care or you won't care of what you think of this mare?" Watts questioned before spotting a familiar alleyway and trotted to it, forcing Zealous to follow after. @Blitz Boom TWILIGHT SPARKLE Twilight noticed the way Nerzhei revered her book and sighed softly. "Yes, I think it is time I went to bed. I'll just put away what we've done and store the scroll here," she told Nerzhei, magicking the scrolls and quills into a compartment in her desk. "If you need access, you can just press the top of this panel with your claw," she added, and where there was once a smooth desk, she put her hoof on a section in the upper right corner, and a section of the desk slid open to reveal the scrolls and quills. "I'm sorry I can't answer more of your questions because I don't know the answer to them myself." @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE "Oh, don't mind me. I'm just going out of my mind here," Karmic muttered in frustration when she slammed the last Equestrian book down on her pile. She ignored the timid pony that spoke with them in favor of sitting to the side and staring hard at a patch of grass in front of her hooves. 'Easy, little Fate. You'd either throw us both in jail with that attitude or you'll wind up burning a hole in that grass patch,' Atzy communicated to Karmic, causing to form a growling sound from her throat. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "Yes, sir, I can do that. You can count on me!" Aurora grinned, giving Happy a small salute. She resumed her walk with him and was content in the silence, glad that nothing was out to get them yet.
  3. @Blitz Boom TWILIGHT SPARKLE "That, I am honestly not sure about," Twilight replied with a shake of her head. "I know that I managed to complete an old unfinished spell of Starswirl the Bearded's," she added with a head tilt before crossing her hooves over each other. "But it switched the cutie marks of my friends as well as their memories. It took the Elements of Harmony to restore their memories and cutie marks. Somehow, all that coalesced into me becoming an Alicorn. I truly do not know how or why and I can't exactly say how the process occurred either." @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE "That sounds like a good omen for them," Karmic muttered in disgust. She truly didn't like how her family and friends had treated her and run her out of town. Whenever she looked back, she was filled with contempt and anger, and hatred at what they did and it showed in how aggressively she stacked the Equestrian books in her pile. 'Sounds like there's some hidden anger Fate. Do you want some help?' Atzy asked Karmic sweetly. "I thought I shut you up, Atzy," Karmic said angrily. "You and I both want to be separate. So just can it!" @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "Coming from a place where griffins normally fight, you'd think I'd have some knowledge," Aurora mumbled with a shake of her head. "Nope. Pacifist. Or at least I do as little fighting as possible. Sorry." @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO "It gives me more of a chance to ask questions about your personal life," Watts grinned with a laugh. "Like, for example, that mare that came up to us earlier. Did you know her? It sounded like you did."
  4. @Blitz Boom TWILIGHT SPARKLE "I'm honestly not sure about the 'priming for running a nation' part of it, Nerzhei," Twilight admitted. She pulled down the book Nerzhei had asked for and handed it over to the dragon. "But, I believe the requirments for becoming a princess is doing something extraordinary and unheard of? Princess Celestia didn't really inform me on the requirements either," she sighed in realisation, her ears pulling flat against her head. @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE "No, they never did," Karmic said crisply, having sounded like she's been asked the question multiple times. There was a hint of malice behind the tone as well which may have come from the fact that she was run out of town. 'Never!? Oh, my dear, are you sure?' Atzy teased in Karmic's head. Karmic shook her head to try to ignore Atzy and tapped her head a few times. "Never," Karmic repeated more to herself for Atzy to listen to than Enzo. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "That's all well and good but why are we heading back to the Everfree?" Aurora asked nervously. "We just came out of there from Onache establishing her hive grounds!" @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO "I thought you were a local," Watts said in surprise but did as he said and began leading the stumpy Unicorn around the city in a meandering wander. "But I suppose you're not really interested in parts for different inventions, or to make things with, huh?"
  5. @Blitz Boom TWILIGHT SPARKLE "It is very much a thing," Twilight chuckled nervously but stood up and went searching among her bookshelves for the right book. "I don't really know how to explain it any other way, Nerzhei." @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE "I ..." Karmic sighed and nodded as she hefted the Equestrian books into her small pile. "I do speak from experience. Ask me anything about it. You've helped me out so far, and I know about your past. If you want to know mine you can just ask." @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "Oh, really?" Aurora asked in surprise. "I thought you and her would be an item," she added as she grabbed what she assumed was Happy's sign in her claws and gave it to him. "If that's the case, then alright then. I'm fine with that." @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO "Oh, I just need to get a gyro balancer from this place and then we'll be on our way," Watts beamed at Zealous and took a list out of one of her saddlebags with her wing. She looked it over and narrowed her eyes. "Do you know where a balance shop is? One that sells items for balancing?"
  6. @Blitz Boom, @EQ_Theta TWILIGHT SPARKLE ”Royal duties?” Twilight asked in shock before chuckling nervously, waving to Fluttershy and Lyriel as they left. “Um, that would be a no. I don’t really have any royal duties, per se, the mayor still technically runs the town. There’s a map of Equestria down the all that summons my friends and I by glow8ng cutie marks where we have to solve friendship problems. Unless that is my royal duty?” @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE “Eventually, yes,” Karmic said hesitantly, not looking up from the book she was holding in her hooves. However, her body was locked in place. “They ... they eventually do, yes,” she repeated. “I’m sure they will accept. I’m sure they won’t run you out of town and leave you homeless.” @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS “We only shares a few sentences,” Aurora mumbled and looked between Bubble Tea and Happy. “Are you two an item? She asked if I was your mate,” she told Happy, slipping into the way griffins spoke about significant others. @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO “Ooh um ... that’s back in Ponyville. Do you have anything you need to take care of here?” Watts asked nervously as she stopped walking and looked towards the town of Ponyville. “Because I still need to get a few odds and ends.”
  7. @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE "I don't think I need anything," Karmic shook her head and resumed sorting the books. "I know which ones are in Equestrian and which aren't. The ones that I can understand," she smirked. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "Marefriend?" Aurora asked in shock looking at this Bubble Tea, Happy was talking with, raising her left foreclaw in nervousness. "N-No ... what gave you that idea? I''m just a friend of his. Yes, that's right, a friend." @Blitz Boom TWILIGHT SPARKLE "Tomorrow? I suppose it's a bit late for an appointment. Tomorrow will work fine," Twilight mumbled to herself with a few nods, lost in her own world again as the others conversed. "That will help with Nerzhei's issues about space, Fluttershy. Good thinking." @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO "Yes! A willing subject!" Watts crowed, pumping her hoof in the air. She laughed and then looked at Zealous properly with a serious expression, all happiness contained within her eyes. "Now, to actually measure and work with your stump, I'm going to have to invade your personal space. Would you be okay with me doing that?"
  8. @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE "Of sorts," Karmic nodded when her sight returned to normal and she focused properly upon the old general. "It ... I can't really control it. It comes and goes. But I am able to keep its side effects to a minimum. I was with the Serpanther," she growled at this and couldn't exactly keep her composure for a couple of minutes. "But I was getting out in the morning anyway because the guards had enough of my ramblings and wanted me put for one night." @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "Yes! Roadtrip!" Aurora cheered with a flap of her wings and raised her left foreclaw. She brought it back down and blushed in embarrassment. "Um ... pumpkin head? You said?" @Blitz Boom, @EQ_Theta TWILIGHT SPARKLE "Oh, no, I'm happy to come along," Twilight smiled with a nod. "We can get to the book discussion later. There's no rush for it," she added as she looked at Nerzhei. "Although, I'm a bit confused if you meant other ponies touching you in a crowded room or touching as in massage touching."
  9. @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE "You know," Karmic said in a quiet tone, her face looking at the book in her hooves. She wasn't really reading it because her eyes had gone a milky white. Her ear had flicked in the direction of the general's voice and that had triggered a short vision. "Old age is a peaceful way to go. I see that for you sometime in the future. It's hard to tell." she didn't comprehend what else the elderly general had said, only focusing on what she could see in her mind. "Old age is definitely a peaceful way to go. I wouldn't mind it." @Blitz Boom, @EQ_Theta TWILIGHT SPARKLE "Oh, Nerzhei has me hooked on a book she's brought along," Twilight smiled easily, looking up from the book to Fluttershy. "She was just explaining the nuances of the history her race had to go through," she added. In Twilight's train of thought, a small lie of reading a different history book rather than a potential history-defining book was a small price to pay for not really letting anyone else other than herself and Nerzhei know about it. "Isn't that right, Nerzhei? Prince Spark Bright was ... what did you say? Lethal?" @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "Alright," Aurora sighed and deflated somewhat but she still pranced every few steps despite nearing Ponyville. "I just love roadtrips so much!"
  10. @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO "You said you've had a stump of a horn for most of your life. I believe I can correct that with some rudimentary techonology. Get a magic battery that can recycle its own energy, and put it in a cone-shaped metal rod that lights up whatever magic you want to use! Of course, I still need to figure out the odds and ends off reigniting and reconnecting the nerves to the new horn but I'm sure I can work it out!" Watts said excitedly, quickly catching up to Zealous and walking side by side with him. "It'll work, I'm sure of it! I just need to get an opinion on the biological side of things." @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE "Dragons are uncommon in Equestria. The only dragon that we all really know about is Princess Twilight's assistant, Spike," Karmic explained as she sat down by the piles Enzo was sorting through. She flicked her tail so it rested around her hooves and she looked down at the pile of books. "Do you need help sorting through these? At least one of them should bring out a vessel for Atzy or something." @Blitz Boom TWILIGHT SPARKLE "That sounds like a grand idea, Nerzhei. We should we go page by page together and try to figure out which word means what if we can't come up with a conclusion on our own," Twilight suggested as she looked at the book, and then the writing implement Nerzhei would use. "The quill you're using. It looks a bit too sharp but try writing with it anyway." @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "Road trips are so much fun! It'll be a blast just getting to the hive, much less actually seeing it!" Aurora laughed, her wings flapping in her happiness at this prospect. @Widdershins DAWN STREAK Dawn did two things when she landed. She began to laugh deliriously as she laid between Kaltrops' claws, all the adrenaline rushing through her body. The second thing she did, was laugh even harder when Kaltrops finished speaking. "YOU RHYMED!" Dawn bellowed as she laughed hysterically. She did eventually manage to calm down though and drew in heaving breaths. "My wings are smaller than normal. I have a scar that renders one of them practically useless."
  11. @Blitz Boom, @FanOfManyShows KARMIC FATE "This is going so well," Karmic said sarcastically, burying herself against Enzo's neck to try to be as small as possible so she wouldn't be noticed. "Maybe those soldiers should take a chill pill and relax. All that stress is going to blow their hearts sooner or later," she muttered before her eyes widened. "Is that a dragon!?" @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "A road trip? That doesn't sound so bad. It's what I've been doing for the past few months anyway, just going around Equestria," Aurora said happily. @Blitz Boom TWILIGHT SPARKLE Twilight went to the desk she had in the library and summoned out a couple of scrolls, inkwells, and a pair of quills. She gathered the items in her magic and trotted back over to Nerzhei. "Do you know how to use a quill, Nerzhei, or are you used to other writing implements?" Twilight grinned, placing the items between them both. "Because we have a lot of translating to get to and a lot of writing." @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO "Yes, while abnormal, it's still a part of you. I don't really mind the fact that it's a stump and not a horn," Watts told him before laughing. "This gives me an idea! I can use you as a subject!"
  12. @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE "Yeah, I'm ready to get off this island. It's fascinating to look at the ruins but it's very creepy," Karmic nodded and hopped up onto Enzo's back with his help. She saw how much room the bag took and settled into place near Enzo's neck. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "I'm not familiar with that," Aurora admitted. There was a green glow around her and a griffin stood in her place, now looking to be chest height on Happy. "I am familiar with this form though. We're heading to Ponyville for what again?" @Blitz Boom TWILIGHT SPARKLE "Some? Some interest!? It holds a great amount of interest for me!" Twilight squealed excitedly and pranced in place for a couple of seconds. She did however, quickly calm down and stared back at Nerzhei. She knew the gravity of the book they were talking about even just from the one page she had seen. "I know this will be of high controversy once the entire book has been translated," the mare took a deep breath and then let it out slowly before adding nervously. "I want this to be accessible to as many ponies as possible but if this really does contain secrets of the Alicorn process, I think it would be best if at least that bit doesn't make it out to the public." @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO Watts narrowed her eyes slightly at Zealous' reaction before quickly surveying around them. "If you want to talk to me about it, to at least get it off of your chest, there's an empty alley over there we can talk in," Watts offered quietly, pointing to the a gap between a couple of buildings to their left.
  13. @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE "So no answers, alrighty then," Karmic muttered to herself but proceeded to follow Enzo out of the temple. She didn't get any visions on her way back and it kinda concerned her a bit. Maybe Atzy was siphoning off her magic? She didn't think it was possible but maybe it was. Who knows what could happen with a changeling symbiote inside her. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS Aurora grinned nervously at Onache and offered a quick bow before chasing Happy out of the temple, as fast as her hooves could carry her. @Blitz Boom TWILIGHT SPARKLE "If we look at both images ... it would certainly seem that this could be the first record of the Alicorn formation process," Twilight told Nerzhei, peering closely at the images of the mare with the stones and the mare with the wings and curved horn. "If this is true, and this is the first ever recorded Alicorn, this book could hold secrets to both how Alicorns formed and why the dragons and ponies are always at war!" she added excitedly, being sure to step away from the book to jump and down in excitement. "But of course, this is all speculation until we can decipher the book!" @Widdershins DAWN STREAK "No no no no! AAAaaaahh!" Dawn screamed as she was bucked off, her screams fading the higher she got away from Kaltrops. She got high up into the air, high enough to see all of Ponyville beneath her, before suddenly plummeting to the ground. She quickly tried to flap her wings but all they could do was provide a weak draft to cushion her fall with, which didn't amount to anything really. "aaaaaAAAH!" in reverse, her screams faded back into the normal range of hearing as she flailed her limbs back down towards the teen dragon. @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO "I acknowledge it because it gives us something to talk about. Why do you have a stump for your horn?" Watts asked in the best curious tone she could muster, doing her absolute best to not come off as offensive or insincere.
  14. @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE Karmic had a cursory glance over the Equine-written book and turned a bit green at what was written within the margins of the love and care sections. She quickly closed it and tossed it onto the pile in the middle of the room with the other books and before turning back to the draconic books, noticed something out of the corner of her eye. She wasn't sure what it was, but it was certainly something that looked soft and plushy when Enzo hid it away. Karmic didn't want to draw attention to it if Enzo wasn't going to. She turned back to the draconic books and after realising she couldn't read any of them, put them with the other books. "There are a lot of dragon books here. I thought there'd be more Equine-based books but I found one about guard dog training," Karmic commented, heading to the pile with another dragon book. "Are you able to read these?" @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS Aurora felt both of their gazes on her and it chilled her slightly with how intensely they were staring. "Um ... I'll join Happini, Queen Onache," Aurora said eventually when she could get her throat wet enough to talk. "I want to at least see this hive flourish." @Blitz Boom TWILIGHT SPARKLE "Yes, I have wondered about the constant war between our species, Nerzhei, but I could never really find anything because of the lack of books we have here on your kind," Twilight said slowly, examining the picture on the page. This was the most calm Twilight had been in a while and it was a funny feeling. She was excited, and enthused by the book, yes, but she was doing a fantastic job of keeping herself in check. The architecture within the picture reminded her of an old Grecian palace but at the same time, it had the hardiness of the dragons as well. "There is an old legend though. I remember reading it, and rereading it because it was so fascinating. There used to be a city of some kind out past the Dragon Lands that mysteriously went missing. It was said that ponies lived there but no evidence had been found. This could be that city if I'm looking at the picture right." @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO "Why didn't you say anything about being a Unicorn?" Watts asked immediately upon catching up to Zealous. She had no inkling of him being one, and had no way of knowing because he never alluded to it.
  15. @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE Karmic hopped off of Enzo's back as best she could and winced when she landed a bit too hard on her hooves. "Find all the materials. That should not be hard in this giant room," Karmic commented and began to walk towards a particularly bare bookcase that only held a few books in its shelves. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "I've literally got nothing better to do," Aurora told them both, sitting on her haunches. She felt like a third wheel, yes, but she did want to help both Onache and Happy as best she could. Besides, it was fun calling the human Happini. It had a nice sound to it. "But, you're right. It may be of help to you to contact this Thorax. Sounds like a dragonfly to me more than a changeling with that name." @Blitz Boom TWILIGHT SPARKLE "I can't control my reactions, it's true," Twilight nodded and took a deep breath. She had to get all her thoughts in order. When she had, she beamed at the dragon and looked up at Nerzhei. "I do have time now, yes. Show me the book and tell me why you think I can help." @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO "Huh, your mane must have covered the stump. I've never seen a Unicorn with a broken horn before," Watts told Zealous in mild interest. She glanced at the dual changelings and smiled at them. "Francis, I'm sorry for how I reacted. It was an ingrained habit of mine."
  16. @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE "Wow, this is a really big room," Karmic commented, eyes going wide at the sheer size of the space. Granted, it was in ruins like everything they had passed through but it was still big by pony standards. "Were you able to ever read any of these tomes?" she asked Enzo, gesturing to the scattered pages and books, ignoring everything he said about Warlock and the Element of Hatred. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "I guess to take my mind off of all the information you just gave me, Happini, is there any way I can help out?" Aurora questioned, looking between Onache and Happy. She knew what she said wasn't his name, but it sounded fun to say regardless. She pushed all her timid thoughts to the side for the moment in favour of focusing on whatever task she could at hand. @Blitz Boom, @EQ_Theta TWILIGHT SPARKLE "I understand somewhat of what you're saying about yourself and Lyriel, Nerzhei, but that still was uncalled for. The way you reacted to whatever she said, anyway," Twilight sighed as Lyriel and Fluttershy left them alone. She sighed in a disappointed tone and looked at the ground between her hooves. "I'm sorry if I sound rude, but, at the very least, you could have stayed quiet if you had nothing nice to say about her. Although, I am glad you are trying to make amends. That counts for something." @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO "Oh no," Watts said in a small bit of panic and ran across the roof before diving off the edge. She flew down as fast as she could and held her hooves out in an effort to catch him before he could hit the ground. "Got you!" Watts succeeded and crowed triumphantly before setting down on the ground with the changeling in her arms.
  17. @Blitz Boom, @EQ_Theta TWILIGHT SPARKLE "Yes, that is okay with me," Twilight nodded quickly, a little unnerved at how Nerzhei spoke to Lyriel but whatever book the dragon had, kept her interest a lot more than how Lyriel was being treated at the moment. "Fluttershy, maybe you could show Lyriel your animal sanctuary." @Widdershins DAWN STREAK "ONLY WITH CREATURES I LIKE SO WHY DON'T YOU GET OUT FROM UNDER ME!?" Dawn retaliated, only just barely keeping her grip and sounded a bit shake by the force Kaltrops had presented her with. @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE "Who's the pony trying to grab a gem?" Karmic asked in confusion, witnessing another past vision when they passed into a giant room. "They're hazy but it looks like they're triumphant in succeeding." @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "okay, I'm sorry," Aurora said meekly, ducking her head out of fear of Onache and the much larger biped being so close to her. "Th-That's all well and good, um, Happini, but, maybe there should be some more drones?"
  18. @Blitz Boom, @EQ_Theta TWILIGHT SPARKLE "Alright, alright, I'll back off," Twilight said in a disappointed tone. She knew that she was crossing a line when she had asked but she didn't expect both Lyriel and Fluttershy to call her out on it. She couldn't help herself! She was curious about learning and learning about everything! At the very least there weren't any fights over it. "I think Fluttershy is right. It would probably be best if you and her walk around the town. At least before I ask something else that's possibly harmful for you to think about, Lyriel." @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE "You know, that would be harmful to a normal pony," Karmic said flatly, looking down at the arrow from her perch on his back. She faced forward once more and wasn't sure if she should be glad at seeing the past or worried. She knew that things could be learned from the past but she didn't really think anything could be learned if she saw visions of Enzo being tortured with the way he described it. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "It's only us three here. How can this be considered a hive?" Aurora spoke finally. She had wandered around the big main room, inspecting the walls, columns, and floor while she listened to Onache. However now, she made her way back and sat just in front of the throne. "I know I'm out on a lot of changeling ways, but shouldn't there be more than you, me, and Happy?" @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO "You definitely called it. I'm going to see if I can spot him from above," Watts grinned, pointing to the sky with her hoof before flapping her wings. "It'll give me a chance to see my balancer in flight," she added with a laugh and flew up to the roof of the building. While she didn't particularly need the balancer hooked around her middle, it would help field test how it worked. Theoretically, the balancer was meant to autocorrect a Pegasus' balance when in flight if they were too shaky or had poor wing lift. Watts was perfectly fine with her balance, but this changeling may get some use out of it and give her some data. "Found you!" she called triumphantly so Zealous could hear, spotting the changeling on the roof.
  19. @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE "That's all well and good but I see ... um ... a small sphinx. Walking around. Docile," Karmic whispered, her eyes having gone a cloudy white. Something in what Enzo had said coupled with the temple around them forced a vision upon of the past rather than the future. At the very least, this could give her some insight as to what Enzo meant by his angry tone. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "I had no idea what was happening to me at the time. My parents told me that they saw a bug pony thing change into a griffin upon noticing them. They still took me in but they wouldn't say why or anything about any other changeling being near me. I didn't get found out because I stayed as a griffin. Despite my best wishes, I kinda assimilated, maybe? I'm not entirely sure, but I know that you met the majority of griffins because they're all like that. It's where we live in a run down city. It could be an easy target for Chrysalis, yes, but I doubt she'd be able to get to it. Mainly because it's hidden away in the mountains and the only couple of ways to get in and out is by flying or going through a series of twisty tunnels within the mountain itself," Aurora poured forth her words in an effort to get Onache to understand her. She wanted to make sure that Onache was fine with her answer but if she wasn't, more information could be provided. @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO "It was a natural reaction. I don't really interact with Changelings much," Watts confessed but ran after Zealous anyway. "At the very least, we could catch up if he falls." @Blitz Boom, @EQ_Theta TWILIGHT SPARKLE "Greetings, Lyriel, my name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm the newest Princess to be converted into an Alicorn," Twilight told the mossy pony with a kind smile and a small bow of her head. "This is a large crystal castle that has been grown from the Tree of Harmony itself. That may be why you feel nature within it," she explained further and was content to listen to Fluttershy and Lyriel talk with each other. It brought a smile to her face to know one of her friends had found a kindred spirit. "Something bothers me though. I understand you don't really want to talk about your home, and forgive me, but how did you escape from becoming like your family?"
  20. @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE "You call it a prison, I call it fate," Karmic smirked but kept on being on Enzo's back in case any traps where sprung. "What kind of place is this to lose so many Sphinx?" @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "I'm honestly not sure on who or what happened to get me away from Queen Chrysalis but in hindsight, it was most likely for the best. The Canterlot didn't go well for her and I doubt any other ventures she may have tried have ended in success either," Aurora commented, looking up at Onache. She sat down and curled her tail around her legs before tilting her head. "That throne suits you, Queen Onache." @EQ_Theta, @Blitz Boom TWILIGHT SPARKLE "You must be talking about Onache, Happy, and Aurora. I may not be talking much but I do like listening," Twilight chuckled. "However, those three changelings are nothing to worry about as far as we know. Two of them did change into what Thorax looks like. A colourful bug pony. But one didn't, and I believe that's because they're timid from what I could gather, and not really used to anything to do with changelings," she added and glanced towards Fluttershy. "Isn't that right, Fluttershy? Or was I reading the situation wrong again?" @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO "And there goes a dumb changeling. Honestly, why do changelings even still hide themselves? We're slowly accepting them," Watts said in confusion as she lifted her goggles back to her forehead. She looked at the fleeing changeling and then at Zealous. "If we have nothing better to do, do you want to follow him?"
  21. @Blitz Boom, @EQ_Theta TWILIGHT SPARKLE "You said it yourself, Nerzhei. Most dragons are brutes and like showing off. It was pretty simple and surprisingly easy. Fluttershy and I dressed up as a dragon ourselves," Twilight explained with a smile. "I was surprised how easily we fooled them too and Dragon Lord Ember is a good friend of ours once she realised Spike was a friend." @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE Karmic tightened her grip on Enzo's back once the wrappings had gone away. Over the whistling of the wind, she opted to keep her mouth shut but at the very least, she knew they were going somewhere that could potentially separate herself and Atzy from each other. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "I-If you're talking about me living as a Griffin, th-then no, I'm not anything like them. I mostly kept to myself and stayed with the family who raised me until I went out into Equestria to find out what it was like," Aurora answered, her voice getting stronger the more she talked. "I was only about six months old when my family found me. They knew I was different but they still took care of me, even when I stayed as a griffin rather than a changeling." @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO "My stall is in the main marketplace, opposite the stand that sells fruit and vegetables. Trust me, everypony passes through at one point or another," Watts smirked but it quickly fell when she took a good look at his eyes. "Changeling!?" she hissed in shock, but kept her voice low so only Zealous and the newly-discovered changeling could hear her. "Why are you here!?"
  22. @EQ_Theta, @Blitz Boom TWILIGHT SPARKLE Twilight took in everything that was said between Nerzhei and Fluttershy. She was content to listen to them prattle on but what stuck in her mind was still the matter of dragon magic. It was completely unknown to her! She knew she had to learn everything there was about it but for the time being, she was fine in taking her time about it. She's got lots of it after her ascension, after all. In her mind, she figured that Spike was still the only dragon that had access to a special kind of magic that lets him send and receive letters but it may not be the case anymore, depending on what she would eventually find out. Her ears perked up at hearing talk of the dastardly king that was previously in charge of the Crystal Empire and a shudder ran through at the memory of having to use corruption magic just to get to the Crystal Heart. She was about to ask for a change of subject when Fluttershy did it anyway. She latched onto it with a smile and was seemingly brought back to life. "If you remember, Rarity and I did go to the dragon lands to help Spike in the dragon lord gauntlet. Although, admittedly, I believe we only say a small portion of it if Nerzhei is to be believed about there being plenty of other dragons in the dragon lands," Twilight said and tilted her head in Nerzhei's direction in an apologetic manner. "Sorry, I didn't mean it to sound like I did. Can you enlighten us, please?" @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO Watts grinned and waved her hoof in small circles in the air. "I'm sorry, I don't quite believe you're from Ponyville. I see lots of ponies in Ponyville walk by my stall in the market area and check out what I have for sale, but I have never, ever seen you there before." Watts laughed to herself and scratched the back of her neck. "If you had moved to Ponyville while I was on the train today, that would be a poor excuse too because it takes a couple of days to get everything right in a residence." @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS Aurora managed to gulp a small bit and cowed slightly, leaning her front towards the ground at seeing Onache sit on her throne. When Happy leaned in, Aurora gave off a small 'eep' and began shaking like a leaf. She was feeling intimidated by the pair but didn't want to exactly run away either. Something was making her stay in the hive's general area of the temple. "Um ... I .. well ... I kinda lived on my own as a changeling for as long as I can remember ... maybe that has everything to do with me not particularly wanting to be part of a hivemind?" Aurora ventured a question, doing her best to stand tall but was unable to from the intensity of Onache's and Happy's looks to her. @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE Karmic gasped with an 'oof' when she landed upon Enzo's back. She watched parchement wrap around her limbs but didn't struggle. "She ... I think she has stopped, Enzo," Karmic said breathlessly, resting her head on the back of his neck; feeling relief at not feeling Atzy pound on her skull for the time being. "Wh-where are we going to go?"
  23. @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO "It's ... uh ..." Watts hesitated, stepping back a small bit to get some breathing space. She didn't expect to be questioned about her goggles but after casually blurting out that she has no idea who Francis is, she may have to own up to what was going on. "I ... um ... I have a deal with the archivist at the Canterlot Archives ... they placed a spell on my goggles ... it's inside a magic gem fit into the nose clips and sends me information whenever I look at somepony with them." @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "I believe I can access the hivemind but I have a feeling Queen Onache will have to help with that one," Aurora chuckled. "I never really tried because I've been a griffin most of my life. As far as I know, the only abilities I really have are changing my form and feeding on love. That's pretty much it for me." @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE "yes please," Karmic whispered in pain, cowering on the ground from some unseen force. "As quickly as possible please. A separation into two entities. Please." @EQ_Theta, @Blitz Boom TWILIGHT SPARKLE "Magic?" Twilight asked with widened eyes. She got a big grin at hearing the word, especially when it was associated with dragons. A culture barely anypony knew about. She eventually did nod along to Nerzhei's words and scribbled down hasty notes on a spare bit of parchment to keep up with what she was saying. She had summoned it from a pile of blank scrolls near the door to the library with the quill and ink having been brought in from a nearby desk. "Only elder dragons have access to books about general magic, dragons specialise in either earth, water, fire, and air, but that's only if they have the magical potential. Otherwise it's just strength contests with them. Chemical reactions would explain why no thaumatic energy could be felt from dragon fire whenever it is breathed. This could also explain why Spike is seemingly the only dragon we know of to breathe a green fire to send messages wherever he pleased," the scientific pony had devolved into rambling by this point but she managed to get her point across of 'learning new magic is very much good.'
  24. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "I'm not old enough to drink that," Aurora told Happy. "I've never even come close to drinking schnapps. The country's mental, yes, but it's also got a lot of fantastic sights," she added and sat down before looking up at him. "I'm dealing. I don't think I've gotten a grasp on being an actual drone yet, to be honest." @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE "Oh. He's a literal time traveller. I don't know what to make of that," Karmic admitted and in that brief moment of confusion, she gasped as Atzy banged on the inside of her mind. "What do you want!?" she shouted and banged her head in response to try to get Atzy to stop doing whatever she was doing. 'Oh, just to see your reaction,' Atzy snickered in Karmic's mind. @FanOfManyShows WATTS MECHANO "Very weird," Watts agreed upon noticing Francis. She grabbed her goggles from the top of her head and placed them over her eyes as she continued to look at Francis. "And intriguing. There's nothing on him in the Canterlot Archives," she replied in a fascinated tone, and was speaking more to herself, but both Francis and Zealous could hear her clearly. @Blitz Boom, @EQ_Theta, @Seamore Sandwich TWILIGHT SPARKLE "The clothes ponies wear are normally a status symbol. Most ponies tend to go without because we don't particularly need clothes. The ones that where them are all the rich folk up in Canterlot, Manehatten, and all the other major cities in Equestria. Even ponies from across the oceans where clothes, but those reasons we don't know why. If you're going to a fancy ball or gala, you need to dress up otherwise you'll risk of ponies looking down on you simply because you chose not to wear anything," Twilight explained while she admired Fluttershy's hoofwork on Nerzhei's clothes.
  25. @Blitz Boom AURORA LIGHTS "Okay, it's just an instinct. One I've never known I've had until now," Aurora nodded along. It made sense to her. Even though she was a drone, it made sense they'd follow those in a much higher power, or place in the hive. Even though it's just her, Onache, and Happy, it still filled her with a slight sense of dread. "I was only meant to see the sights of Equestria. I never imagined I'd be dragged into something like this." @Blitz Boom KARMIC FATE Karmic was going to speak but a term the Sphinx used stuck with her, pushing all other thoughts out of her mind. "Um, time wanderer? Can you explain that, please?" Karmic asked in an intrigued but confused tone. @Blitz Boom, @EQ_Theta, @Seamore Sandwich TWILIGHT SPARKLE Twilight had almost faded into a thousand-yard stare as she thought about all the unread books the Sphinx had given her, but something Fluttershy had said brought her out of it. Sewing. That's something only Rarity could do impressively, as far as her circle of friends went. "You sew. That's ... I actually think I remember you mentioning something like that when Rarity was making our Galloping Gala dresses, Fluttershy."
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