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Spingle Bloob

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Everything posted by Spingle Bloob

  1. I simply have the best OC and the best name!

  2. How long has that same banner been there?

  3. It scares me. Where does he get his hair done?

    1. Malinter


      mankind progresses technologically through war. sadly the price we pay for that progress is blood.

    2. Spingle Bloob

      Spingle Bloob

      ...absolutely nothing

    3. Malinter


      never said it was good thing. The internet we have right now was born from war.

  5. Hello Forums! :D

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. deleteduser12304978


      I have three boxes, a normal box, and infinity box, and a flufflepuff fluff box. Im adding to my collection slowly.

    3. Spingle Bloob
    4. deleteduser12304978


      In case of an apocalypse i have the materials to upgrade normal box into a stronghold box.

  6. I wonder what the fifth generation of mlp will be like.

    1. Dr. Zerkagon

      Dr. Zerkagon

      Pretty good, I can just imagine the "new" gen of bronies and the community.

      But we got quite a bit before that happens.

    2. Spingle Bloob

      Spingle Bloob

      I know. Like a decade or so.

  7. Met up with a old friend and turns out he's a brony. Saw him at the YMCA and joined him and some of his friends in basketball. I took off my jacket and I was wearing a Derpt T-shirt that day. He was like is that Derpy Hooves? And I was like Hell yeah it's Derpy Hooves! Then we gave eachother a brohoof.

    1. Spingle Bloob

      Spingle Bloob

      *Derpy T-shirt


    2. TheInsaneShane


      Dude, that's great!!! Congrats!!! I'm lucky to have my irl brony friends!

    3. Spingle Bloob

      Spingle Bloob

      Yup. I wanna start a brony thing in my town.

  8. I lost a friend. He didn't die he just hates me now. I showed him my MLP shirt and he was likeThat's for 2 year old girls!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. deleteduser12304978


      This is how i feel about stuff like this: if he stops being your friend because youre a brony, he wasnt a very good friend.


      But judging by your post it just sounds like he disagrees with bronies, but hes still your friend.

    3. Dr. Zerkagon

      Dr. Zerkagon

      Is he part of the hip interwebz hax0rz?

    4. Spingle Bloob

      Spingle Bloob

      Well if he can't accept me than I don't think he's a friend at all.


  9. Welcome to MLP Forums!!! Welcome Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix7vrluEm4E
  10. Zebra stole my bike!

  11. So what I'm seeing is that is was "Meh, good effort" and "Could have been better". Do you guys think Storm or someone else should remake it?
  12. Hm...You know I'd like to see someone try to do better. Oh and has anyone watched Hachi/Hachiko? I haven't cried over a movie like this since Hachiko. I recommend it, it was based on a true story. SO MUCH FEELS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnyT-iBHRaU
  13. Not as many people online today.

  14. Does that mean there's a Pony Playstion? Conspiracies! I WAS SOBBING LIKE A MAN! :'l
  15. I don't think you can expect much. I mean it was a fanmade thing. I think 11 people worked on it (excluding the voice actors). I thought the narrator's voice/Dashie's dad still sounded better than he would if he was a lot more emotional. But you could still hear emotion in his voice.
  16. My Little Dashie The Mini Movie was amazing! Buck your opinion!

  17. What did you think of the movie? Let me tell you I broke into tears. Watch it if you haven't already. It was based on a fanfiction.
  18. I'm excited for Pinkie Apple Pie.

  19. I'd want to be Green Latern Rarity. But my weakness would be tackiness.
  20. I've made it my obligation to make people happy on MLP Forums!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Malinter


      All we can do is be peristant. Smile or else. XD

    3. Spingle Bloob
    4. Zygen


      Well, its a very noble obligation for sure. Good luck.

  21. I love making Kitteh feel uncomfortable.

  22. I HATE HATE.

    1. Malinter


      Hate is a waste of energy. Infact i'm abit distrubed that I can't generate intense hate.

  23. I feel like not feeling like I should feel about not feeling these teelings that I do not feel.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spingle Bloob

      Spingle Bloob

      Thanks, at least someone understands.

    3. TheInsaneShane


      Feels shouldn't be this Inceptiony...

    4. Spingle Bloob

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