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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Starbound

  1. "Oh! Um, okay." Fluttershy spread her wings and flapped them. She slowly gained speed. "Alright. Now I tuck in my wings an- EEEEEEEEEEE!" She lost control and sped ahead like a bullet, even if it was an accident. "AAAAPLEJAAACK! EEEEE-" Her screaming was cut short when she slammed into a bush."Ow..."
  2. "Oh no. They are either pulling a prank on some poor pony or Rainbow Dash is showing Pinkie Pie some new trickks she has learned that will hopefully attract the Wonderbolts' attention. Well, there are different times.. I think we should check on them, just to be safe. You should not be asking me if we should be worried anyways, because you are the brave pony."
  3. "Oh, that would be wonderful. I am sure after what Rainbow and Pinkie would be doing, they would care to eat. But are you sure you don't want me to pay? Just a few bits? You have worked hard to make those apples. But, it is your choice. Why don't we go to Sweet Apple Acres and bring a few apples for Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie? Angel only wants one."
  4. "Hello! I'm sorry, but I overheard that you have some sort of... problems? If you do, I can do anything to help, if you need me. Oh, and by the way, my name is Winter Willow. I just came here from Canterlot to work as a doctor in the hospital." When Winter Willow examined Nano closer. "Um, are you a robot? Well, I don't have anything against that but... Um..."
  5. Fluttershy was in her cottage, trying to get a stubborn Angel Bunny to eat his carrot. "Oh, please Angel Bunny? It is all I have. Can you please eat just a teensy little bite?" The rabbit shook his head. "Would you like for me to get apples from Applejack?" Angel said yes. "Alright. Please don't get into trouble while I am gone." With that she left. "My, what a beautiful day. " When she got to the center of town, she saw Applejack. "Good morning, Applejack. Angel want some apples to eat, so is it okay if I buy some? Um, if you can."
  6. Can I represent Fluttershy? 'Cause Fluttershy is da BEST pony. :3
  7. Is there any chance I can join? My OC is Winter Willow, her link is in my signature.
  8. @EpicHarmony Just so you know, because I have two characters, to avoid confusion, when Winter Willow is speaking I will use regular quotation marks: "(text)" When Crystal Flower is speaking, I will use these symbols. 《(text)》 When I am on my computer, when Winter Willow is speaking, I will use a green font, and when Crystal Flower is speaking, I will use a pink font. That goes for everybody else as well.
  9. "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They both screamed in unison. 《EEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! MOM MOM MOM MOM MOM MOM MOM!!!!》 They both flew over to her and tackled her with enough force to slide her back by a foot. They both started crying like a dam bursting open. There were probably enough tears to fill a tank the size of the royal place. They hugged and wanted to hug for the rest of eternity. A pool of tears quickly formed at their feet. "We missed you so mu-u-uch.... We were lost... until they found us. .. but we just worried about you..." 《I could not stop thinking of you... Waaaaaaaahahaha!》
  10. That's it in a nutshell. But to keep things from getting OP instead of having Winter Willow and Crystal Flower be all like: "Oh we are the supreme Power Ponies and we will save us all with awesome magix" I will make it so they can only use it for short amounts of time and become really tired after that. Or you could say no to all of that, of course.
  11. I am sure you know about Willow's relationship with Luna, right?
  12. EpicHarmonyyyyyyyyyyyy! We are quite literally at Luna's door. Torrent will fill you in.
  13. 《We need to get to the other side! Mom is right there! I can sense it!》 "I can sense it too! We need to get to the other side!" Both Willow and Crystal used all their magical strength to pull the crystals apart, one by one. They moved by about a centimeter, and then stopped. 《Come on! We need everypony to help! Please!》
  14. "Philomena!!!! Come on lead us to Mom! Yaaaaayy!" 《PHILOMENA! YAAAAAAAAAYYYY!》 They both ran after the pheonix, not looking in front of them until they smashed into the crystals. "Owwwww.. " 《No! No no no no no no no!》 Crystal screamed. She smashed into the wall, tried to pry the crystals with her hooves, repeatedly zapped the wall with beams of magic.
  15. "Mom has to be here! There is no other place to be!" 《We are going to search every millimeter of this cave until we find Mom!》 "If you want to look somewhere else, go ahead. But you cannot get us out of these caves until we have searched the entire thing." They both ran farther into the cave. 《Mom!? Mom! Heeeeello?》
  16. 《That's okay. It would take too long to make another map. I have an idea of where Mom might be anyways... So? What are we waiting for? Let's go!》 Willow and Crystal used their magic to push a bookcase aside, and revealed a hidden cave. 《Tada!》 Crystal ran into the cave, Willow running after her. 《Mom! Mom? Are you there? Mom!》
  17. I have to say thank you too, I'm amazed at how active you all are. Keep up the good work!
  18. Once they walked into the palace, 《Our bedrooms are right up there!》 She said, pointing to a spiral staircase. When they got into the bedroom Crystal pointed to a small cot she made for herself. On string were hanging planets made of paper balls and paintings that looked like they would have been made by Picasso. They were amazing. In a corner was a heap of metal. 《I made a bunch of things that could help us out! Like this! She held up 5 little contraptions. I call them cellphones. We just need to talk into them and we can talk to eachother without even being with eachother!》 Next she held up a scroll. 《This is a map I made of the caves.》
  19. 《So? What are we waiting for? Let us go to the castle! Yay!》 "Wait! We are coming! Haha!" Willow and Crystal both ran towards the crumbling castle. 《There will be so much to see! And Mom! We will finally find Mom!》"You are right, little sis! Lets go!" 《And the fun shall be doubled when I put on my mustache! 》 Crystal put on a small mustache and rubbed her hooves together. 《Hehe. Oh, and by the way, I have the same magical powers Willow does. When I left to get Willow candy, she did something to me. She did not look very good...》 A tear ran down Crystal's cheek.
  20. "Well, Wanderlust and I decided that Luna would probably be in the caves underneath the pala-" 《The Caves of Play!!?? Before we do that we need to go to my room!》"We all sleep in the same room, Crys-" 《But I have my own 4 square meters of space. Hmph. But in my 4 square meters of space, I have a bunch of inventions and maps that could help us!》 "You have to stop cutting ponies off, Crystal. She is really is sweet, but she can get so... hyperactive. But you have to admit, Crystal has made a lot of things over the years... I think they really would be useful if they were not destroyed." 《My creations? Destroyed? Pfft. Lets go!》
  21. 《Blimey! The old chap's got his mind back! Pip pip cheerio!》 "Yes! You will never get the best of us! Now go back to wherever you came from!" 《Wheeee! Victory is ours! Tun tun duh duuuhhhhh!》 "Steel... are you okay? And Crystal's name is not 'some other filly', its Crystal Flower. Just thought you might have wanted to know..."
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