Willow lay down in a corner of the cave. "She is not gone... she cant be. No, she cannot be. No, no. No, no no no no no! I'm going to find her. Mom is wrong, even though it hurts me to say. I'm going to find her, and nopony is going to stop me! Wait. The sun shards! They would know where she is! We need to find the first sun shard. As quickly as we can." She got up and hovered near the roof of the cave. She found a suitable nook and sat down. She put her head on her hooves, dreaming. "Mom's parents, help me! Where is Princess Celestia? Please!" <Well done, little one. You have summoned us yourself. What is wrong, child?> "Princess Celestia is lost! I don't lknow where she is! Luna says she is... not coming back... but she has to be wrong, right?" <Her essence has left this world, yes. She is with us now. But remember, Winter Willow, she will always be with you and Crystal Flower. Look deep inside you, and you will find her. All is well, Willow. Stay safe little one... grandchild...> In a flash of light she returned to the real world.