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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Starbound

  1. Come on! I don't want Princess Luna to die! Isn't that pushing it a bit too far? "Mom...?" Melody slumped against the wall and closed her eyes, breathing heavily. 《Please... *pant*》 "Mom!?" Willow blasted away blood with magic, and hugged Luna. "Mom!? Mom!? What happened!? Are you okay!? Mom!?"
  2. That was the last straw. Both released immense amounts of power in a split second. Blinding light and searing heat filled the cave, and even in the city above buildings crumbled when the shockwave hit them. Far across the ocean, a thin layer of water evaporated away. The heat, though, didn't seem to affect anypony except for North Wind. <They are getting better... that was a glimpse of Celestia's true power. If she was still here, I'm sure Celestia would have been proud. Very, very proud.> North Wind was exposed to temperature equal to that of the sun....
  3. Hmm... forcefield? Because you know, rugby players are supposed to be strong and stuff.. Or Winning Point?
  4. He probably got some stuff going on. It really gave me time because I needed to unpack and do all kinds if stuffles once I got back to Canada. Is it okay if I make Melody Cutie Mark-less for this RP? I think finding it later on would add a nice touch.
  5. Oh... my god. That... is cruel, demented and OH MY GOSH. "Cthulhu?" CTHULHU? This man does not deserve a daughter! There was this website the provedvthat people like the internet more than life. That explains everything.
  6. Noooo! North Korea is going to get so mad and drop 50 H-Bombs everywhere! Well, finally! They deserve this. Go Canada!
  7. I've been blown up in a dream. And drowned. And eaten. And torn apart. I have never woken up at the the time of my nasty death, but I kind of feel like I am flying and then I feel tingly and then after a minute or two I wake up depressed and I think about my life.
  8. Hello, Canada! I've been in Illinois for a while now (7 months) and now that I am back to my home country I realize how lovely (and cold) Canada is. (No offense to America or anything. America is awesome, but they seriously have to discontinue the penny) But I really got scared when we crossed the big bridge that connected Canada and America, it is pretty darn tall.
  9. That... is really sad. Really nice writing, though! Kudos to you!
  10. No one will notice cause they are kinda busy with the whole "Oh Noes! LUNA IS GOING TO DIEEEEEEEEE!"
  11. Good! Because the creators of the pony universe cannot interfere much longer, and Willow and Melody are already MUCH too tired to do anything else.
  12. "No! Nothing like that should happen! Nothing deserves that! Why would you want for everything to be gone? Dead? Your 'princess' surely doesn't want everypony gone either!" <What point is a world without life? We shaped this universe only to hopefully be a home for life. We were lucky.> "Mom, just a little more! You can't go! Not after Princess Celestia! Just a little longer! Whatever is inside you, I promise we will get it out!"
  13. (Is Google seriously looking at our humble RP? Because at the bottom it says 'Google (1)' where it lists the people looking at the thread.) <North Wind. Stop this. You know that your 'princess' is really an immature child, not much older than Melody here. You corrupted her and led her onto a path of evil. Now you serve her?> Both Melody and Willow were shocked. "Child? How could a child control some evil ghost pony thing?" 《You probably forced her! Forced her to do what you want! And then act like she wanted it it all along!》
  14. Blinding light enveloped Luna and gently pushed Wanderlust away. A booming voice filled the cavern; <We cannot do much more. The universe has its own way of doing things; you must hurry.> Heat surged through Luna's body, fighting the cold. "Mom!? Mom!?" 《What is happening? 》The Princesses' parents fought harder, trying to purge the cold from Luna's body.
  15. 《Mom?》"Mom!? Mom!?" Their voices were choked with tears. "Stop! Stop that! You will never get Mom! Not after all this! Go away!" 《Mom!?》 With a high-pitched tone, they both shrieked for that evil spirit to leave Luna alone. "What do you want with us!? Why won't you just leave us alone!?"
  16. "Stop! The only princess is Mom! You know that! Now go... live in a cave!" What she wanted to say was 'go die in a hole!' But she couldn't bring herself to do that. 《Stop! Nopony hurt Willow or Mom! Go and take you dumb cold with you! We don't want you! Nopony wants you! (Classic Fluttershy Rage Mode (CFRM) go die in a hole!》
  17. "Then maybe we can find some way to get your vision back!"《Is that why your eyes are cloudy?》Willow kept ffrom looking up. She knew about the pain and fear in Luna's eyes. Even though she was good at keeping it in, a lot of the pain leaked out. Melody knew no better. She kept examining Luna's eyes with concern. 《Mom? How... did you do that?》
  18. "Unable to see? Like... um blind?"《Blind? *whimper*》"It has to be temporary, right? If it is, its not that bad because you will not be going anywhere anyways."《So... will you get your vision back?》"Wait! Where were you? How did that thing make you blind? Are you hurt?"《Can we, um, help?》
  19. That little tiny part of Willow was disappointed. "Mom!?"《Mom!?》"Mom!" They shrieked as they now heard hooves clattering on the rock, and the faint jingling of an assortment of knives and daggers that Steel had. 《Mom!》"Are you okay?" (Those symbols were for passing that horrible character minimum.)
  20. "Mom?" The magic in the atmosphere was getting stronger. "Mom? Where are you? Are you okay?" A tiny little part of Willow hoped that Steel was not with Luna, but the rest of her was aghast that she could have even thought of something like that. "Mom? Mom? Helloooo?" (º•○●□■◇◆♧♣▲▼▶◀↑↓←→☆★▪)
  21. Melody and Willow sensed a big change in the atmosphere. They knew somepony powerful was approaching. "Mom!"《Mom!》"Mom's back!" Willow's wings lit up and it threw dancing lights all over the cave. She strained her eyes as she searched the receding darkness, for any sign of that familiar blue.
  22. My eyes aren't really as good as they used to be! Are you a boy? Or are you a girl? "Well, I'm a boy." So! What's your name? "Damien Vesper." Oh I still can't see you very well! What do you look like? "Ok, so I have white, wild hair that falls over my face a bit, I have pale green eyes, and I like to wear a gray vest with a black undershirt, and black pants." Oh alright then. What are you like then? Could you tell me about yourself a bit? "I can't say I am shy, but I like to keep to myself a lot. I usually stay calm and I don't get angry easily, and I can be nice." Oh good! You sound like a nice young child. Anything else I should know about you? "I don't know, I think that is about it."
  23. Plusle! Yay Plusle! I choose Plusle! I don't really care about the no-evolution thing. Yay Plusle!
  24. 《I- I'm...》Willow and Melody hugged him back. "I know... but now you are fine, and that is all that counts." 《I did it, Twilight, Fluttershy, and everypony else.... and Mom... I did it... but I wish you were here with me. All of you. Its the only thing in the world that would make me happy.》 Melody thought. She thought to herself, hoping that everypony would hear. She cryed to and hugged Wanderlust tighter.
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