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    Nuke87654 321
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    My MLP forum's epitath lies here.
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    Here lies Nuke87654, who used to love these forums until he heard and saw the deplorable actions of Simon and Stitch and the few who would defend them regardless of those two abhorrent morals. I take my leave and depart from this place.

    For those who are curious to speak with me still after my departure, my third party profile names are

    Discord: Nuke87654 #5841
    Zoho mail: Nuke87654@zoho.com
    gmail: dwaljr@gmail.com
    Steam: outcast1992
    Skype: Nuke87654 321
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  1. Other than making a super hero parody of the mane 6, what was the point of Power Ponies existance?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nuke87654


      But the lesson was so blantant and heavy handed, not to mention he only succeeded because they didn't treated him like a threat and everbody was paying attention to something else while everything fell into place for Spike to the rescue. The Crystal Empire did a better job at setting him up to be the hero as he carried the crystal heart while a dark lord was chasing after him thus he was treated as a threat to Sombra and thus making Spike's effort more impressive in comparison.

    3. duidamasterXD


      Yep, I don't think it succeeded in what it was trying to accomplish very well (Equestria Games did much better on this end), largely because I think the concept of having them as superheroes probably came before their having it mean anything.

    4. Nuke87654


      Perhaps that was the case.

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