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    Nuke87654 321
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  • Personal Motto
    My MLP forum's epitath lies here.
  • Interests
    Here lies Nuke87654, who used to love these forums until he heard and saw the deplorable actions of Simon and Stitch and the few who would defend them regardless of those two abhorrent morals. I take my leave and depart from this place.

    For those who are curious to speak with me still after my departure, my third party profile names are

    Discord: Nuke87654 #5841
    Zoho mail: Nuke87654@zoho.com
    gmail: dwaljr@gmail.com
    Steam: outcast1992
    Skype: Nuke87654 321
    EQD Forums: Nuke87654

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  1. I may not be on time to watch the latest mlp episode tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. theonenamedDJ


      How do you usually watch MLP in general? Do you use sites like dailymotion or do you use streams?

    3. theonenamedDJ


      You can always watch it on DailyMotion later in the day.

    4. Nuke87654


      Streams usually. I do plan on watching it on daily motion should it come to pass.

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