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    Nuke87654 321
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    My MLP forum's epitath lies here.
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    Here lies Nuke87654, who used to love these forums until he heard and saw the deplorable actions of Simon and Stitch and the few who would defend them regardless of those two abhorrent morals. I take my leave and depart from this place.

    For those who are curious to speak with me still after my departure, my third party profile names are

    Discord: Nuke87654 #5841
    Zoho mail: Nuke87654@zoho.com
    gmail: dwaljr@gmail.com
    Steam: outcast1992
    Skype: Nuke87654 321
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  1. I don't know why, maybe because I expected more or so and just letting hype kill my enjoyment, but I wasn't impressed by how the episode turned out.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Nothing, just happy to see you back is all.

    3. theonenamedDJ


      Oh, no that was just humor, because Jerry is talks a lot about how Fluttershy is less shy and awkward and more an actual mental illness. It's good to talk to you too BTW :)

    4. Nuke87654


      Yea, honestly I think it's more of the problem that they really don't know what kind of Fluttershy episode they can do for her that doesn't pertain to her anxiety. While her realtionship with Discord offers a change of pace, John De Lancie probably can't appear to frequently in a season due to costs so that leaves Fluttershy having to do some stuff on her own. She really needs something new for her character to do in her episodes.

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