Hi, all. I've had this idea rolling around in my mind for some time, now. Ever since these alicorn-Rarity plushies were leaked from some chinese factories:
Yeah, mass produced and all, they're gorgeous, right? I already have one, and I adore her. My favorite pon is Raripon.
ANYWAY, whole thing is, since I've seen them, I've had this idea.
I have three ideas I'm rolling around in my thinker right now, tell me what you think:
Idea one: Fanfiction. Raripon awakens one morning to discover that...SHE HAS WINGS! Raripon has become an alicorn. At first embracing her princessism--as it is a dream of hers (as mentioned in movie, and feeling that there are 'A thousand reasons she'd make a wonderful princess!'[possible title]) She tries to go about business as usual and then....well, stuff happens. I don't want to spoil everything. But let's just say...a solar eclipse. Much drama. Very suspenseful and possibly a little dark as Rarity is forced to take on new responsibilities.
Idea two: Take this idea and make it an RP , hoping against hope some people will want to play the mane cast while I play out Rarity and AI the princesses (for plot reasons).
Idea three: Attempt to start an ask blog on tumblr as 'ask alicornity'--see how it plays out. Hope for the best and hope that all the plot points I have in mind play out well.
I am both looking for your opinions on this and any additional ideas/chaos you think could be played in.
Anypony? Somepony? Halp pls?