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Posts posted by inactive_user

  1. I was introverted once, until i changed EVERY bad thing in my life, about myself, what made me unhappy.


    Now, after some months, i just noticed WHAT DIFFERENCE it makes, to be extroverted.

    Everyone around me is happier, when someone is breaking this daily "silence".



    We're the same species, and we need to break those invisible walls of society.

    Because there aren't any.

    If you see a old lady, say something nice like "Isn't this just a nice day?"

    It MAKES a difference.

    And after a while, it changes things in you.

    In a very very good way. ♥

    It's nice to hear things are happier for you, but introvertedness and extrovertedness doesn't necessarily equate to happiness or sadness, just because someone is introverted doesn't make them depressed or something.


    Like me personally, I do enjoy a bit of time out with friends every now and again... But being out in public or around others for extended periods of time really begins to wear on me soon... Once I get past about, oh 4 or so hours, I start really getting antsy and tend to just wanna go home and work on something I enjoy or something, such as drawing and stuff. But, does this reluctance to being out with others all the time mean I'm depressed? Well, had I wrote this a few years back, I would have said yes, but... Now that I really can say I've truly began to retaliate from my depressed state previously, I can still say I'm really just as introverted as I was prior to my long depression thing I had there for some years... The "depression" piece of it honestly I can say really only came in mainly due to a lot of sub-conscious psychological issues regarding to dealing with certain kinds of toxic people...... That's another thing I feel accentuates my more introverted personality, the fact that I need to really "feel" out what it's like to be with a specific person and their personality in order to truly determine whether I feel "comfortable" or not with our shared presence with each other.


    But, now in mostly eliminating those "toxic" personalities from my life, I feel so much more happy and at peace.

  2. Oh my... Heh... I'd want to try the animating part here too for ya, as I am hoping to get a bit into animation soon enough... But at the moment, I'm really only an illustrator I guess, and really I have no experience whatsoever with animating just yet. :P

    Hope you find somepony qualified for this part. ^3^

    • Brohoof 2
  3. I guess technically I've really been drawing and practicing with stuff like visual art creation ever since my earlier childhood... At least, maybe for a year or two back then...... But, things happened, I ended up retracting myself from my interest in art for so long...... Basically, I really didn't return to my interest in art until about 2 years ago really, and then the only real times I actually "drew" anything was just a few little overly-basic and non-committal doodles in my notebooks during classes in school...... It wasn't really until about December or so of 2014 that I actually kind of really "picked up" my interest in drawing again and actually really "started" to get back into it again... Though I didn't really begin to make a regular thing of practicing and all until just about a few months or so ago... Just after I finally graduated high school.

    But yeah, for the minimal amount of practice and time I've spent in ultimatum, I'd say I'm doing quite well with my own progression considering. :fluttershy:
    Though... -_- I do also now kind of feel that all those years were kind of almost wasted, being that I had gotten so disconnected from my emotional inner self, that I always felt powerless to really "do" anything, and therefore, for the longest time, had the most sour kind of mindset to myself in terms of trying to "create" art and draw and all that good stuff. >_>

    Though, I'm dedicated now to just being able to focus on the moment in front of me, and the positives that come from it.

  4. I'd do exactly what I'm hoping to do someday in reality... Self-sustaining living. :v

    I'd take care of as many services and things I could myself and produce for and sustain myself by myself with my own methods, so I would be able to minimize monthly living costs to its bare minimum, that way I'm not wasting money on things I can just do for myself, like grow my own food, or produce my own energy via some means of electromagnetic coils or magnet energy or something, and maybe of course for the "in the meantime" process, I'd probably get a relatively moderately challenging, yet still comfortable and stable "day-job", and as a hobby (kinda like now in reality) draw and do art stuff and practice more and more, so that by some day, I may arrive at a point where I may be able to do something like freelance illustration or artistry or something for a living. And plus that way, if all the monthly expenses I can take care of myself and not have to worry about paying for, I don't have to pressure myself to "make a huge income every month", because honestly, I could really care less about money, and being able to buy a ton of things, or something like that... And personally, if you asked me, the current fiat money system in reality really ought to be abolished and replaced with something a bit more... humanistic... But considering that, as far as what I know, the money system in Equestria seems a lot more philanthropic and moral-based as opposed to what we have in America anyway... Though, of course I'd have to actually live in Equestria and experience their economy system for a little to actually make proper platform on that perspective.

  5. I've pretty much stuck with my "once a day" rule, I don't really care "when" during the day if I don't have either (school, which I have no longer) or maybe some kind of job or something to get to every morning or every other morning or something, usually if that is the case, I will try to get a shower just before I make myself go unconscious on an extremely soft surface and cuddle a bunch of ponies all night. :3 (that means going to sleep. :P)

    Otherwise though, if I have no early morning commitments the next day, I will typically just get a shower at some point around lunch time or so. :v It's actually easier on me that way I think. :fluttershy:

  6. Let's see, if I'm cuddling all of my pony plushies at once (which I often do before actually falling asleep) I'll usually cuddle them all up for like 20 minutes, and either fall asleep with them all, or just place Twilight and Applejack beside me and cuddle with Fluttershy for the rest of the night... But I'll do that being that normally I don't sleep on my back, but it's kinda hard to sleep on my right side (which is usually normal for me) whilst cuddling a buttload of adorable ponies that I just end up squeeing at the sight of every time. :3

    So, yeah... Otherwise, I sleep on my side in a relatively curled up kinda position, cuddling with Fluttershy for the rest of the night. :squee: Fluttershy makes me feel safe at night anyway...... Well, really, any of the ponies do, but Fluttershy especially. :3

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Looks interesting... Though if it's strictly an online MMO type game or something, I may have too much difficulty in actually really "playing" it that well... My internet connection can't really handle anything online of much higher intensity than Minecraft... And even then, it's hard to play that without lagging all over the place online.

  8. You've got plenty of time to participate in this one, to be honest :P


    Well, normally, probably yes... But, considering I have a few little "projects" that I'm still finishing up on, as well as I honestly don't really feel confident in my abilities yet to really try to make anything at least "good" I guess in such a time-frame...... I don't know, it could just be the fact that I've always just never been good with hard-set deadlines for things. :catface:

    • Brohoof 2
  9. I mean... I'm a male (ummm... kinda... I seem to have a lot more of mostly feminine qualities actually) and I did get one t-shirt of a band I really like, and I didn't even notice in the store that it was specifically a female fitted t-shirt... But, I mean, it still kinda seems to fit relatively fine...... Ummm... :blush: And I do kinda like to wear it every now and again. :3

  10. Good gosh... If it weren't for my dad practically forcing me to get my hair cut for graduation... I'd still have my hair like crazy long (and by this point, probably longer than Fluttershy's :P )

    If at all possible... I really try not to get my hair cut at all. I really just like having my hair long, and kinda messy here and there, and I just honestly don't like how I look with short hair either, so, naturally I just let it grow out. :fluttershy:

  11. thanks so much everyone sorry I haven't responded sooner, been off for a bit. thank you all very much can't wait to start drawing! I kinda want to make a scene with two ponies with objects 

    One other recommendation I've noticed that will really help, more so for if you are hoping to gain a bit of attention and valuable critique from others on your drawings as well by the way, if you aim for making your drawings actually tell some kind of "story" of some sort (and I use that term loosely in general for this situation here) rather than just making them basic sketches of an individual character and nothing else or something, it will really help to draw more notice to your drawings, as people will notice and identify the actual "message" behind a drawing or "story being told" as opposed to being presented just a random drawing out of mid-air.


    Though, at the same time... Maybe for the moment, being you are just beginning, it may be better for you skill-progression wise to simply focus on base characters for now and not worrying so much about something like creating a visual "story" with it. Though it is still a nice practice to get into if you are really going to get "into" drawing a whole lot. ^3^ Just another little tip, up to you though, do whatever feels most comfortable for you at the moment. :fluttershy:

  12. Wow! O.o These are really freakin' good. :fluttershy: I especially love that big one with the huge Twilight, and the race-track and cars, and the... ummm......... robot... thing...... :squee:


    Kind of gives me a bit of inspiration being that I'm just now kinda starting to really "get into" digital drawing and painting myself too.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. For being just little sketches, these are REALLY promising and well-drawn, especially for this just being your first time ever then. :fluttershy: Great job, and if you want to take them further, flush them out as more than just a little sketch, I say go for it! :squee:

    • Brohoof 2

    If you ever do come abouts to making one I would love to have it if that's fine with you!

    I'll certainly try to, I should be able to get around to it sometime soon. Maybe may need to set some time aside to make an entire vector or something.

  15. I may be able to try my hoof at making a little avatar thingy of her soon enough, though I'm already a bit behind on other work already, so... No promises, at least not immediately anyway.

  16. Heh... You sound like you're in the boat I was in 2 months ago before I got my tablet. :P

    I would say that, if you are just beginning and are in the market for a pen tablet of some sort, I would definitely recommend the one I got:



    ^^That's the one I got, and, for someone like me who was, and still relatively is a total beginner kinda, this thing has been serving its purpose quite well. :fluttershy: That's just the $200 one too, there's a smaller version of it as well for $100. Though I'd say also look into any of the other Intuos or Bamboo tablets too, you might find something better suited for you.


    Like Alpha Hedge said, just also look around online or on Wacom's store or something, you'll find all sorts of cool tablets and stuff. :yay:


    Oh, and also, if you are wondering how to work your mouse well for drawing...... Well, really the simple answer is, it's kind of impossible if you are wanting to do something such as painting or something, but... You can use something like the pen tool or something in Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape or something to make some pretty good vectors. Vectoring like that can be pretty controllable with a mouse.

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