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Status Replies posted by Flutter_Guy_Dash

  1. what would happen if you combined Nutella with everything you ate today?

    1. Flutter_Guy_Dash


      CUPCAKES, with a pinch of Rainbow Dash on it, just for kicks :D

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. what would happen if you combined Nutella with everything you ate today?

    1. Flutter_Guy_Dash


      EXPLOSIONS.... LOTS OF EXPLOSIONS. (and maybe a Bass Cannon or two:D ) and then, MORE EXPLOSIONS! SO MANY EXPLOSIONS THAT RD WILL GET REALLY JEALOUS, AND MAKE A SONIC RAINBOOM, THEN MORE EXPLOSIONS! So basically if you dont want the world to end, dont do it. But if there is MLP in heaven, im fine with it :D

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. There were more Anti-Bronies than bronies in my school, the people that were actual bronies were real jerks to me. Recently I found out that one of them lied to me for a whole year about him deactviating his facebook account, turns out he blocked me for that time for no good reason. Only one brony in my High school was likable. Now on college I have met another brony troll who hates me for no good reason. So, if for any reason I add everypony I can on social websites, this is one reason why.

    1. Flutter_Guy_Dash


      Yeah, at school I pretty much thought I was a lone brony. But throughout the year I saw little things that only a brony would notice, like someones binder saying "20% cooler bro", or another being a bag that had Derpy Hooves on it. I kind of noticed it here and there, but I never really called them out on it. None of my friends are bronies, and ive never gotten to have a detailed discussion about the show with anyone face to face. It really feels like im missing out D:

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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