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man dude man

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Status Updates posted by man dude man

  1. maybe i was right just yet about one the daughters of Aku joining Jack, just character progression... lol

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. man dude man
    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      the first one was meant at Nghtshroud ust seems like it was blatantly intended to mean something nd yeah im not oming back after this wekend

    4. Messy Mane

      Messy Mane

      ok well i'm gonna give u a good goodbye

  2. On a real note, is it cool to request deletion of this account, I really dont want to have to get banned to get off of here, so im preventing myself from saying a bunch of nasty BS or whatever make me look more like a bad guy, or if not can someone direct me to someone I can ask personally?

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      my real hormones are coming back... lol i cant be on the internet anymore lol

  3. I wish people wouldnt always rush to assume shit or try to apply some freudian psychology to everything, maybe someone is just weird? Maybe someone doesnt need a personal reason? Instead people have to make all these mildly offensive assumptions that you cant apply to every being equally or with even a moderately relative perspective

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      Like just talk to someone, dont play some like deductive 20 questions inwardly lol, just talk to them.. people like fix entire narratives about people without ever speaking a word to them

  4. Nope nope nope lol... not happening

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      "the conspiracy" lol

    3. ThunderCrush


      I have a conspiracy, dolphins are actually people in disguise.

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      perhaps someone a little smarter...

  5.  lol this is about to be me

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      i wish they had made this like an actual song lol, i really love that hook

    2. Nightshroud


      man if they did it top charts

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      I was looking for an mp3 for it but its almost supposed to be a joke song, but its actually like in the same vain as live to win.. once i give up alcohol ill have nothing, im about to just go insane working out, i got the energy, i just box myself into my depression or somwthing like it perhaps

  6. Ona real note is there a way to get rid of MLP forums acc? Or are they just immortalized? I still love mlp and am waiting for the new season but i need no buffer, i have to let go of my social life lol.

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      Before to long i wouldnt be surprised if the magic in mlp was out of the question lol

    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      plus there are a lot of bad people trying to rub me the wrong way... every where i go sadly, up until i can be made out to be the bad guy... i need the discipline for myself.

  7. "She knows what she wants based on her principles, not on her understanding" -something very important for me to hear... as "the wolf in the pasture"

  8. "Problematic" looks like the stand up rendition thats been needed for this generation for a long time.. lol on a side note, I got a positive aspect lol... you pretty much just got to shut people out, especially here, 11/10 people in Ohio are negative influences, certain negatives have a higher plus negative than others lol... thats pretty much just the way you got to look at it, either they are manic sociopaths that want to take advantage of your plights and insecurities shamelessly, or, they are just joining in to be a part of something lol

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      ive said some silly things before, and in moments retrospect, I have psychological problems, but no, im not a criminal lol, the only indication of that is words, and people with biased perspectives...

    3. GenderIsAnIllusion
    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      it doesnt hold ya know lol... people cant ignore who you are, what you actually do, what you are vested in, what you believe, what you have done with your life, what you currently do or try to do, and just be like, well i heard a story about so and so from 7 years ago or whatever lol... its like no, thats really stretching things

  9. Going to become a "social vapor" for awhile.... the duality of being instructed not to indulge yourself, and not being socially indulged by others, leave little in between, besides, i think the answers clear now, beggars cant be choosers...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      well, im overly indulged, its just by over critical maniacal people who are on the flames and forks side of my witch hunt

    3. ThunderCrush


      Why would you want to leave?:kindness:

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      because im a "goth" lmfao no just remembered some funny shit, idk

  10. I wish I didnt break my toe the other day lol, its definitely broken, i cant move it alone xD 

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      if i ever got a call for a job it would be during this time lol, either way its wishing in one hand for me..

  11. what do I know right? what do I know? xD haha, people

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      People live a lot in their own imaginations while pretending its the imagination of others, a lot of people refuse to believe there is someone or something they cant understand, because that doesnt help them...

  12. I dont really like Jo Jos bizarre adventure, but i feel like its actually a character i strongly relate to 

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      I'm not really an anime person in general, but it did spark the "to be continued" meme. Or should I say...

      <----To Be Continued

    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      i watch toonami, so yes i do watch it, and his character is just like, you know, just kind of undiscplined, and underwhelming on a foot basis, but in the moments critical, just from times of having out of the box unconventional more developed thinking that others werent quite prepared for...

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      he kind of comes together more as the training progresses, but he is more of like that moments cast thing, he struggles himself into situations but when he thinks about things, he has like an open book of alternatives... its like a 6/10 to me as an anime, but i just like and relate to his character

  13. should I wait 18 more minutes to say something serious?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      for being man enough to realize im the same as everyone else

    3. Messy Mane

      Messy Mane

      what matters to me is if you're perfectly fine with this decision,If you want to get banned the decision is up to you my friend

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      i mean that morally of course

  14. Do you have to get banned to remove your account?

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      i dont think im worthy enough of that title, more or less is it, an inaccurate representation of what humans believe themselves to be in their greatest fantasies, we are all our own heroes but indirectly someone elses villain, id like to make peace among individuals, I only act in defense, I am not threat to anyone, I am no criminal, and my only direct sincere critcism is to institutions, not racial collectives, not religious collectives (sometimes) but only ruling class individuals, or people that believe organic life is a toy, we are all the same... i would rather respectfully have my ass handed to me like a man, than to have my life taken or scarred disrespectfully in spite... and you dont have to respect me afterwards, but people dont think they are at the mercy of something greater than them and its their own undoing...

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      you know, public info... im not doing anything to incriminate myself, but people dont care to look at that double standard held against me... the brutally incriminating things said about me, but they are treated in justification while waiting to find ways to incriminate me, while doing things to best my own life... People seem to think I think I am the strongest thing in the world... its like you know, you could be a lot less than a human, but you have no idea the "lot more" xD I am just a dude who wants to live a decent future being who and what I was born as, as all humans deserve....you know, we arent gods, far from, just people that try desperately to dictate the lives of those weaker than them... not realizing the potential hell of that philosophy...

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      ears out you know... xD not just intuitions...

  15. Poor people with serious things to say on April 1st

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      let me know though how to remove these, like from start to finish lol...

  16. Heres deal is, look, if someone goes out of there way to say something isnt an april fools joke, it probably isnt, because any joke you had is ruined reassuring someone it wasnt a joke... lol

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      that doesnt mean, you ask, then they reply, it means the joke entails them saying its not a joke, which makes for a shitty joke to begin with so, either they are just unfunny, or they are being for real

  17. All I want is my life to be left as is, but to some its to much to ask for... 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      its not going to happen.... it would be the most unwise decision that can be made...

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      knowing is personal accountability and to many people know... i mean, i do the things I do to protect myself not to hurt anyone else... I mean if someone has something to prove to me as an individual, than you know, they can take it to wherever they want to prove they are a bigger man than me, but in any vilified or moment of over hedging I have over anyone, I wouldnt do anything to change who they are, people can hate me, everything about me, but you know, it just would be an unwise thing to do... I am a much better person to have as a friend than an enemy, but people act like the world is shoots and poops or whatever.... I have no ego in who I am, I just am who I am inherently, the version of me that cant live without being fucked with

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      i guess especially to some of the people that hate me lol... some people just truly have no idea... lol, i hate being "useful" but that is a title that can more commonly describe me, than "liked" or sometimes "tolerated"

  18. Done drinking the kool aid, dont reassure yourself with the handicap you try to force on someone else especially when it turns out being an embarrassment to yourself. I dont like people trying to prey on insecurities, be our own strength at that, the weakness you look for in someone else is just the weakness in yourself. If you have to look for someone weak to feel strong, you are as weak as they come

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      people think when time passes that all of the variables defining a situation just go away (this is seperate to the past) like I used to always say, my "bad guys" transcend people that would like to be, for some reason my life has become a commidity of self reassurance for people that like to look away from someone being treated worse than a zoo animal, because at least in their natural habitant, their existence hasnt been chemically manipulated.

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      yeah the perks of modern life are here, just not he privacy, the mutual respect, and the respect for personal boundaries, I cant order vitamins online, because im the crazy one, well chemistry tells a different story lol

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      i can be diplomatically forthcoming i believe, before i wither away to nothing or subside whats left of my free will, i feel it coming back to myself, we like to have these things habitually to help us cope with uncertainty or to give our life a rythm, well I got to get my strength back, and unfortunately we may not have the conversations we had at once, to many people have treated me as an ignorant fool to long, and im tired of sitting back and staying mute about it

  19. If you claim to love someone or even mildly care about someone consumed by things like, obsessive compulsions, paranoia, their social standing, mis-identity... you arent helping them by denying blatant injustices held against them, and the defilement of their humanity. Proceeding to join in on what you know irritates them while playing a fool is only pushing them further and further away. Sometimes people dont walk away without looking back based on belief on, but rather knowledge... the ignorance you believe is a product of anyone more than yourself, not truly knowing the gravity of a situation or who someone truly is or aims to be.

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      people play the fool, but the fool plays the people

    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      calling someone paranoid, who is telling the truth, irregardless if they are not paranoid or if they are facts to subside

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      one nor the other you know, its not okay to treat any human that way, people shouldnt have the philosophy of, "I did this unfair thing to this individual, now I need to stalk their every movement, and hear out their every word to either justify myself or confirm them" no? they dont need confirming one way or the other, you are the oppressor, you just dont like feeling like it, so you tell yourself whatever makes you feel justified..

  20. im just waiting for the Hearthstone card, "my main character in world of warcraft is a Shaman lol"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      followed by "shamans arent favored bro, we're totally knocking tunnel trog and totem golem out of meta, maybe."

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      competitively it is tiered and chance, im not complaining, I am just saying that some decks have much greater probabilities than others... and its easier to hit rank 7 in two days with some decks than others....

    4. man dude man
  21. Why is it more convoluted putting in an application for a fast food restaurant than enlisting in a draft lol

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Messy Mane

      Messy Mane

      well do what it is you want to do rose,and don't let anyone get in your way of getting you a job 

      good luck and i wish the best for you,this is your life and its up to you to decide what you wanna do with it 


    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      Thanks bro, i wish people really knew how hard i tried to be my best, to contribute etc, and i look and do everything im supposed to, but its like, thats not of what anyones looking for in me i guess, yo, im down to work your crappiest job and find a progressive alternative solution for whatever problem there is, just give me to the job haha, what i want from the world is simple, but im just kind of alienated and finding a job isnt always easy, me if i got to man up, i got to do what i got to do, because im someone that will go all the way with something if others arent weighing me down

    4. Messy Mane

      Messy Mane

      you're welcome rose,I as well have some of the same problems you are mentioning,I wish everyone would just except everyone for who they are and not care how much people make or what they wear,what matters is whats in the inside.Good Luck I know you'll find one c:

  22. For me drinking is a scary thing.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. inactive_user


      Circumstances can play a huge role in our emotional interpretational determinations of the significance of events and such... Personally, I understand "losing my mind" from what I've been going through. I believe you're familiar with some of that, as I've mentioned previously.

      One thing that helps me take momentary comfort and "re-center" myself though is simply getting lost in something free-spirited that I love... Such as music, or ponies for that instance. ESPECIALLY humorous comedy-eske stuff... And then there's always good old humorous pony content. :fluttershy:


    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      maybe i have to look for something I already identify as positive, im like in a bizarro mind warp, and sometimes like, i already have intense cognitive dysfunctions inherently, but when i get this drunk, I just completely malfunction, lol... its like, dude lol, what is this, im taking not a dead end road, but im in a hamster wheel seeing a dead end would bring me solace...

    4. man dude man

      man dude man

      literally, im like contemplated when and under anything else, but alcohol for me, is literally like putting an angry rat inside the core of a desktop lol

  23. the truth is, people really arent ready to move forward into any type of inter galactic bureaucracy,  small differences trigger people, cultures entirely different would scare the shit out of people..

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      it may seem insensitive to say shit like, "so and such is whatever" but everyone does it, and its played out, playing this "collective villiains and victims shit..."

    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      i cant do internet sarcasm or read it properly, guilty, its of verbal exchange, and not everyone in this or any world doesnt always just say what they mean you know, but the problem is people acting like a small biological indifference is telling of who you are or it plays any part in your identity, it doesnt, realistically with countries like America, your income defines your identity.

  24. i hate when i accidentally do shit fucking with my phone, but i have come to find it probably would seem more weird to address it lol. plus who cares i guess  less than ironically enough the only people who call me are people i am trying to avoid. lol

    1. man dude man

      man dude man

      *crap, *screwing, excuse that they really need to add an edit post feature.

    2. man dude man

      man dude man

      sometimes though i literally just like, see a bunch of people i dont even know how i know lol (even on here) and i am just like, I feel like just messaging people to start a random conversation

    3. man dude man

      man dude man

      well not so much "avoid i guess" i am a pretty easy person to find publicly hahaha, but the only people that want to be friends dont really want to be, they just trying to get to whatever they can get out of you, hats off for being resourceful i guess xD but im not your guy, or anyones for that matter xD

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