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Silver Star

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About Silver Star

  • Birthday 1990-05-07

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My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
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  1. Um, I came back, didn't just came here. Do you guys know the different a newcomer or someone coming back? I am not a newcomer.
  2. Thanks you so much. This is a very nice welcome back.
  3. How did you find MLP Forums?: How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I am back after a very long break. I don't know where I should put this, but yeah, I am back.
  4. Bumping, to hopefully get people intested in this.
  5. Sorry for making you feel bad.
  6. Him, most definetely. What had he done to deserve his title? He is just a spoiled brat, in a way. He doesn't seem like a good leader, he definetely can't stay calm in a crisis, done nothing of great recongition, and he doesn't seems care about his subjects. Maybe he wasn't turned into an alicorn because he doesn't deserve it, heck, he doesn't deserve the title. If this is all true, Blueblood is the only pony with a royal title who didn't deserve it.
  7. Ok, she is a great hero, doing so many great things for Equestria. Maybe she does it, even more than Celestia and Luna. Maybe she should be the lone ruler, of course, Celestia and Luna are needed. Maybe it is Cadence who kinda doesn't deserve the title, and needs to be stripped of it. Um, what is this Tree of Harmony, something included in the new season?
  8. Makes sense, since he expels at making chaos, but they don't have computer, so that won't work.
  9. Nah, Celestia will be the President, Luna the Vice President, and Twilight Sparkle, more of an magic advisior or something. Cadence, um, treasurer?
  10. How about this, Equestria becomes an democracy country, and the leader is somepony that everypony elected? Just saying. At least, that one, there is one at any time. A country really only need one leader.
  11. Pinkie Pie might be friend with everypony in Ponyville, but does she show good leadership skills, or show that she can stay calm in a crisis? Not really.
  12. Banned for banning for hugging a moderator. Hugs are good.
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