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Shadow Dancer

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Everything posted by Shadow Dancer

  1. Nebula's grin widened, "Good so I don't have to hold back. I hope they last long enough to make this worth the time I will spend repairing my blade." Nebula saw the first enemy pirate and jumped into the fray. Taking her first opponent by surprise and quickly slaying another two before they were fully prepared.
  2. "That was half the fun getting him so embarrassed that he would fight himself on joining or running off." Nebula blushed, "Though it never got as far as him mounting me." When the captain shouted Nebula readied her sword her embarrassment melting into a cool calm. "So who are our guests?"
  3. It was Nebula Star's turn to blush, "Very close friends, we would always make remarks at one another ranging from tame to sexual even after Dusk Flower and Indi got hitched we would trade remarks or even do our damndest to make the other blush. I can't count the times I tricked him into walking in on me in a shower. Funny part is Dusk encouraged our game even keeping score last time she told us it was 1527 to 858 with me in the lead. of course that was from the point that she started keeping score two or three years before she died."
  4. Nebula Started to bob her head to the music and smiled as she looked at Crystal and Byron and took Crystal's hand and pulled her up. "Up ya go Queenie your dancin' to this song with me and get Indi to take ya to a proper Threstral owned pub best place to have a drink in tae world."
  5. "Ah tae ol' captain comes to visit." Nebula Star grinned "Be it the ocean, criminals or enemy soldiers at least they're honest in their intentions. Nobles and Politicians however, the slimy bastards play your friend for a day, a week, or maybe a year n' they betray you tae second their done."
  6. Both Indicus and Shadow Step nodded in agreement. "They also have a rare luck with subduing most enemies without getting blood on their hands and the few that die well the kills are so clean that they don't really regester to the girls." Indicus said thinking back to the Storm King. "If the world is kind they will stay that way."
  7. Indicus is quite for a second. "The Storm King... Ah I remember that invasion it has been awhile since I have heard the name. His second Tempest Shadow I believe, put up one hell of a fight against us then had a change of heart and helped the young Princess." Indicus shakes his head. "I heard the Storm King wasn't exactly the best boss and his commanders less so."
  8. Indicus and Shadow Step looked at eachother, then Indicus spoke. "Nebula might give him a chance but then again she might not with her it is up to her mood and luck to decide" Shadow Step chuckles "She was talking about you alot Indi when you 'died' hell if you looked for it she might have been the most torn up. She may still have a small crush on you." Indicus sighed. "I thought that she dropped the crush a long time ago. You know I was never deliberately trying to get hitched with one mare much less more than that it all just kinda happened. I sometimes feel like I'm the main character in one of those harem mangas that Shaded reads. Shadow Step had a playful glint in her eye, "You know if you asked Shaded might..." "Nope, nope I know where that is going and we are not going there." Indicus blushed. Shadow Step just laughed and continued to search for the hunters that were said to be nearby.
  9. "No one got hurt when the knife was thrown and as for the princess, Arcania and I couldn't leave someone so young to die. As for Chrysalis we had a lead on her location and knew without help the Hunters would kill her. Each decision was one any sane person would make. Besides I am military, active or not I'm not going to just let others die for no reason." Shadow step sighed. "Give up Caelano you will not be successful in what you are trying to do if there was an element of modesty Indi would take the damn thing. We have to brag for him."
  10. Indicus chuckled, "Learn something from this guy hmm? Being nice is nothing too special and with Crystal I just used basic medical training to stich her wounds. So nothing anyone else couldn't do" Indicus affirmed once more
  11. Nebula laughed, "Honestly I did not notice them becoming an item til' a bit after Indicus left fer his revenge. Then they told meself and Luna." Indicus looked at Caelano. "Dumb luck mostly. I got my payment from a noble trying to cheat me. Then I went to the forest to wash the blood off and heard Arcania singing. Some days later I met Chrysalis by finding her in a cave taking her to Arcania's place and stitching up her wounds from prior attacks from the hunters. So nothing story worthy." Indicus refocused on flying. Shadow Step shook her head. "You are probably understating what you did for the both of them so quit being so damn modest, Indi."
  12. Nebula smiled, "That story he did tell us. It was after the hive fell apart and he was looking for food in Canterlot so happens he tried feeding off of Princess Luna one night while she was in her disguise. She found him out but decided to recruit him instead of arresting him. It was about a year before Indicus joined us."
  13. Shaded just continued to laugh. On the Byron's ship Nebula Star walked up to Crystal. "So how are you doing Queenie, you out here enjoying the view or just in deep thought about what is going on right now.?"
  14. Shaded laughed, "Good luck with that Arcania. After the first year in Queen Chrysalis's service the Queen requested Jasmine to call her by her name and Jasmine continued with the honorifics even when ordered. Might want to accept it now because it is how it is and always will be."
  15. Shaded hugged Jasmine, "Don't worry Jasmine I also miss the time when Chrysalis had the hive prospering, before misfortune struck. Thorax is a decent leader but when things get dire I don't know how well he can stand under the pressure." Shaded released the hug and smiled "Besides It seems at this rate we will have a true king for the first time in many centuries."
  16. Shaded chuckled, "She probably harbors a bit of anticipation and worry about how the metamorphosis of our new king is coming along and she has to worry about the hunter threat for now give it a little while longer and she will acknowledge you like she did before Jasmine." Shaded returned Scarlette's nuzzle with one of his own.
  17. Shaded regained his smile as he noticed how much Scarlette was enjoying his little gestures. "Thanks for the snacks ma'am" Shaded takes a drink, opens it up and takes a sip. Even giving a drink and snack to Scarlette.
  18. Shaded chuckled, "Everyone has no obligation to leave unless you want to. As for Indicus the problem is not him being alone but that he feels the need to stand alone as the protector of everyone he cares for especially now I just worry he will get himself killed. He is strong as a magic user and even physically along with being very skilled but he still can be killed."
  19. "Yes that would be why." Shaded smirks, "I hope so he has a habit of trying to carry his burdens alone and of trying to shoulder the protection of those he holds close all by himself. I can see him letting go of some of what burdens him but he still has too much on his shoulders for one stallion to carry" Shaded looks at Dermora and Arcania. "Still thank you both for helping Indicus."
  20. Shaded sighed, "Dusk Flower and Indicus were both captured after we fell into a trap. We were ordered to escape and they stayed." Shaded took another breath. "Anyway we escaped and regrouped. It took ten days to get an assault team together. In that time they were tourtured. Indicus never has talked about the details. All I know is by the time we arrived the place was filled with bodies. Dusk's corpse was gently set in plain view. It was covered in numerous wounds and signs of rape were also present. Indicus just left a note saying that he was hunting the leader down himself, and that he was resigning from his position. "After that there was just news of a vigilante killing gang members and criminals. Days later a mafia Don was dead. Killed by a explosion with the killer presumed dead. We knew Indicus did it and thought him dead until recently. All of Indicus's kills were brutal designed for pain and leathality." Shaded closed his eyes. "You will have to ask Indicus to get details."
  21. "Indeed, as for foals with a Demon Lord it might be possible. There are several stories about such things even if they vary." Shaded replied. "There are probably places you can go to find out for sure though."
  22. Shaded laughed with Nightmare. "I can see that." Shaded paused in thought before chuckling "I kind of feel sorry for these hunters they are up against three former spec ops soldiers I don't think their training covers evading ponies like them. They will be dead before they knew what hit them." Shaded stood up and stretched, "I will get to hear my wife complain about how easy the job was. Though that may end up with me... " Shaded grins "Yea I might have to thank the hunters for being so pathetic tomorrow."
  23. Shaded Persona laughed, "I'm not worried at all Arcania's father would have you dead if you were doing something to her. Even if you managed to trick him as unlikely as that is Indicus would have you dead and there would not be a damn thing you could do about it." Shaded's tone darkened. "I love the stallion like a brother but the time he sought revenge for Dusk Flower's death I feared him. In that moment you could have told me Indicus was a bastard child of the devil and some death goddess and I would have believed it. Shaded shook his head "I shouldn't ruin a lady's day with such dark topics sorry."
  24. "You do have a point and from what I have seen in glances is the changes are coming along." Shaded looked towards Dremora. "Well speak of the devil, albit literally in this case. Anyway you know Dremora we will have to go to a bar and get to know each other I would like to get to know the company Indicus keeps."
  25. Shaded laughed, "I can see that two guys and Chrysalis is not exactly the most feminine mare out there though knowing the Queen she has messed with Indicus quite a bit. She would mess with her rookie royal guards back in the day as well but never once do anything that would seem untoward of a Queen. It was always hilarious. Was kind of a initiation for any new blood."
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