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Blog Comments posted by KRAKELINGCATcarnage

  1. You keep saying you're trying to make sure that people don't make the mistake as you...and that mistake was being locked up in the hospital...


    Are you trying to tell people not to go to the hospital?


    What exactly happened that was traumatic?

    Well im not trying to tell people they shouldnt go to hospitals but im trying to say they shouldnt waste their lives like i did. i made pretty bad decisions in my life. and for the traumatic part: I was there locked up for 3 weeks, i had to sleep eat and go to school there. the people who took care of me there where basicly horrible. they became angry againts me only becus i started crying becus i wanted to go home. and that crazy girl who was in the hospital, she was basicly shouting all the time banging her head againts a wall. it drove me crazy there and thats how i ended up being so depressed.

  2. Alright, I think I know what might be the problem, Sertraline is well known for causing bizarre muscle spasms or "tics", This might apply to the heart as well, It made my friend jerk his arms around randomly and even caused him to let out little screeches like a cat, I might be wrong, but that's my best guess but i'm not a doctor, Only a doctor would know the cause.  

    You may be right thx bro :)

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Hey buddy, You mentioned something about medicine? Could you tell us the name of the medicine you're taking? Because medicine can often cause heart palpitations (a deep heart beat that sends an electric shock type feeling through the body), Some medicines often used to treat anxiety can cause very dangerous side effects. 

    Thx for the reply! I take Abilify and Certraline. im not sure they have those in your country tough

  4. You're just anxious, dude. You're not gonna die.


    Frankly, you're insulting my friend here by doing this :|

    Im sorry bro, but i cant take it anymore that people keep turning againts me, i have seen enough that people on internet,youtube and forums keep turning againts me and hating me for who i am some of my friends even said i should kill myself and im having the feeling that no one will accept me anymore if it keeps going like this. the problem is that im not anxious, not al actually, im not even afraid to die and this isnt just a normal heart beating, this could be something really dangerous :(

  5. So... why are you still talking about it here instead of getting over your irrational fear of this hospital and going there if this is really that bad?


    If I had a serious heart condition, I wouldn't go to a pony forum and complain about it there. No, I would tell my family about it. In addition, before you began complaining about it, you said you had no friends and wanted people to add you on Skype even after complaining about it, something nobody with an actually serious heart condition that was about to kill them would do, which makes me feel like you're anxious and are exaggerating it to get more friends. Come on, dude.

    Im trying to show people that they shouldnt make the same mistake as i did in my life, this is what happens when they lock you up in a hospital for 3 weeks, I was searching for friends becus i wanted to have friends since my previous friends literly sayd: Go get cancer and die to me.

    Im planning on going to the hospital but would happen if they would do it again? think about it, i have told this people many times and im already having some serious problems. What would you do if you had this like me? going to the hospital wouldnt be the best option since i got a trauma from that and doing nothing is also not a option. I appriciate that you comment but i cant take negative stuff at this point :/


    @ghostfacekiller39 you think im joking about this? And what would you do when i die becus of this??

    Like i said above im trying to show people they shouldnt make the same mistake as me. im trying to help you guys but if you are going to post the same stuff over and over again its not getting any better :/

  6. You know, I suffer from dilated cardiomyopathy. It's a really serious thing. I don't get to play sports, I don't get to go jogging, my diet is strict as hell, I'm constantly missing school because it's giving me problems, and I'm expected to live until about 40, and that may be being generous. It's a pretty serious disorder. Serious enough for me to live every day knowing the chances are greatly in favor of me not living to grow old, not getting to see the children I may have graduate and have kids...I was dealt a pretty tough hand in life with it.


    My emotions are connected to it. I get super stressed extremely easy, I can get angry at the drop of a pin, depending on what day it is. I try my best to keep it under control, but it just gets too hard at times.


    In any case, I've been in and out of the hospital my whole life because of it. Hospitals aren't very fun, I will say. The nurses usually aren't as hot as they're made out to be in movies, either. But I have a life-altering heart condition, and, I'm sorry, but I gotta say, it didn't have that sort of effect on me. Every 3 months or so for 17 years I've been in and out of the hospital because of my condition. 


    Hospitals aren't bad enough for that sort of trauma, I'm sorry. The heart is one of the strongest muscles in the human body, and being depressed because you had an extended stay in the hospital isn't going to give you constant heart problems. Depression in general won't do that, because I've battled depression for a long time myself.


    Maybe you're just not feeling good or something and you need to lay down, but I honestly don't think your heart is something to worry about at the moment ;) Trust me, I've dealt with this all of my life.


    What I'd recommend is getting some Ginger Ale and Saltine crackers and munching on those. Those help settle your stomach :D

    Thx for the reply :) but is this isnt a normal heart pain i have, it litterly beats extremely fast and it hurts alot im litterly shouting becus of the pain and this happend at the time when i was depressed becus i have seen this coming


    I know but i cant go back to the hospital if i go back to the hospital i will go insane and be in shock what they did to me in that hospital i can never forget the only way to survive this is that need to be distracted but the only thing that disctracts me at this moment is chatting or calling with people :(

  8. Depression can be a reason of plenty of real pains. You ever heard about neuralgia? :)


    When I went through depression I often had the headaches and felt pain somewhere near my heart. Our organism responds to emotions, when we feel bad. Besides, people with depression often don't have strenght to take care of themselves and barely eat, sleep, etc. 

    I think i have that yes but whats going with my heart right now isnt i think a ordinary pain its going beserk and i think im going to get some sort of heart attack atleast it feels like it

  9. Hi there. I read your status and decided to write. Sorry to hear that you have a depression :C I was sick, too. Definitely the worst period of my life and sometimes it's still painful to think about it. If you look for someone who'd help or talk with you about it - feel free to send me a message!

    Thx for the reply do you maby have skype? my heart is beserking right now

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