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Rhythmic Tempo

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Posts posted by Rhythmic Tempo

  1. I have managed to dodge all those kind of things and events my whole life it seems. Day and night. And I live in really old city, with really old buildings, in a really old building. And lived in a building older than the establishment of United States even. And never a ghost!


    Not that I fully exclude the possibility, it never just has been demonstrated in ways that are conclusive evidence and personal anecdotes and testimonies do not really hold water, of course I always hear them out because maybe some day someone has some actual proof to show to support their testimonies :toldya:

    Yeah, I've only had one encounter so far, but it was by chance. I was going to get my friends and try to investigate somewhere, but we don't have the money or equipment for that.

  2. As a left handed person taught to write right handed and re mastering my left on writing, don't jump straight to writing. You will probably get demotivated as I did. I would start by doing simple things, like opening doors or lifting stuff. Just keep in mind to use your right hand on occasion.


    I would just slowly work your way into it. Not attempting to write until later. Drop back in with some progress occasionally, I would like to see how it goes!

  3. I think one could call this a close call:


    Introvert(78%)  iNtuitive(50%)  Thinking(50%)  Perceiving(61%)
    • You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (78%)
    • You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%)
    • You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (50%)
    • You have distinct preference of Perceiving over Judging (61%)


    2 50-50's

  4. heh, I probably wouldnt want to meet anyone yet. I havent been here long enough, and I have some SERIOUS trust issues. I am one of the best liars out there. Until I trust you, you wont get anything from me. I don't have an avatar because I like to be judged by my post, not a picture on the side of my words.


    That being said, I'm not lying here. The internet is where I'm honest. Real life though, whole different story >.>

    • Brohoof 1
  5. What would you do if the Earth extended forever. Ignoring all concepts of physics and gravity that would otherwise make this impossible. Would you simply remain in your country, or would you go explore. This pertains to things like oil too, there is an infinite amount if you go out far enough.


    Me, I would go out somewhere and make a lost country. It would be the thing you would hear about in a storybook.


    Le magical edit: The current 'Earth' Still exists. All of the stuff we are familiar with is still there. The main problem would be deciding where the current 'Earth' ends, but I will leave that up to you. You can walk in any direction forever! Of course oceans and stuff would still appear.

    Oh, and you still can't punch trees. You are not Steve.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Can tulpas have photographic memories? And is it ethical to study/take a test with them?

    As far as photographic goes, I have no Idea. Vinyl can access my memory and re-tell me some things. But others are harder to access per se. Ethical? Probably not. Useful and fucking amazing? Hell yeah!


    V[ I have no problem helping out TC with his tests and such. As long as he pays me back later with something I want :3]

  7. If someone killed my brother, I would find out where they live. Chain them up in their sleep. Then wake them up. Once their awake I gouge out their eyes with a rusty spoon, and dump gasoline in them. Then I give a dose of adrenaline to keep them awake; I then proceed to light their eye-holes on fire.


    Don't really have a plan after that. Anyone else though and I probably wont give a fuck :3

    • Brohoof 2
  8. I have always wanted an NES! Later this week I am going to see if I can buy a SNES from a friend. 


    Sadly mine has seen better days. Even with constant upkeep its getting close to its end. But I still play the first Super mario bros like crazy when I have some spare time. I have yet to complete the game in under 20 min. Although i'm around 25ish now.

  9. Still, you get where im coming from... xD

    Basically I had some steel magnet bars. So what I did was heat up the metal, and mold them into the form of the original knife blades. I then proceeded to weld the magnetic knife blade onto the to the handle. I had to do this because the original blades. I only did both because the metal colors were different, so I broke the second blade.


    They now stick into metal surfaces easier when I throw them, allowing for deeper penetration when thrown at the correct angle.

  10. I read about permaswitching, and a case where the host almost lost his identity/sense of self. I decided that possession is a step down that road, and, fearing the possibility of addiction/going overboard, decided not to do any possession. My tulpa reminded me about our previous possession attempts, which makes me feel like worst pony; trying to give her something awesome, then yanking it away out of fear of a potential risk. One of my friends (who knows me really well) had said I have an addictive personality, so this fear might not be unfounded.


    While permaswitching is possible, it's extremely hard to do and requires tons of effort. Possession is temporary but gives the same effects. I plan on doing a full switch eventually, but I will return to my body after Ive experienced it.


    Even if you do fully switch, the body tends to gravitate towards the host. While I can't speak for myself in terms of full switching; possession is harmless. I can see where you are coming from though and can respect your opinion, just try to give it some more thought :D

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