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Rhythmic Tempo

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Posts posted by Rhythmic Tempo

  1. yeah when you drink them a few times they taste really good but somethimes it has a terrible effect like i today was drinking one it tasted really good but after a hour, guess what? my stomach begin to act really weird having pain in it al the time


    Im sorry to hear those bad things happend to you :(


    It this point its nothing lol. Its been like a good year or two. Im long over, with no wish to ever return. I like being 'unpopular'. It means i'm different, and different means im unique :D

  2. I really appriciate your help and im you really thankfull but i have done something bad in my life that i can never forgive myself

    Most times when im in a depression i try to chat with people to get happy but since i lost most of my friends becus of that stupid keylogger i had on my computer more then 30 users blocked me and some people even hate me for who i am and thats why life is complicated: becus there are to many problems in the world that cant be fixed


    I even once almost killed myself being done with life i was stuck in a hospital for 3 weeks while a crazy person smashes her head againts a wall en was shouting all the time


    I grabbed my neck and did it really long and thats why i can not enjoy my life :( i miss friends around me where i can chat with and game with etc i have still some friends where do it with it but they will soon do the same like the others did and thats how i will soon meet my downfall


    I'm going to say this. I used to be that guy at school that everyone wanted to be friends with. The one guy that nobody questioned. Now I am the most hated, simply because im sick of everyone being stupid and looking up to people that are lower than them. So much potental is wasted on lost causes.


    But everyone is guilty of it. If you had a keylogger on your computer, and people blocked you, move on. If you want to try to make it up to them, try to get a friend to talk to them. Shit happens, but you can get over it and be better than them. If they are unwilling to forgive you, then so be it. But don't let them hold you down.




    Monster Energy helps me go to sleep at night, :D


    Confuses people when I drink one and they see me passed out an hour later.

  3. It's given me something to do in my spare time. As much as I like playing games and stuff, i'm not too athletic, so i'm normally inside. If my friend hadn't shown me MLP I would be one of those nooby CoD idiots screaming at people to "Get good m8"


    But, it got me off and back into reading some good stories, that, in the community, are quite varied on many aspects.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie

    How did you find MLP Forums?: Randomly browsing on google one day, was just searching for a brony community I could be apart of.

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Well, back in nam'...But seriously, I was dared by my friend to watch the show, and he wasent even a brony at the time. He only really got into the show when I duct-taped him into a chair and made him watch it.

    Well, my irl name is TC, but I prefer to go by Rhythmic on the internet for reasons i'm sure everyone can understand. I like to write both MLP fanfiction along with helping other people with their stories.


    I also like some types of movies, mostly adventure where its not the same thing over and over. I like to read Human in Equestria stories from time to time, and there are quite a few good one out there that I wont name right now for the sake of this being an introduction thread.


    But that basically all I have to say about myself, get to know me well and I can be your best friend. or the greatest troll ever...


    I look to remain on these forums for a long time, and get to know everyone here! :D




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