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Kay Dreamer

Retired Staff
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Status Replies posted by Kay Dreamer

  1. I love Your OC :3

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      You certainly may! Kay loves hugs. ^.^


      I'm not around all that often due to work being insane (I'm a graduate teacher, first year out...), though you're welcome to chatter if you like. I might take weeks to reply, but I get around to it eventually. xD

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Approved OC in EqE! YEEEEEHHH! It took so long that I actually forgot how to impersonate him, but still, YEEEEEEEHHHHH!

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      Don't worry, we don't bite. :) You don't have to force yourself to write essay-length posts, just start where you feel comfortable and go from there.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Approved OC in EqE! YEEEEEHHH! It took so long that I actually forgot how to impersonate him, but still, YEEEEEEEHHHHH!

  4. The stress of waiting for a moderator's opinion on your EQE OC is real

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      You got nothing to worry about, he seems adorable. :) I'll have a closer read when I can, we have quite the queue. xD

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Two cups deep in red wine and watching The Princess Bride. Forget the student, THIS is what they invented school holidays for.

  6. Two cups deep in red wine and watching The Princess Bride. Forget the student, THIS is what they invented school holidays for.

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      For the uninitiated, I'd definitely suggest a round, smooth merlot. Wine is an acquired taste, and certain varieties will taste HORRIBLE to the uninitiated palette. Merlot is a good starting pojnt, and once you have a taste for it, try a few GOOD Shiraz's. (Not nasty cheap ones.) They have a nice 'spice' to them which gives them a sophistication I find the merlot's lack for me now.


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. Two cups deep in red wine and watching The Princess Bride. Forget the student, THIS is what they invented school holidays for.

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      If you can source it, a good Australian Shiraz is the variety I'm most partial to. But they're quite bitey. Merlot tends to be a little smoother, they're quite nice. :)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  8. Two cups deep in red wine and watching The Princess Bride. Forget the student, THIS is what they invented school holidays for.

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      And I have two weeks of this glooooorious freedom! I love my job, but damn the break is nice.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)


  10. Watching a year 7 girl overcome her overwhelming stage fright and put on the most phenomenal drama performance I’ve seen all year? Priceless.

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      Very proud! Her acting skills are pretty much natural; I haven't been focusing much on drama technique. What I HAVE been focusing on is becoming a confident performer, and to see her go from being so frightened to stand up and perform, to what she did today, was very special.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. Watching a year 7 girl overcome her overwhelming stage fright and put on the most phenomenal drama performance I’ve seen all year? Priceless.

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      I'd love to upload the clip of her performance, but that's all kinds of illegal. xD Suffice to say, she blew away the rest of her class. =)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. I really like your avatar =)

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      Thanks! I drew that piece late last year. She's kinda like my ponysona.

  13. So, got some classes to fill in 'teacher feedback forms', and my feedback so far basically boils down to; "Really cool teacher. Needs to be stricter." O... kay then. o_o I can do that. Don't complain when I start doing that.

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      Pfffft, believe me, there are certainly a lot of less-than-mature kids in my classes as well. xD Buuut for the most part, the students at my school are pretty good. And even the bad ones grow on you over time. :P

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. So, got some classes to fill in 'teacher feedback forms', and my feedback so far basically boils down to; "Really cool teacher. Needs to be stricter." O... kay then. o_o I can do that. Don't complain when I start doing that.

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      More than one student wrote that, in fact! It was from one of the drama classes. Drama does tend to get a little hectic, and my behaviour management skills aren't quite as developed as I'd like them to be yet. I'm pushed to the limit in drama, so i suppose I shouldn't be surprised the feedback mentions that. Still... being told by a group of 13 year olds that I need to be stricter with them is more than a little surprising! xD

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Being an actual real-life teacher is exhausting. Amazing in many ways, but EXHAUSTING.

  16. Being an actual real-life teacher is exhausting. Amazing in many ways, but EXHAUSTING.

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      *SQUEALS* GUYS, HELLO! I'm sorta-kinda-a-little-bit back. I'm probably not going to indulge in more than one RP at a time for now, juuuuust to be safe... I don't want to wind up in half a dozen then have to disappoint heaps of people when life gets really hectic again.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  17. Being an actual real-life teacher is exhausting. Amazing in many ways, but EXHAUSTING.

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      Yeah, I've been trying to treat myself kindly. It's crazy, moving out to live on my own, two hours away from Perth. AND working full time, and needing to cook, and pay rent, and all that stuff. I've done everything all at once and it's pretty overwhelming. I should probably be impressed with how well I've coped! I haven't had even ONE meltdown yet. (That'll happen at reporting time!)

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  18. Being an actual real-life teacher is exhausting. Amazing in many ways, but EXHAUSTING.

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      Awww. ;_; Brb, crying. =( But omg, I miss hanging around in the lounges too. God, and I thought I was busy last year. Hah! I'm keeping off Skype for the time being, for the sake of my own productivity, hehe, but I want to get back into a bit of roleplaying. =)

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  19. Being an actual real-life teacher is exhausting. Amazing in many ways, but EXHAUSTING.

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      It's not the students, it's just the workload. The students are wonderful, I love them. ^.^ (With maybe a few exceptions, haha.)


      KHAJIIIIIIT. I am dead. I'm actually a zombie. First ever zombie teacher. =D Though srsly, I probably shouldn't be on here but screw it, I miss you guys and I need to scratch the writing itch.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  20. but resses peanut butter cups are my life

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      I'd send you a crate of TimTams for Christmas, but they'd probably melt before they even got on a plane. :P

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  21. but resses peanut butter cups are my life

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      *Pulls face.*


      You should come to Australia, we have TimTams. Pretty much everyone who visits Australia wants to stay for the TimTams.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  22. In Room For Rent, when Kay first rides a rollercoaster, what do you plan on having her face look like? I need to know for a RP between myself and Blue.

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      Probably a look of sheer, wide-eyed terror as she clings desperately to the safety bar, screaming loud enough to be heard from the moon.


      By the time she gets off she's probably sitting there, limp, eyes closed, completely unable to move, greener than ever before... before grinning like a madpony and demanding to ride it again. xD

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. Happy Birthday! I'll send you some Reeses Peanut Butter Cups since I know how much you luv em. XD

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      Bleeeeeeeeegh. xD


      But thanks! <3

  24. Is that a recorder that your OC is playing? Yayyy woodwinds! ^_^

    1. Kay Dreamer

      Kay Dreamer

      It is! I own a pair of really lovely wooden recorders. They're such an underrated instrument with a huuuge potential to sound amazing when played right. I love 'em!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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