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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by AuraBlue

  1. (Hopefully 2023 is better than last year)

  2. (Goodbye for now)

  3. (Time for a new beginning. My past self is gone. A New “me” is coming) 

  4. (I’ve given up. Depression………you win)

    1. littlepony


      no you're not. *hugs you tight* it's alright...

  5. (I really want to just fall asleep and never wake up)

  6. Life…………it is not fair………..

  7. A little late but i hope everyone had a fun and safe Easter

  8. I guess I’m back

    1. Miss


      Welcome back! :D

  9. (Goodbye for now everypony. Thank you for being such great friends)

    1. TheRockARooster


      Where are you going?

  10. (I really don’t know what to think right now. I’m angry, I’m upset, and scared for what is happening in the US. This is not right)

    1. EpicEnergy


      Sorry to hear that, I hope you feel better. I also hope things in the USA get better eventually, because I live there as well.

  11. (I’m scared)

  12. I literally feel like nothing good is happening with my life

    1. Lord Midnight Madness

      Lord Midnight Madness

      It’ll get better it always seems to.

  13. MLP may be over.......but the lessons learned from the show will help me start on a journey of my own. 

  14. (Today was a good day)

    1. Arc Flash

      Arc Flash

      Always good to hear!B)

    2. AuraBlue


      (Especially when you get to visit a pet store and play with some animals)

  15. (Never been good at writing these but at least i have a decent bio now)

  16. (Don’t know why.......but i just started tearing up out of nowhere)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AuraBlue


      (I don’t know what’s going on. It just happened all of a sudden)

    3. TheRockARooster



      Is there anything I can do to help?

    4. AuraBlue


      (I wish. I think i just need to let it pass)

  17. Life is not fair 

  18. (Last few days have been horrible. Been stressed and had a little bit of chest pains)

  19. (New name, new picture, a new start)

  20. (I really need a new job)

  21. (I really dislike horrible customers)

  22. (This whole week is turning out to be rough. Stress from work is making things worse)

  23. (Right when things are getting better, something happens and makes things horrible. Life is unfair)

  24. (Time to change some things in my life. Try to make it better)

    1. Arc Flash

      Arc Flash

      You can do it!:-D

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