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Status Updates posted by OG CHUCK

  1. are you a 3d artist or animator

    1. Rixton


      I am both of the two.

    2. OG CHUCK

      OG CHUCK

      Sweet I am two I have a degree in game degree in video game design and another in 3d animation

    3. Rixton


      Well conglaturations! I only do it by hobby. can you show me some of your work?

  2. 5 month after maria and the light is going on and off

  3. what are the ods two hurricane in the same month I just just recover for Irma and now another one this week

    category 5 and now maybe a category 3

  4. I want to contribute to this amazing fandom I don't no wath to do ?

    1. RealityPublishing


      I was going to reply to your topic, but I saw it got locked. Really, the only answer I can give is a question: "What are good at?" 

      If you're a writer, try writing a memorable fanfiction!

      If you're a singer, sing!

      If you're an artist, draw something for the community!

      And so forth. What you do is up to you! There're limitless possibilities; Celestia knows this fandom needs more content now than ever. 

    2. OG CHUCK

      OG CHUCK

      ok I think I have a idea what I want to do but I need a lot of people to do it and pull it off

  5. i decide that i going to create a MLP 3d PC VIDEO GAME i just need help to program the game

  6. i dont know why but i feeling weird

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