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Everything posted by TechiePidge

  1. @, ((Around the week of Halloween I am planning to have a little 'nightmare night rp week', it starts around October 20th-31st so that gives about 2 weeks to rp nightmare night festivity's and stuff. The first week will be like nightmare night decorating and stuff the last week will be the actual nightmare night)) Brandi pulled one of the treats out of the bag and held it out to Ziggy. "They're not, I write them myself, never really thought to share them sense they practically drain most of my magic and iv had practice with them." She closes the bag of treats and sets them on her bed as she starts to fill her saddle bag with her books again. "My classes are basic, Algebra, History, etc. with the addition of Gym and spell casting. Yours?" Brandi seemed alot more talkative. Dark-Cloud simply watched the bird go "I might have to put a rule up for magic if this keeps going on...The fountain needs to be turned on as well..." She muttered things like this to herself as she studied the school. After maybe another few minutes she few down and landed on the edge of the fountain, She bent down and took a look at the inside which had weird swirl designs on it and did something, then after a few moments water spurted from the top and started swishing down, filling the inside.
  2. @@Mint Drop, The unknown character is a female so I think rose would fit in quite well..Reason why she is unknown, shes still under development... Ya I can too :3
  3. @, There ya go, I updated it, should be under the 'Dorms' Spoiler
  4. @@Mint Drop, YAY your still active! Which rooms do you want them in? and ya, im thinking of limiting the character limit to how many you can handle rather then the 4 I had in mind...
  5. @, "Ah...From that Brandi student hm? I read up that she has a weird thing for doing that...Spells like that are temporary by the way, and the dorms are down near the back of the school, just make a right turn and you should be able to find it, has a large purple and green banner saying 'Dormitory' on it..." She states pointing out the directions. @, Brandi looked up for a moment "Magic? Oh right, ya I can do transformation spells..." She continues to dig through her bag "Im a apprentice at magic, self-teaching so im really my mentor as well..My talent...er hard to explain, I have a thing for nature and magic put them together and you get my pony to animal spells...Oh found them!" She pulls out a little baggy of what look like apple tarts "They are a special recipe, They are somewhat like apple cookie things except they have a juicy inside"
  6. @, Brandi listened to the story while watching Ziggy do his little tricks "that's soooo cool...I have a pet cat back at home that followed me home on nightmare night...I wasn't allowed to bring him though...Oh! Can he have treats? I think I have some fruit treats in my bag..." She ponders as she digs through her bag, plopping a medium sized book on her bed with the title 'Brandi's Spells' along with a few other school books. @, Dark-Cloud didn't notice the bird at first and kept looking across the courtyard, but when the little thing started chirping at her she looked down at it with her eyes narrowed "The dorms? Why would a tiny bird want to find the dorms?" She asked Lee "I don't remember accepting a application of a bird..." She ponders over it for a moment "Yup, there was no application with a species of a bird..Now answer me this...what is a bird doing in my school?"
  7. @, Brandi pulled out a little doll of a brown mare with a brown mane and set it up on-top of the now jade colored bed and sat on the bed, pulling out various notebooks and setting them up neatly on the nightstand. She was paying attention to what Midnight was saying during all of this, but when she heard 'vampire fruit bat' she automatically was interested. Turning her body to look over at where Ziggy was, she had a little fangirl attack. "Aww...Hes so adorable! Where did you get him?"
  8. @, Brandi had begun taking out jade green blankets with the Virgo symbol sown into it and laying them out on the plain bed. Then she spoke a bit louder "Its Brandi...., and I guess, T-the room number on my schedule said 5 so.." She starts to straiten out the blankets and set up the pillows as she speaks.
  9. @, Brandi stood still through it all, it was a habit for her to freeze when she felt she was in even a little bit of danger, but when she saw midnight tuck in her wings, she shook her head lightly "S-sorry for scaring you...." she tried to smile, but failed and just quickly trotted up towards her side of the room and automatically slipped something under the plain bed. Then she looked up at midnight and muttered "I'm Brandi..."
  10. @, @, Brandi Smiles widely yet again "Like I said the spell should wear off within 30 minutes to a hour so it should be gone before your next class....unless you can change back manually, but however I cant stick around to find out, I dont have another class for another couple hours and I need to go set up my dorm, so see you around Lee...the...err cat....just dont get picked up and thrown out of school k?" With that she slowly backs up, gathering her stuff, but before she leaves she writes a sticky note and puts it on lees chest. The sticky note saying 'Im lee!' "Just in case...." then she runs off towards the dormitory, getting a small boost of energy from the creepy intercom ~another little skip cause im lazy~ Brandi trots around looking for room 5, getting quite frustrated. By the time she finds it, shes a little grumpy mess, but she sighs it off and enters the room. When she spotted Midnight shade however, she nearly freaked out thinking their is a stranger in her room, well technically there IS a stranger in the room. "O-oh dear...." She stayed in her place in the doorway not sure what to do. A chill went down her spine which made her squeak lightly. Dark-Cloud let out a deep sigh and tapped her hooves together, if these ponies are abnormal, they are going to have to get used to abnormal environments meaning she was just going have to make their year....special. She trots out of the office and out into the courtyard the way she came, but before she reaches the gate, she spreads her green/scorched black wings and soars into the sky, her green and purple colors hard to not notice and she sits on a low dark looking cloud, studying the ground from above.
  11. @, Its sort of a map thing so people dont get confused for example someone says they are in the same dorm room was leo, but someone else also says they are in that dorm room and a big fight breaks out over it... @@madjack2001, Updated! You realize your sharing a dorm with Daruis right? Im just asking
  12. I just created the founder of 'Outcast Academy'...yay--http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/outcasted-dark-cloud-r7317

    1. Renton


      nice, i love the green purple scheme


    2. TechiePidge
  13. Outcasted Dark-Cloud
  14. @, @@Mint Drop, @,@@LunaKitty R5, @,@,@@@madjack2001 @ Hey-Hey~ Its rain here! Im disappointed in some of you.....jk jk Im just upset that we have let this rp die and stuff! (im thinking about making a chat room somewhere where we can sometimes have 'side rps' in and stuff, the thread being the main rp thread where all the action and stuff happens...merr) If you dont reply within....ill give you 2 weeks for you people with jobs and stuff. So if you dont reply within the next two weeks you will be booted from the rp... So you must reply before October 26th at midnight central time to reply ANYWHO~ Its time to assign dorms~ there are 40 dorm rooms, thats alot, but thats for those 'side NPC' characters and stuff :3 and~ there is a catch! you MUST have a roommate! so this is the sign up area for dorm rooms! I must warn you~ this academy has weird twists and secrets...some of the rooms have secrets within them~ The dorm rooms 5 18 32 and 40 all have some sort of 'secret' to them. Which is a secret until you rp hehehehe (im evil) some dorm rooms are occupied by NPCs so the dorm rooms listed are the ONLY ones open which is alot, so don't worry about finding a dorm unless you want the special ones~ Dorm rooms and occupiers~ 1-Open-Open 2-Open-Open 3-Open-Open 5-Brandi-Midnight Shade 9-Daruis-Sunset Hooves 13-Open-Open 15-Lee-Open 16-Unknown for now-Open 18-Open-Open 20-Open-Open 29-Open-Open 30-Open-Open 40-Leo-Open -Rain
  15. , @Mint Drop, ,@LunaKitty R5, ,,@madjack2001 Leo, after filling up 3 or 4 pages of info from various mythical animals books in his journal, he gathered up his belongings and headed towards the dormitory to set up the dorm he and some-pony else are sharing,he had previously failed to set it up earlier. He walked down the long hallway and looked of dorm room 40 which was actually very hard to find, due to the fact that it was at the very end of the hall and partly hidden by a low hanging 'outcast academy' flag that are spaced out every 5 doors. Leo found it weird that his dorm would be this hard to find, but shook it off and opened the door. ((Im bringing a very special character in~ yay~ hope you guys wont mind ;w;)) Dark-Cloud's eyes flicked around the bright campus as she stands at the front gate of the school, she looks like a young mare, one who might fit in perfectly into the school. Her ears twitch as she starts trotting towards the fountain, when she passes it seems like a cold chill is left behind. She trots around the fountain and up the stairs, then enters the building and heads strait for the principles office with her head low and her mane covering her face by now, she enters...and with a little 'screech' sound a announcement spread across the whole campus with a booming...chilling voice. "I know I am late for this announcement, but I welcome you to the first year at Outcast Academy, I am your Principle and founder...Dark-Cloud...I hope we all have a fabulous year hear..." And with another little 'screech' the intercom turns off.
  16. @, ((yes leo is around that area)) Brandi let out a little giggle "that was actually supposed to turn you into a rabbit, but apparently I was thinking of the wrong spell..." she notices how it looks like hes speaking "also, you do realize I can only understand you partly right? the spell should wear off within 30 minutes to 2 hours..."
  17. @, Brandi smiled largely at the idea, her horn glowing a light jade greenish color. Thats when she turned towards her book, flipping through it quickly, the pages seem to have been hoof-written rather then a formal book. When she landed upon the spell she wanted to use her horn emitted a brighter jade green as she concentrated on her magic, then she directed her horn at Lee, her face screwed up. Finally, she let it go. ~little skip cause im lazy~ When Brandi's eyes finally cleared from the blackness that clouds her eyes after every spell, she took a look around, not really seeing lee anymore...Then she looked down and spotted a weird cat version of a changeling. (I used a frozen reference in there XD 'let it go' and sorry if I made your character do something you didnt...I just assumed or something...merrr) Leo quickly made his way out into the courtyard and sat near the fountain. He opened a notebook and began taking notes from a 'mythical animals' book from the library.
  18. @, Brandi nodded "Ya, Iv turned him into a actual lion once...that was the only one he actually enjoyed...but what would you like to be turned into exactly?" She asked before quickly adding "I mean, like I can do many different animals...just some are hard..." She scratched the back of her neck slightly before doodling on her work, still open on the desk. (OOC: My attempt to revive this :3)
  19. Lets draw! Join.me-https://join.me/936-122-112

    1. SCS


      i'll come for a bit but i don't have much time

    2. TechiePidge


      sorry it closed, internet connection is not the best at the moment (I should really think these through)

  20. @@Queen Chryssie, I had mentioned before to other people the rp was semi-closed until we were getting a base rp going, in which case gives people to quit and develop a comfortable roleplay. However, seeing as the rp HAS gone on for awhile, and in the event that a few people have left, feel free to join, although right at this moment wouldn't be a good idea, sense discord has already gotten to the characters currently and they are in different body's so just randomly bringing in young chrissy wouldn't help. I have also updated Rains profile to around 17 I think, so I can rp without worry about her age, but the age can vary depending on the rp. Sorry if its confusing and if you can find a nice way to join in with either a oc or chrissy, then thats just fine with me. -Rain
  21. @@FortyTwo42, @@Pat.Rio.T., Rain shook her head, well pats anyway with slight confusion, this is going to be weird and hard, seeing as they have to remember each other...again. "Iv already had trouble telling you guys apart, now this is just going to get me confused." Then she turned to the mare in Rivers body. "And their is a new pony to?! This is highly confusing....wait..whos body is nitro in?" she asked, suddenly realizing that she never heard nitro speak up.
  22. @@Rainbow Eclipse, @@Pat.Rio.T., (OOC: im going to just assume that I ended up in Pats body and not bluebells ^w^') Rain shook her head from a sudden dizziness and put a hoof up to her head, but upon realizing that her hoof was not her hoof she nearly screamed. "Why am I in pats body!?" she both mentally and physically freaked out. "I don't want to be a stallion! and watch what you say when your in my body! there is nothing wrong with my...you know" she muttered half to herself.
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