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About Addelyn

  • Birthday 1989-05-25

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My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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  1. Happy birthday =)=)=)=)=) *huggles' =)=)=)=)

  2. Hi there, and happy birthday! :) Hope you have a good time~ ^.^ https://derpicdn.net/img/2015/1/4/799175/large.jpeg

    1. Addelyn


      Thank you!! <3

  3. It is on hiatus but it's coming back on June 4th!
  4. Addelyn

    movies/tv Sailor Moon

    Some of the CG in Usagi's transformation is a bit shotty. I much prefer Ami-chans. I hope Rei's is better.
  5. Addelyn

    movies/tv Sailor Moon

    From what I've been reading, Crystal is going to be adding new content that was unable to be added into the manga due to page limitations and publishing times and such, so it should be interesting to see how that goes.
  6. Addelyn

    movies/tv Sailor Moon

    The reboot is also more closely following the manga this time around than the 90s anime did. For anyone new to Sailor Moon I recommend staying with it, more exciting things are to come!
  7. I'm relatively new to the forums so I haven't really been able to meet too many people.
  8. Twilight Rainbow Dash Applejack Rarity Pinkypie Fluttershy Pinkypie has really bee growing on me lately. She use to be my least favourite.
  9. Addelyn

    movies/tv Sailor Moon

    I still think that the transformation was a bit CGIie but it wasn't as bad in the show as it was during the preview so hopefully it gets better.
  10. Addelyn

    movies/tv Sailor Moon

    If anyone is interested, the first episode aired today. You can watch it with English subs (also others such as spanish) on sites such as Crunchyroll (which I know is free) and Niconico but I'm not sure if Nico is free. I think Hulu is showing it as well.
  11. I think earth pony's probably make up 50% of the population. I'd say probably 30% peagasus and 20% unicorns.
  12. I'll get back into playing it when have the money to afford lessons. Unfortunately the life of a student isn't very conducive to being able to afford them xD
  13. Addelyn

    movies/tv Sailor Moon

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBYsyJGc7DQ Link to the new opening for Crystal and the transformation I'm very excited for it and I loved the intro to the new show.
  14. I love Princess Luna, I wish we could learn more about her xD Welcome to the forms, I'm Addy.
  15. I use to play the alto sax and I still own one. I really want to get back into playing it, maybe once I have some money I can start taking lessons. I use to play the alto sax and I still own one. I really want to get back into playing it, maybe once I have some money I can start taking lessons.
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