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Everything posted by Marshmallow

  1. Glad to see this thread is still alive and well almost 5 years after I started it! 9/10 for the song. Mulan will always be a classic. Not much of a fan of the video though.
  2. Video is blocked in Canada, but I was able to find another one. Electronic music isn't really my thing in general, but for what it's worth I somewhat enjoyed. 7.5/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oyrP1XUUj0
  3. Only one I knew right off the bat was 99 Luftballons. After listening to the others, I'd give it 6/10. The Globus one was pretty nice, but I wasn't a huge fan of the others. H.P. Lovecraft - 'At the Mountains of Madness' Tame Impala - 'I Don't Really Mind' Electric Light Orchestra - 'Turn To Stone' Bob Marley - 'Waiting in Vain' The Beatles - 'Mean Mr. Mustard' I added youtube links because I have too much time on my hands.
  4. Pretty boring actually. Didn't go out or do anything. Do you believe in paranormal stuff?
  5. 200,965 God this is a boring game.
  6. Yeah no, not a fan, sorry 2/10. Best song is probably the Green Day one. But is that the actual title for the last one? That's... interesting. haha 'The Metal' - Tenacious D 'Lanky (Part 1)' - Syd Barrett 'Darlin' - The Beach Boys 'Kashmir' - Led Zeppelin 'Arnold Layne' - Pink Floyd
  7. I prefer older Genesis, but this track still gets a solid 9/10 from me.
  8. Thinking of all the people who were there when the forums started. There are a bunch of them. Of the top of my head (and helping myself a bit with this page.): Kurtiss, FinestHour (he changed his name a bunch; no idea if he's still active under a new name), LadyRarityPony , Apple Bloom, Tom_the_Diamond, Slendermane, The Great and Poweful Trixie, Gummy, PeachyPie, Vinyl Scratch (props for being the first registered non-mod user), Crispy, Evilshy, Doctor XFizzle, Swoop and Zoop, the first non-admin mods, and so many others. All of them were pretty famous back then. And basically everyone who posted in this thread http://mlpforums.com/topic/84-post-here-if-you-came-from-3ds-forums-or-wii-u-forums/page-4 I don't know how many of them are still active (probably none), but it sure feels weird seeing all these names again.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2BNmn8TYdE The only caption it needs
  10. 7.5 Not a big VH fan, but it's pretty good.
  11. Aww man I'm so jealous. I wish I could try the demo, but I haven't been able to get a hold of a code. I guess waiting a week for it isn't so bad but it still sucks to see everyone being able to play it while you can't! I've heard that the game has kind of a Smash 64 feel, which I think is great. The roster is pretty awesome too even though King K. Rool didn't make it in like I hoped. The only one I'm disappointed in is Dark Pit. I mean he's basically just a reskin of Pit. Not worth an entire character slot imo. But either way, this is the biggest roster we've seen so far in a Smash game so I can't complain too much! Plus there's a chance we'll get dlc characters, which would be really great. By the way, if anyone still has a spare demo code, I'm still looking for one! *wink wink* haha
  12. No. But the human brain is pretty good at playing tricks on people. That being said, it's not completely impossible that there exist beings that are invisible/undetectable to us that would be what we call ghosts. But the idea that they are the spirits of the dead coming back to haunt the living is just silly. But still don't think that's the case. If you've ever had sleep paralysis or taken hallucinatory/dissociative drugs or even just been sleep deprived for extended periods of time, you'd understand how easily the brain can be tricked into believing in paranormal and that kind of stuff and how convincing hallucinations can be. The human brain is amazing, but it's not failproof. In the end, It's possible to see, hear or feel things without an external stimuli. I believe that's how a lot of the "paranormal" stories such as, but not limited to, ghost stories, alien abduction stories and (please don't kill me) spiritual experiences come to be. So yeah, I'm not excluding the possibility of something similar to how ghosts are typically portrayed actually existing, but I think that most of it just boil down to the brain imagining things. It's easy to see/hear things that aren't there when you're already freaked out. Maybe ghosts are made of antimatter, which is why they can go through matter and such?? /notreallybeingserious
  13. Yeah, I don't think that anything from level 5-8 in that picture is to be taken seriously. These levels might really exist, but if they do they're just so unaccessible that no one really knows what's in there anyway. :/
  14. No. 4Chan is part of the regular internet. Deep web is where all of the illegal stuff takes place on the internet. You need a special browser to access it. People use it to buy/sell drugs, hire hitmen, child porn, hacking, and other illegal stuff. It's also much bigger than the regular web. See this picture for reference. It gets a bit stupid towards the end, but it gives a good general idea: I've been there once and browsed the illegal marketplace Silkroad before it got taken down because I was curious. I never had the intention to buy anything there obviously, but just the fact of being in the deep web felt so wrong.
  15. Watched "No Country for Old Men" yesterday night. I've wanted to see it for a while I wasn't disappointed. It was a pretty fantastic movie.
  16. For the pronunciation, I'd say it's something like "tair" for terre (pronounced like air but with a t in front) and "Geh-ree-ay" with a hard G for guerrier. If you're familiar with IPA, then terre is pronounced [t??] and guerrier is pronounced [g??je] But it sounds much more badass in German anyway
  17. I was actually planning on going next week, but unfortunately, the plane tickets from UK to Germany during the Okotberfest are twice as expensive as the usual price, so I probably won't be able to make it Which is a shame because a few of my friends are going.. :/
  18. 3 toasts with Nutella. I would've eaten more, but I ran out of Nutella. 'Twas my breakfast... It's 3:45PM now... and that was 20 minutes ago haha
  19. A short video preview of MLP Forums, specifically showing off the Rainbow Dash loader. http://www.screenr.com/OFps

    1. Akemi Homura
    2. Marshmallow


      That was literally the first status update ever on this site ._.

  20. Because it's creepy and cool. Just like me. I don't really know, it's just a cool Pokemon fanart that I came across a while ago. I liked it and was looking for a profile picture, so I just said why not. Also I was tired of having a MLP-related avatar, so I needed something else.
  21. From your writing style, I can guess that you're probably around 17 years, 2 months and 15 days old. But I'm just guessing.
  22. 5/10 I think I've seen you a few times before, but really not that often.
  23. Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.

  24. Pretty good! I've been feeling less sick than yesterday, so that's an improvement! Now I'm going to bed soon probably. What would happen if Pinocchio said that his nose was about to grow?
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