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Rokata's grip was loosened enough for Jade to push herself away from him. Rokata didn't react physically, but he was surprised she was able to break away. Next time he would grab harder. He jumped and swung down at Jade with his right claw, sending out an explosive shockwave with the attack. With the center of the ring destroyed, there wasn't a place for her to make solid footing, but hopefully the distance would give her enough time to dodge.
Rokata spread his legs and took the hit, she struck him across the jaw and he lowered his right claw while turning his head. Impressive strength for a pony but not what I'm looking for. He reached out with his left claw and grabbed her leg just bellow the hoof. He held her and tried to rotate her leg back to break her balance, seeing if she was strong enough to break free.
Rokata seemed impressed by Jade's quick recovery. Part of him expected a direct hit like that to kill her, but he would at least get a better fight than that. He kept his eyes on her before she suddenly sidestepped, moving as quickly as he had before, and catching him off guard. She's swift. The kick connected solidly. Rokata stepped to the side and gritted his teeth. It looked like she actually harmed him unlike her other attacks. She could press on and try to strike again, but Rokata raised his left claw, ready to strike if she continued the pressure.
Rokata stepped back with each hoof she struck him with. He was hit on the chest, face, shoulders, and legs in a rapid succession, and it looked like Jade was in total control of the space, but she could see a look in his eyes the whole time like he was the one still in control. This isn't what I waited for. So utterly lacking in passion. Tricis didn't teach her to use the power she gave her. When Jade swung for another strike, Rokata sidestepped so quickly it was like he disappeared in her hoof. She swung at the air where he was standing and the green pegasus reappeared next to her. With her hoof extended, she wasn't in a position to block someone as fast as Rokata. He punched her chest with his claw, sending her flying to the stands with explosive force. It looked like he only hit her once, but in fact he managed three punches in succession before sweeping her away with an elbow.
Rokata bowed his head forward and gritted his teeth at the moment of impact. Her hooves struck the top of his head. He was pushed back by the force of her strike, but not very far. He slid back a few inches, his hind hooves and claws digging into the concrete. He looked up at Jade with a look of determination and vigor. "Come on!" He loudly grunted.
Rokata took a step back and looked up at Jade. Gritting his teeth, he spread his wings and puffed out his chest. He wasn't attempting a block or even a dodge. He just wanted to take the hit.
Rokata met her gaze with a stern glare as his fist slammed into the arena floor, creating a crater in the concrete that blasted away chunks of cement as large as Jade's entire body. The ring wouldn't stay intact for long if one attack did that kind of damage. His look was cold and calculating. He may have been a complicated sort, and he was in this fight for more reasons than the obvious, but that didn't change the fact that he was willing to kill Jade if given the chance. Jade felt like a regular pony kicking solid stone. There was no give in Rokata's flesh when she struck and she may have even hurt herself more than him. Without putting magic power behind her kicks, they wouldn't do anything at this level of combat. Rokata landed on all fours. The crater was so deep that he was standing in the moist sod bellow the ring. With a loud cry, he swept his right claw upward at Jade, sending out a vertical blast of energy in the shape and direction of his slash.
Immediately as the fight began, Rokata had his answer to the first question plaguing his mind in the days prior. Would Jade choose to attack first? No. This was an annoying habit of hers. Wait to gauge her opponents weaknesses before striking. She'd been spoiled by these gentle one on one duels and didn't appreciate the value of the first strike. Rokata pulled back his right front hoof and a starch green aura swirled around it in visible streamers, causing his muscles to expand and bones to contort in the leg until it turned into the gnarled, sharp claw he'd used before. It looked like the claw of a gryphon combined with pony physiology and something totally alien. "You think I'm not taking this personally too?" He shouted, gritting his teeth as he balanced himself on his hind legs, using his wings for support. His left front leg transformed as well, and the demonic transformation spread to his shoulders as well. Purple veins spread across his chest, blending in with his bizarre tattoos. "I'll start with both arms!" He declared. Jade and Shining Armor couldn't feel Rokata's presence before, but now that he was powering up, so to speak, his energy was easy to feel. The fight was just getting started, but he already felt like he was putting out more energy than any of the times he'd fought before. He placed his claws on the ground and spread his wings, then sprang forward at Jade with such veracity and speed that it looked like he was teleporting to the untrained eye. He became a green streak before stopping in the air ahead of Jade with his right claw ready to deliver a punch. Jade's eyes were more attuned than the average pony. She could see him move, but the speed was still remarkable. He punched down at Jade, but his fist wasn't the real problem, there was a red burst of energy that shot from his fist like buckshot, enough force to completely obliterate the ground she was standing on.
Rokata took a step forward and Rail addressed him without making eye contact. "Oh, try to win this one. I have a lot riding on this." Rokata said nothing and stepped into the ring. He stood across from Jade like they had before, but this time both fighters were teeming with anticipation. Something inside of them demanded this fight. "We're just waiting on a final ruling from the committee..." Topaz said, looking up at the blank viewscreen above the ring. @Canteen_the_unstable "Bah!!! I don't know how much more o' this I can take! Tell me I have to wait for something, that just makes me want it more!" Cumulus announced to the remaining members of Team Crimos who were still sitting beside him. "I'd advise setting up an energy barrier," Tatterhoof said. "These two are gonna cause a lot of havoc." DwhitetheGamer@Canteen_the_unstable @dragon4111@Dynamo Pad @reader8363 "This is the part I don't understand, Rokata is supposed to be the toughest of all of them, right?" Shining Armor said. Quill nodded. "I'm a magically aware pony. I don't understand why I'm not picking up anything from him. I can feel how strong Jade is and how much she's improved, but Rokata feels weaker than all his teammates. Now that the other members of his team are down for the count, the only strong presence I'm getting is... Jade." @Unicorncob "You know that what happens today wont save her. Tricis was dead before you ever met her," Rokata said, breaking the silence between the two. "You should have seen her when I knew her. Young and powerful and wise. But she wasted that gift, and I could not forgive her for that." "Come on..." Topaz muttered, staring up at the screen. "It disgusted me to see her like that. That's why she had to go," Rokata added with a venomous sincerity, though his intention was vague. Perhaps he really was that bitter. Perhaps he was just trying to make Jade angry. Perhaps he was trying to make himself angry. A green circle appeared on the screen, signaling the committee's approval. "That's it folks! The final match of the dark Tournament for the championship will be Jade versus Rokata!" Topaz announced. Rokata took one step back with his hind right leg and readied himself into a battle stance, extending one hoof out to Jade. "You've already seen how a life of apathy ends. You're better than that."
@Unicorncob "I dont think that's their style," Shining Armor said, "I dont know much about Rail, but we in the Royal guard are all taught to be up to date on Rokata and his cohorts. He's definitely the type to prefer the fastball over the curve, know what I mean?" "Or... that's another way of putting it." Shining Armor said, rubbing his ears. DwhitetheGamer @Dynamo Pad @Canteen_the_unstable @Unicorncob @dragon4111 @reader8363 Rail and Rokata stepped back into the outer ring, causing the crowd to quiet down, though many of them were still out of their seats. There was a sense of unease in the air as Topaz looked down on the two with an expression of concern. Rail nodded at her, signalling her to get on with the proceedings despite her emotional unease. She slowly raised the mic and cleared her voice. At one moment, she almost dropped it but managed to keep it afloat. "Okay fans, return to your seats! After a short recess, the tournament committee is ready to give their verdict. Will the team captains please enter the ring?"
Rokata realized the instance that she saw them. He could feel her anticipation and nervous energy, but better yet, he could feel that he was nervous as well. He didn't know the outcome of this tournament. He was finally going to get to fight. "There's nothing like putting your life on the line to put things in perspective," Rail said, exhaling a wisp of smoke. "That's something I've always envied about you fighting types. It's so much easier for you to make the ultimate wager." "I appreciate your confidence in me," Rokata said. @reader8363 @dragon4111 Dai didn't interfere with the scuffle between Draco and Rose, but when things calmed down and Draco went into his recovering sleep, she sat by his side and sighed. He wouldn't stay under for long since the final match was close to starting. @Unicorncob Rokata and Rail stepped away from the balcony and disappeared from view. It had been ten minutes since the wager was announced. Plenty of time for the "committee" to deliberate on their decision.
Rail moved the mic away so his voice wasn't picked up. "I despise cheaters, Copper Strikes. There's no greater thrill in this world than a gamble and no easier way to ruin it than with a con. You're worrying about the wrong thing. Jade will lose in a fair fight." He sounded sincere, but he was still a difficult character to trust. @Dynamo Pad @reader8363 @dragon4111 @Unicorncob @Canteen_the_unstable Rail moved off the stage while many fans in the crowd got off their seats to go to the betting booths. The consensus was close, but more gamblers were putting their money on Jade to win. Rail and Rokata stepped backstage and walked up into a less trafficked area of the stands to look over the crowd. "What exactly are we waiting for? You had me kill the tournament committee this morning." Rokata asked. "I thought they could use a breather," Rail said, looking down at Jade from above. He lit a cigarette. "It really drives up the suspense, don't you think? Though I don't think the tournament committee will be hard to convince, considering."
Shining Armor nodded and whispered to Jade, "I know you can do this." He stepped forward, speaking loudly enough to get picked up on Rail's mic. "Alright, Rail, we accept your bet!" Rail nodded. "That's three parties in agreement. Now we just have to wait for the tournament committee to accept our ruling." Since Topaz was in no shape to make any announcements, Rail turned to the crowd and said, "There will be a short recess before the final round while the Tournament Committee considers this offer. In the meantime, all betting booths will be open for the next ten minutes."
"You're good to stand up but not much more than that," Dai said before turning her attention to the ring. "It's weird that you aren't at least a little bit concerned about what's going on here."
@Unicorncob @DwhitetheGamer @dragon4111 @Dynamo Pad @Canteen_the_unstable@reader8363 Inaudible shouting from the crowd slowed down to murmurs. There was an uneasy tension in the air while both Rokata and Jade waited to take the stand. Rokata and Rail stood directly across from team Lotus with Onyx laying in a corner next to the unconscious Selene, and though they were down to just two and behind on points, they looked resolute. "They don't look like a team that's been losing..." Quill muttered. "Don't act paranoid. They're down to one fighter and Jade is gonna wipe the floor with him," Shining Armor confidently stated. "I know how to sense magical energy. That Rokata guy has been putting on an act. Sure, he's tough, but he doesn't feel nearly as strong as his teammates did. He barely even registers compared to Jade." "Loot at Rail," Quill instructed. Rail was standing tall, his head slightly cocked with a cigarette in his mouth. "Rail is no fighter. He's a middleaged businesspony with his entire fortune riding on this tournament. If Rokata loses, he'll lose everything he has and probably be imprisoned for his crimes." "I was planning something like that. What's your point?" "The body language isn't there. Either he's mislead, or he knows something we don't." "I ask you to wait a moment longer," Rail said to Rokata. He removed his cigarette and stepped on it as he walked up on the ring. The murmurs in the crowd picked up as fans asked why the non-combatant was entering the ring. Rail approached Topaz and she gave him the microphone. "Thank you sweetheart." "Don't do something crazy, dad," Topaz said. Rail gave his daughter a pat on the head, but didn't acknowledge her. He turned to the crowd with his mic and addressed them. "Mares and gentlecolts, spectators and combatants alike, thank you all for joining me on this momentous occasion! The Dark Tournament has been my life's work, and this year's competition is its grandeous result." He paused and scanned the audience with an even expression. "We're about to witness the tournament's two stars, Rokata and Jade, battle at long last. The very spectacle that I set out to create." "He's trying to pull something," Shining Armor muttered. "However, I believe you all agree that there is no way this tournament can end without a decisive victor. For the proceedings to end in a tie would be most anticlimactic. The people deserve better!" He glanced at Dynamo for a moment before tilting his head back up at the crowd. "My proposal is this, one final bet. The terms: If Jade wins this fight and this tournament, I give her team a prize that the tournament committee cannot. Her mentor, Tricis, did not die during the semifinals as you were all lead to believe, but her life is in danger. If Jade loses this fight, Tricis will lose her life. If Rokata loses, she will live, and I will give mine." The crowd erupted into a fervor, asking confused questions to one another, mixed with cries to get on with the fight. Topaz stared up at him in shock. "I do this as a stallion of the people," Rail declared, speaking over the crowd. "This tournament must decisively end with a contest between its two main stars. With two lives on the line for each team, this next will be, in effect, worth two points." He smiled confidently. "Of course, I can only do this if Jade, Shining Armor, and the honorable tournament committee accepts my terms." Shining Armor glared at him. Damn it. He's been planning this the whole time. He really did prepare for everything. If we don't accept this deal, Rail could continue his plans after the tournament even if he loses.
The disks struck the shield at opposite angles, creating a flash of blue and white light that reflected back at Selene. Her eyes closed, weakening her powers as she continued her dive, by the time they opened again, it was too late. @DwhitetheGamer @Canteen_the_unstable @Unicorncob @dragon4111 @reader8363 Selene put both her hooves together, increasing the size of her rei Bomb to act as a shield, but it was nothing against the might of his ZettaFlare. She stopped in place when the first shockwave of the attack hit her, and then she was sent flying back when her momentum was broken. For a few seconds, the ring was enveloped in a blinding blue light, before the light suddenly dispersed and Selene was seen flying up toward the stands. She hit a pillar near the highest parts of the stand, and fell back to the ground with no strength left in her body. "Continue this path, and I'll consider you the greatest friend I've ever known," Dynamo heard. Selene landed with a booming thud on the ringside grass near where Rokata and Onyx were standing. Dynamo saw Rokata standing beside where she fell, looking up at him with a smile across his lips and an intense gaze in his eyes. Topaz cartwheeled toward the side of the ring with a pair of sunglasses balanced on her snout. "With explosive moves like that, you don't need to be in the line of fire to need some protection!" She gracefully leapt off the ring and landed in front of Selene, bending down to look at her closely. She turned to the stands and said, "It looks like Selene is incapacitated and wont be back up by ten if she ever gets back up at all! Team Lotus takes a one point lead going into the final match!"
After another interruption from Canteen, Topaz gave him a decisive bop on the head in the middle of his speech and pushed him off the ring with her hind hoof. "Leave it to the professionals and go get some help, will ya?" She said, twirling her mic. Selene's largest eye, the one covering her mouth, opened and gazed at Dynamo while he stood at a safe distance. "FOUR!" Topaz continued her count. "You asked me something at the beginning of this fight and I was unwilling to answer." He heard her voice say, but it was ringing through his head, coming from no direction in particular. Only Dynamo could hear it. "FIVE!" "To learn that which took my life. You wanted to know what that meant. I am no closer to answering that than I was before. All I've learned is how little I know." "SIX!" With her large eye trained on Dynamo, her true eye looked at Rokata. "What a fool I've been to think that our abilities are the things we were here to test. That this was meant to push ourselves to new heights. It's nothing like that." "SEVEN!" "When Rokata killed me, my existence became intertwined with his. When he dies so will I." "EIGHT!" "Please don't ask me any more questions. I know little more than you do." "NINE! -uh-" Selene rapidly rolled on her hooves and sprung into the air, forming her psychic bracers on each hoof. "Psychic Bracers!" She launched the tracking projectiles at Dynamo and used her remaining strength to instantly form an energy bomb in her hoof before turning her momentum and diving down at Dynamo. "Rei Bomb!"
Everfree Dark Tournament OOC
Literally Snails replied to Literally Snails's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
I've forgotten. When did @Canteen_the_unstable become an announcer? -
Selene's eyes narrowed. She'd expected Dynamo to charge straight into her attack and clash metal. He uses his head in battle even in this state. @DwhitetheGamer @Canteen_the_unstable @Unicorncob @dragon4111 @reader8363 Selene teleported a foot to the side to blink away from the whirling blade, only for it to reverse course and hit her in the back. Striking multiple points on her body. While reeling from that attack, Dynamo made his feint attack, which she tried to block. His real strike came lower, landing a solid blow to her back. Each time she tried to defend from one of his strikes, a different one hit her, allowing Dynamo to dominate the space. She backed away, attempting dodges and parries. All of it was happening too quickly for the spectators to make out the individual strikes. He's swift! My eyes can see his moves coming but I can't do anything about it! As she took more damage, the eyes on her body started to close one by one, sealing so tightly that they were almost invisible. She looked at Rokata briefly, seeing his stern expression. This is what you were talking about wasn't it? The opposition trial. A real proving. She looked straight at Dynamo with her true eye opened wide and a look of shock on her face. But I'm not ready for this! Dynamo landed a blow squarely in her face, launching her back with such tremendous force that her small body created a fissure in the ring where she landed. "Maybe Rokata picked the wrong one..." she muttered to herself while staring up at the darkening sky. All but her true eye slowly closed, some of the eyes were dripping a thick purple blood. Topaz jumped on the ring and ran to Selene's side. "With Selene down, It's time to start the ten count!" She announced. "One! Two! THREE!"
Selene landed on three hooves with her front right hoof pulled back. By the time she was on balance, Dynamo already started his attack, so she readied her third attack, creating an energy bomb in her hoof. "Rei-bomb!" Dynamo could see that the area of the sphere was actually deceptively larger than the visible light indicated. She swung at Dynamo while jumping back, hoping to break his momentum.
Rail's typical stoic demeanor changed. He was looking at Dynamo with an expression of shock, even a bit of awe. The pony who up until now had acted like everything was completely under his control was taken off-guard by this change of events. "That's not a face I've seen you make before," said Rokata. Rail removed his cigarette, never taking his eyes off the combatants. "I think... I may need to adjust my plans." Selene started backing away as soon as the shots were fired, circling the wing with swift agility. Her eyes helped her track the projectiles. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised anymore when the tables are completely flipped in these fights! Selene is now totally on the defensive and Dynamo's Aura is like a solar eclipse, rare, beautiful, and something you don't want to stare at for too long!" Topaz announced. Selene put up an energy wall between her and the projectiles, Two of them were destroyed by the wall, but the other five broke through. She crouched down to make them aim for the ground, and then jumped, skillfully causing another three to crash into the stadium floor, causing a tremendous explosion, but two more were heading straight for her, and she couldn't dodge in the air. She teleported to the ground and one of the projectiles took a wide turn, hitting a pillar and showering the stands with rubble, but the final projectile whirled toward her before she could defend and struck her in the back! There was a loud explosion of white light, singing the nearby eyes on her back shut. She fell forward and tumbled to her hooves.
"And it's really sped up the show!" Tatterhoof said, tapping his cane on the metal floor. The gem at the end of his cane was glowing faint orange. Topaz squinted when the harmless discs passed through Dynamo. "This is a bizarre turn. It looks like Dynamo's last power up has given him the ability to phase through some of Selene's attacks! I know I'm supposed to avoid conjecture as an announcer, but I'm guessing ghost powers!" With Dynamo in the air, it would be harder for him to dodge without wings. Selene held up her hooves like she did with her second attack, but this time Dynamo could actually see the invisible green polearm forming in her hooves. "Dimensional Slash!" She swung upward at Dynamo with the massive weapon only Dynamo and others with heightened awareness could see.
Selene didn't actually know what the gem Dynamo consumed was. She hadn't watched Canteen's match in the semifinals, but she could easily sense the change in Dynamo. Her eyes could see more than any normal pony, even one with psychic abilities. She saw his wavelength shift to something she was not familiar with. It may not have matched her in raw power, but it felt potent, something only Dynamo's unique experiences could create. This... Perhaps I was too effective. She thought as she slowly circled Dynamo from a safe distance. I've never seen a fighter grow so much so quickly. To think, he's managed to make so many ponies underestimate him in this tournament when he had this! @DwhitetheGamer @Canteen_the_unstable @Unicorncob @reader8363 @dragon4111 She leapt in the air, using the same technique she attacked Dynamo with earlier in the tournament. "Psychic Bracers!" Three hoops formed at the tip of each of her front hooves, but this time they crackled with electric energy, glowing far brighter than the ones she attacked him with before. Her eyes were enhancing her abilities. "If one of those even touches Dynamo he'll be dead!" Dai shouted, still treating Draco's wounds. "Geez, don't sound too optimistic," Shining Armor rebutted. Selene tossed the projectiles at Dynamo, but he was able to see something the others couldn't. Only two of the disks were real. The other four were just a trick to distract him! Dodging all six would be nearly impossible. Dodging two was easy.
Everfree Dark Tournament OOC
Literally Snails replied to Literally Snails's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Right now Selene is going to attack, but I'm planning on them having one more chance at least for a diologue exchange before the end of the fight. Selene has something to say to Dynamo too. -
All of Selene's eyes trained on Dynamo, the pupils slowly dilating and shrinking at random. He feels completely different now. It's like I'm fighting a different pony. @Canteen_the_unstable Cumulus shivered slightly and ruffled his feathers. "It's like he's making his own climate now. I can feel all the sadness and moxy on his inner-sides like it was too much for him to keep to himself." The flash of light was too bright to look at directly. Selene put her hooves up, crossing them in front of her face to defend her vitals from the shrapnel coming back at her. A split second later, she was on her knees, bleeding from her front legs, before standing up and making her aura flare up again to show she was still up to the challenge. Now the debate can begin. @reader8363 @dragon4111 @Unicorncob "Alright Dynamo!" Shining Armor cheered. "I'm not a psychic and even I can feel he's gotten an upgrade! Looks like Selene's mind tricks have backfired!" "Or she's getting exactly what she wanted," said Quill. "How about now, Rail? Are you still bored?" Rokata asked, but Rail stayed silent, a smile creeping up his lips.