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Everything posted by vivishy

  1. I know it seems like when I blog all I do is complain which is mostly true I won't deny it. But there are sometimes when you just need to let it out. Anyways, recently I found out from an ex that he himself is dating this one girl who is just overall a bad person. I want to tell him that she's only using him and that sooner or later she'll hurt him but I'm scared he won't believe me. Now I don't still love him but I do care about him as a friend. I just recently got back on good terms with him, I only care because he was the first guy I ever loved who loved me in return, I just don't want to see him get hurt again. But I feel like if i do tell him he'll just take her side. I don't know what to do.
  2. My internet has been down since last Friday. -_- hello everypony, did you miss me?

  3. My internet has been down since last Friday. -_- hello everypony, did you miss me?

  4. My internet has been down since last Friday. -_- hello everypony, did you miss me?

  5. That awesome moment when you managed to make somepony smile today.

  6. That moment when you need to get a job so you can move out but also get more mlp merch and possibly go to the next Bronycon. -_-

    1. Gravelord Neat-O

      Gravelord Neat-O

      i think about stuff too.

  7. Just saw Thor: The Dark world and Oh My Celestia I was screaming and crying int omy pillow by the end just..I fangirled over Loki more than i did over Thor.

  8. Am I a bad daughter for not telling my parents about my long distance relationship?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. anythingmasterz


      What? Why would they think that? A relationship takes lots of time to develop

    3. vivishy


      Exactly. they just have that mind set that if other people around my age are doing it then i should too. i just wish they weren't so narrow minded and let me make my own life altering decisions.

    4. anythingmasterz


      that's why it's okay to keep this to yourself. It's your life and therefore your privacy.

  9. Who else is awake right now?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. M'aiq the Liar

      M'aiq the Liar

      I made one for my gender swaped ponysona.

    3. vivishy


      aw that is so cool i don't even have an oc.

    4. M'aiq the Liar
  10. That moment when an ex Brony is harassing you and telling lies about you to other Bronies.

  11. Never again will i let a big meanie tell me how to run my life. From now on i control my life.

  12. There were a lot of factors that made me hate the college I chose but the main one would have to be I let a bully tell me who I was. She told me a lot of racist comments but not to my face but people around my floor told me she was running her mouth saying racist things and it did not help that i was the only mexican american on the floor and that they were directed towards me. She made fun of me for being a pegasister. She's self racist so that didn't really help. She got expelled for robbery but she taught me several things in life. #1 people can make fun of your culture and your heritage but you shouldn't let it get to you because they are nothing but big meanies who don't really like their own. #2 Haters can diss your fandom all they want but they will never experience what it truly means to be a part of a family that loves and supports you like the way we support each other in this fandom. #3 Don't let the big meanies of the world get you down just because they loath the things that you love. and #4 When the going gets tough brony up and give it your all till you've given it enough.
  13. Please please please read this fanfiction. It would mean a lot to my Brazilan brony. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10632583/1/Fluttercord-Equestria-Girls-love-and-caos

  14. I love him..on my own.

  15. Literally my whole FB timeline is full of people doing the ice bucket challenge....wow

  16. So recently my sister has been complaining about her wisdom teeth...-_- i am so not looking forward to having a mouth full of pain

  17. For a while now I have been keeping this a secret. It's not like it's embarrassing but most people wouldn't understand. I like to design clothes and outfits and sometimes jewelry in my spare time. I've sewn quite a few outfits including several weddings gowns. The only thing that's not so normal for who i design is that i design clothes for well...dolls. Yes I still play with dolls. but I'm hoping to use that skill and become a fashion designer for real. I am so ready to take on the fashion world.
  18. Last year i thought the greatest thing ever was to go to college. The only problem is I never pushed myself hard enough to try. I was so confused, I didn't understand anything most of the time. The subjects were pretty easy but I barely understood the work. It was too much, I couldn't organize my time wisely, I stayed in my room half the time.College was just so lonely. i just hate myself so much for not trying hard enough. I was too scared to even ask questions in class because the professors almost made me cry when they yelled at me for not understanding what it was they were teaching. Now every time someone asks me if I'm still going i just say i got homesick and my parents are too ashamed of me to even say i dropped out so they just say i hated it which is partially true.This year I'm just going to pay back the debt i owe or try to.
  19. *sigh* how can i bring myself to tell my friends and family that i dropped out of college because i was so antisocial and was too scared of the professors? I feel like such a failure.

  20. OMG why do fuzzy blankets have to be so warm you doze off?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. N.W.


      Speaking of sleep , I need some, but this anime >_>

    3. vivishy


      goodnight. im in fuzzy bliss

    4. N.W.
  21. Really wanted to go to the air and water show in Chicago today. Oh well.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. M'aiq the Liar

      M'aiq the Liar

      Well, at least you got something done.

    3. vivishy


      haha my dad just gave me a 20 im going to mcdonalds

    4. M'aiq the Liar
  22. Recently been helping my Brazilian Brony translate a fanfic he wrote from Spanish to English. It's been going good so far.

  23. Ok, I am officially scared of looking into my mirror at night. Anyways goodnight everypony.

    1. Clod



      I'm scared of my iPod.

    2. vivishy


      I drank green tea before going to bed and i started to get paranoid

  24. Sorry, I'm just really happy right now.
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