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Posts posted by MozillaToast

  1. I like both tbh, right now I'm leveling a Gnome warrior based off my friend's RP character.


    I like each fraction more for different reasons.

    Horde: PvP, community, in an amazing guild with amazing people, Leveling experiance and I like the races more.


    Alliance: Lore, RP, PvE, Max level questing, most my friends are Alliance, Alli mounts>Horde mounts

    • Brohoof 1
  2. After spending a few days hiding in the city of Bangcolt to get the heat of the Appleoosa crowd off him, he emerged from the place he'd been calling home for a short while. He paid the owner and set off towards the tournament that there were many flyers represting around the combat tournament currently going on. He stepped onto the grounds and breathed in, even though he didn't need to it was a nice habit to have. He looked around and drank in the sights. This is where they'd remember Moonbane. "Alright, times up. Lets do this." He muttered to himself as he headed towards the arena itself.

  3. I got loads of transmog sets on my warlock. But none of them compare to what I use on him now;



    Also the posing is awful for some classes. My perfectly good priest transmog ruined by bad posing;



    Wish I could get a repose but I don't think they'll do that...

    Oh well :)

    • Brohoof 1
  4. "Yeah, sometimes all through the night and into the mornings just to make sure every detail of what I've made is just perfect." He was dedicated to his work. The better the product, the more they'd come back for more. "The nights can be straining but its all worth it when you're left with a happy client. You meet a broad variety of people in this buisness. Mainly people needing cart repairs or soliders needing armor fixes. Because of my talent I can do the job almost twice as fast as any other blacksmith I've ever met." He stopped and pondered about his current project. "Of course I'm not saying I'm the best, I've just not met one better than me yet." He said with a grin. He saw a waiter walking past and notioned him over, whispered something to the waiter who nodded and walked off to another customer. He looked outside into the night sky, "Its getting pretty late, I think I'm going to head back home and get some sleep. I think I have a match tomorrow... This evening has been unique and it's been a joy meeting you Trixie and I hope we can stay in touch." He got up and put his half half of the bill and a bit more on the table and walked towards the door and headed off home to get some sleep. It had been an odd day for him to say the least, he'd recap the day after the fight tomorrow he decided as he arrived home, locked up and went to sleep.

  5. Aknor rubbed his chin as he though of what to say, admittedly he spent hardly any time doing anything other than working or training. He did however, love to look at the stars as he slept. He had no idea what any were called but it just looked nice. He'd mentally draw lines between the stars on a bright night and make a picture in his head. "I guess I like to stargaze a fair bit. I do tend to spend a fair bit of spare time staring at the night skept and looking st all the wonderful arangements and intensities of stars in the sky." He decoded that he'd goven a good awnser in his own books and that if she wanted to know more then he'd talk more but didn't in case he went off on a tangent about the sky and ended up making her fall asleep.

  6. Moonbane followed the group, listening in on the conversations between their small band. He also caught wind of the duo's plan to attack a nearby tower. He watched them gather up a few things and prepare to set off. Harcourt made his small speech to the group to which as far as Moonbane could tell, everyone was contempt with. He got up and approached them both, "Make sure you two come back. Ok?" With that, he went back to the group to keep watch over the group. He knew that it was necessary for their survival. Their supplies were starting to run thin as it stood. He thought for a moment and walked back over to the two, "I know this may seem like suiside, but if the oppertunity arise, try to take a patrol scedual or something. We'll be able to move during the day with an ease of dying if we know their routes and convoy times."

    • Brohoof 2
  7. Aknor nodded in agreement as she explained her future plans to him. When she finished he looked her in the eyes with a comforting look on his face, "That's good. You've clearly thought out and in full and you have the final plan set in stone and aren't leaving anything down to second chances. It takes a lot of confidence and courage to know exactly what your doing and who you are and to accept it and move forward with that." He had a question tingling at the tip of his tongue as he spoke but he decided to keep it in than to accidentally hurt somepony's feelings, or his own. "So, is there anything else you wanted to know about me?"

  8. @Randimaxis

    Moonbane was a silent listener, he watched out for the the group and while not many of them had spoken too him with him he still worked for their survival. A team was a team no matter how you were seen.

    He got up and stretched his wings and legs out and came up behind Harcourt with the stealth that one might accociate with an assassin and spoke.

    "You care much for the ones you hold close. It's always horrible feeling when one must leave, whether it be by choise or by fate." He looked into the distance, his ethereal eyes scanning the area as the living's eyes would. "The horizon is clear this evening but I fear something out there is watching us, waiting for an opperunity to lash out." He looked back to the group, at each individual and as they all settled down and slept. "You should rest, I can take the watch for this night. You need your rest, tomorrow is a big day and we all need to be at our 110% capabilites." He gave the stallion a reasuring smile, "You can trust me on this one, it'll be fine."

    • Brohoof 2
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