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Vemillia Nightshade

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Blog Entries posted by Vemillia Nightshade

  1. Vemillia Nightshade
    I know this should probably go in life advice but it's just that I need an opinion on whether I should stay or not. I just have lost interest with keep up with the show oddly, though I do still enjoy looking at the art. Though lately I just feel like I'm losing base with members here. I just feel like I'm getting father and farther away from what others enjoy talking about.
    I guess I maybe overthinking things but It's been starting to bother me more and more. Especially since I've been more deeply involved with other things. Life in general has started ruling my life more. I mean sure, there are other things to talk about but it seem almost odd, but even those things don't feel interesting anymore. I guess it's a rut or something.
    And last night was the first night ever that I have ever lost interest being on here. More the first time in my life that I have ever felt unwelcome on a site... like I just don't fit in anymore. No one did anything wrong, I just haven't felt been feeling good on here lately is all. I know that fitting in is overrated but I just feel out of touch with everything.
  2. Vemillia Nightshade
    Well just last night my boyfriend was really depressed due to his bipolar condition. The thing was that this feeling was far out of his control. He was damn near close to committing suicide, but he managed to get help before he did end up dying. It turns out he has not been taking his meds for the past few days. I really feel bad for him that his mood swings he has are out of his control without something to aid him.
    The plus side to this is that he is feeling allot better. I just pray this doesn't happen again to him.
  3. Vemillia Nightshade
    What is with children being used for adds involving electronics. Society is convincing children to have these electronics like Iphones, Ipads, Kindles, etc. It really is counter intuitive to arguments like children are done bad shit because of videogames. You know what parents, first of all, videogames are not like religious material, or anything that has caused violence or war. Secondly, if you are against children messing around on electronics, then why do you let them on said electronics? Hypocrites are all you are! Open your eyes to the truth, and see that your children are being sucked into the electronic age. do you really want your children ruled by the progression of society? Or can you set some standards for them?
    That is your choice: Lose your kids forever to the electronic age or take control and limit such things!
  4. Vemillia Nightshade
    When life pulls us from the womb of ignorance, we see what the world is really like. How poisonous our world has become. The pain that it has caused. We soon understand stress and cruelty. While we were children, we didn't think of the cruelties of this world. we were not exposed to any of it till we came of age. Back then we are naive, we thought it was great to be adults. We didn't think that with the lack of parental control we would suffer, we thought we would be free. The thing is, it's the opposite.
    As children, we are marked as innocent. We can get away with anything. In truth, we were more free as children more than as adults. We cannot be punished for our wrongs as children with imprisonment. We merely got slaps on the hand. In truth, anarchy is like returning to our childhood. We return to our roots, purging corrupted law. Man has darkened the order which has helped keep balance for their own sinful gain. Order cannot exist without chaos, Chaos cannot exist without Order. Darkness and light also go hand in hand that way.
    We each will find our destinies in our own way. But that is how it's planned too. We cannot truly escape fate but we can follow out own paths to it. Awaken to the truth. Awaken to what we must do as people of the earth. Purge the poison.
  5. Vemillia Nightshade
    Let's Talk Gaming: Silent Hill Series


    Now when you hear Silent Hill, what do you think of? If your answer is Pyramid Head or Bubble Head Nurses, you are correct on both fronts, but for only one game for one of them. We love to be scared, and Silent Hill in it's early days pack that scary punch that we looked for in a survival horror game. More like Psychological Horror, but you get my point. It all started with the first three games. Let's take a look shall we?


    Silent Hill 1, or Original Silent Hill, is the Playstation game that started it all for a lot of fans of it's beginning in the 90's. This game had a few cheap scares but it also held the atmosphere relatively well. Even during the times of calm, this game kept you on the edge of your seat. You never knew when the next monstrous demon would poke out of the fog. The controls were cumbersome and rather tedious, but once you could get around that, it's a excellent gaming experience. It's a game where you use your ammo sparingly, and only fight when you need to.
    Each location has it purpose and meaning but those meanings were not thrown in your face. The puzzles were difficult and so were some of the monsters you faced. One thing that is interesting is the hospital elevator puzzle. You have to check each floor till the '4th Floor' appears. This is not just thrown in, it's part of a Japanese myth that if a elevator has 4 floor, it's bad luck. It would make sense that the '4th Floor' that randomly shows up is the floor that lead to the Otherworld. There is little bad that can be said outside obvious things like the graphics and poor audio quality. It was the first game after all. Like a lot of first games, it'll be a bit lack luster. But one of the things that was unnecessarily overpowered was the emergency fire axe, otherwise known as the 'Epic Hammer'.
    You heard me right, the Epic Hammer. It's a weapon that was rather popular to use after it was obtained. I can personally see why with some of the stronger monsters later in the game. Hell, the infected doctors took a hell of a lot of hits without the Epic Hammer in the Hospital section where you get the Epic Hammer.


    What took the took the cake though was the finale of the game. It was a interesting part of the game where the decisions you made earlier in the game effect the final outcome. If you did everything right where you saved Dr. Koffmen and saved Cibel Bennet from the parasite infecting her, you'll get the Good + ending plus a battle with the Samael himself. Though the most notable mechanics to the final boss is when you enter the boss room with no ammo at all. If you fire blank rounds at the boss, the boss shortly after will just die or be defeated seeing that you have no ammo to fight.




    Probably one of the most overrated in the beginning trilogy, Silent Hill 2 holds it's place as one of the best experiences you'll ever play on the Playstation 2. The atmosphere is laid on much more thickly than with it's predecessor. Not only that, but the there is a new batch of monsters that haunt the main protagonist. (Did I not mention in Silent Hill 1 that the monsters were of Alyssa's creation. My bad.) But by far it went a bit further to push the M rated envelop with sexually provocative enemies. The most notable being the infamous Bubble Head Nurse of Brookhaven Hospital. But one monster is more horrific than anything else in the game. This monster is senonimious with the series of Silent Hill. Pyramid Head.


    Ah, yes. I could hear you fanboys & girls rejoicing over me mentioning him. Pyramid Head's debut was this game and he was the definition of horrifying. Also to note is that he is invincible. Nothing you do will kill him. All you can do in your first encounter with him when you are locked in the same room as him is run and survive. Once the siren sounds, you are safe from his wrath for now. He appears more times later in the game to haunt you and bring heart pounding fear into your heart. The last thing to note is that you can get Pyramid Head's Great Sword as a weapon later in the game. It's a instant kill weapon for most basic monsters, but it's a bulky and very slow weapon to use. Not recommended for bosses what so ever.


    Back on the topic of sexually provocativeness, one of the most sexually provocative characters is Maria. She serves as a secondary character most of the game once you meet her. She will be separated from you in areas, especially for major dungeon segments. You'll find her both interesting and annoying really. But believe it or not, she herself is a demon. She is a succubus. A being that purposely misdirects you. She was created by James Sunderland as sexual incarnation of his dead wife Mary, who he is looking for. Depending what ending you get the final boss could be Mary or Maria. Go have a go at the game yourself to see what I mean.




    Ah, if it isn't my fave of the Silent Hills. Silent Hill 3 is where the series hit it's peak. This continues the story from the first one, where you play as Heather, Harry's daughter. The story starts off where you are at a mall and a detective finds Heather saying that he is on a investigation and was hoping to speak with her. Like a good girl, Heather walk away having her suspicions of the man. Which leads us to believe he maybe trouble. That is far from true. This is where things get interesting as you roam the mall and it's puzzles before descending to the madness of the Otherworld once more.
    Once again, with a fresh new game comes new monsters and old locations. The only returning monsters are the parasite nurses from the first game. The split head dogs are just a rehashing of the old dog enemies. But what makes the difference with this one is that you do not start in Silent Hill. Silent Hill's dark powers start off coming to you. There were later games that implemented this same thing.


    Robby the Rabbit makes a proper game debut with this Silent Hill game and it brings a chill to know that he has become a mascot along side Pyramid head for the series. He makes later cameos in future silent hill games in obscure ways and in obscure locations. One of the most known being the peephole one in Silent Hill 4 The Room, where if you look at Robby enough times, he will point at you. A chilling thing indeed. What's more chilling that a good old stuffed killer rabbit? Mannequins.



    Yes, the mannequin room of Silent Hill 3 is well known for being the most chilling and disturbing rooms in all the game. It feeds on the fears of many, despite being safe and harmless room. It was a a good tension builder room for sure, feeling like you are being watched. It's almost like something out of Nox Timore only the Mannequins do not follow you around.
    The sense of finale with this game is pretty strong too. Especially after the fight with Alyssa, Heather's dark half in the carousel fight. The final area will have you running around in fear and confusion as new things unfold till you have a final conclusion with the Final Boss, Alyssa or 'God'. Endings are not to big an issue with this one, though there are two known ones. The good end and bad end.
    So if you guys want to play Silent Hill in celebration of the new Silent Hills game, I would recommend the first three games in the series. They personify the series the best out of any of the games. So go pick them up and give them a try, and who knows, maybe you'll find what your looking for in the fog.
  6. Vemillia Nightshade
    I'm feeling less stress now. I've talked to my friend on Thursday and we came to a civil agreement that involves him taking a break from being in my place so often. It seemed he did some thinking while off on his vacation and that helped push along what is now set in motion. He agreed to only being around on a visiting bases and he is out looking for jobs properly now.
    I have to say with this resolved, it ended a lot previous issues all at once. We'll see how long this'll last.
  7. Vemillia Nightshade
    Honestly, I think too much in my personal life has me stressed out. One huge thing that I have wracked my brain over involves a IRL friend who has become nothing but a burden on me. I think until this is resolved, I'll be lurking more than posting.

    The reason for all my previous waves of depression are clear now too. I've been beating myself over the negative. Second guessing a lot of my choices in the past many months. It's starting to seep in deep enough that even my interest in continuing what I love doing isn't showing anything interesting for me. That's being here. There is nothing wrong with this site. Honestly, I wish there were other forums this friendly. I've made my place in other forums, but left without much notice. At least here, I feel like I can talk to members and be apart of it.
    Also if I have caused anypony any trouble lately, I am sorry. I've just been dealing with some heavy stuff that has left me with a decision I'm rather loathing. The IRL friend I mentioned earlier has been freeloading off my place and I've been left with the decision to suffer or do something about it. Truthfully, it's gotten to a point that I have to do something about it. He is costing me a lot, and he my not realize it, but he is the reason that my apartment barely squeaks by with food. I'm so critically low by the near end of the month it's not funny.
    Anyway, I better stop talking about it before it becomes 10 pages of me just whining about my personal life. But yeah, that pretty much what's going on. I aim to resolve this soon. I cannot at this very moment however, due to this said friend being on vacation with his family and girlfriend.
    With this I must give this post a rest. Have a nice day everypony and be sure to make it the best day possible!
  8. Vemillia Nightshade
    I'm back at 100% at last! I have a new laptop entirely with Windows 7 on it! yay! It's honestly good to be back on the online world. I've been enjoying DBXV lately. It's a surprisingly fun online console game. I have a sayian character called Romane on there. lol
  9. Vemillia Nightshade
    I'm just kinda lurking righting now till I get my laptop back in proper condition. It was massed with behind my back, just IDK who. Thankfully, it still works. The reason why I'm on is because of the fact that I still have my backup laptop. Anyway, Yeah. That's why I've not been on much.
  10. Vemillia Nightshade
    Hey guys. I hope you have been having fun without me. I know I kinda poofed out of existence for a bit but I ended up taking a big break, or a hiatus more like it. I'm back pretty much or as back as I can be. I've been dealing with some major crap in my life as of late and I think some time to relax on here is what I'll need. If I seem a bit off, I am. Well, it's a long story to why but trust me, stress has a lot to do with it.
    Anyway, I hope you guys didn't miss me too much. I'd feel really bad if you did. Heh. Already sounding conceded... well flip... heh. Anyway, this is just a quick update to say I'm back. Great to see this community still going strong.
  11. Vemillia Nightshade
    Hey everyone. I had a decent thanksgiving for once. I ended going with a friend to his family's place for Thanksgiving. I'm cutting off connections with my family for this year mostly. Meh either way, I have allot of food to last me this month so I'll be good till next month.
    Thinking to renew my subscription here when I can and hopefully I'll have more money for the near end of next month, if it's possible. Living off SSI isn't exactly all that fun. This is part of the reason I avoid Black Friday.
    So how has your weekend been so far and did you guys have a great thanksgiving? Also, are you guys excited for Cyber Monday? Allot of stuff will be bought online and it will be great!
  12. Vemillia Nightshade
    Well to start off, a good friend of mine and I got some really cool pony stuff. We got some Dashie fingerless gloves and a MLP FiM party cup from Party City, and we got Fluttershy socks sent in the mail which are so cute. I'll most likely get my Fluttershy wig next month along with two cool coffee mugs.
    As for general life, it's been relatively okay. I recently got an ear infection in my right ear and it's not been too much of a bother today thankfully. There is a chance I may get my laptop Windows 8 sent to me. Yes I know but the reason is because I plan to use a shell on the system to make it look like Windows 7. We will see how that ends up. Sadly having some money troubles this month. Nothing to new though.
    So yeah. That's my update for this month. We'll see how things go next month.
  13. Vemillia Nightshade
    As you all have probably not noticed, I've been away allot more. This is due to a friend whom I had to take in who needed to tell his friends he was okay and safe. Until he gets his laptop fixed and sent to my place, I'll be offline a bit more often then I'd like. Meh, that's life for you. I've been catching up with games in the meantime which I've hardly played much off.
    God, I need to finish Hypermode Difficulty on MP3 Corruption...
    Anyway, yeah. Just wanted to update you guys on what is going on. So I hope you guys enjoy your day.
    As a side note: The only reason why I am on this morning is because my friend is asleep right now. He sleeps till noon most times so I figured to hang out on my laptop a bit till he awakens.
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