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Twotlet Sprekle

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  • Personal Motto
    If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid.

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7vVhP716gc After years of hard work, and sweat and blood, saddle arabia and PASA have found out this shocking stories.
  2. Honestly, I dont know how to do fire, the transform tools arent as free as I'd like them to be
  3. I considered tracing an image, but instead I just looked at one. It wasnt TOO hard, but alot of erasing was involved. Yeah I didn't notice that somehow.... let's just back away slowly and hope it doesnt kill us
  4. That's mainly why I did this. because my voice is bad. Ever hear of IceJJFish?
  5. First off, this is based off of a dream, so it will be a bit jumpy because, as you know, remembering dreams is hard. I’m at my neighbors house. I see some pipes in the backyard that usually aren’t there. I go back there. There’s a willy wonka-esque man there, and he tells me to be quiet about this. I tell him okay. Scene jump ( forgot ) I’m in my neighbors kitchen (which has a window to the backyard) My grandparents are there. Granparent sees something in backyard. I see it too. A blue tank of some sorts. We look away to get other grandparent attention, look back, it isn’t there. I get the impulse to jiggle the faucet knobs. Water sprays everywhere over by where the tank was. I Notice rocket engines on the ground. Water comes out of them. I steady the flow of water so it isn’t spraying. My grandparent walks through a giant puddle anyways. I walk around and see a giant gold clock on the tree and I see the blue tank. I walk around the tree, and none of it is there again. Granparent says: Two super sonic jets and weird blue disappearing tanks? I look up. Two super sonic jets flying rather close. A FedEx truck pulls up, does nothing. And pulls away. A semi trailer is now there. My grandparents suggest we sabotage whatever operation they have here. They have super strength out of nowhere. So do I. We lift the semi trailer to middle of yard. Dump out lots of girders and such. Bend the trailer around the girders and tie a knot. Guys in truck wanted those girders. They filled my grandparents car with lint. Guys in truck kidnap me. Grandparent has a pegleg for some reason. Throws pegleg at truck. Bad guys are deathly afraid of them. I get out and he grabs me. I have a pegleg too for some reason. They drive away real fast. This is where I woke up. I'm not sure what my brain was on, but it felt as though while I was in the dream, i knew exactly what was going on and I was fine with it. Discuss.
  6. I didn't notice any sync issues, but there might be some. also sorry about the parents being loud i had to do an amplify filter over it all, and the radio effect made the parents louder already, so yeah. wont happen again
  7. So I was thinking about what people liked to see (obviously biased by what I want to see) and I always had wondered how many takes people do on songs and such. So I'm making series call 'First Take' in which I sing something (anything) and stick with it. I edit in any sound effects and the song's intrumental and there it is. Tell me what you think of the idea, and my singing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QO1-7l2BZn8
  8. I didnt want to say it, so thank you for saying it instead
  9. Are ponies sexy? I have to agree with you partly, though. The ponies in the show I could not find attractive, but with fanart where they are humanized or sexualized, they surely are. I find it easier to find someone attractive if I know their personality aswell. I like to think that people find ponies sexy because they have watched the show and know their personalities so it seems like they may have an actual connection with them. and then reality kicks my face in and i realize that some people are just really sick.
  10. What does it mean when my forum post gets approved?

  11. My friend asked me to draw all four princess in a neon style, so i did. (in photoshop obviously, not irl) tell me what u think
  12. neither. xD There's no mirror pools or Changelings involved here
  13. So, as some of you know, I've been writing a story called 'Twotlet' (on my deviantart page) and I decided to test out my photoshop skillz by making some art for chapter two, (obviously I will make more for later chapters) and i just wanted to know what you think. If you havent read up to the second chapter (shame on you) and you dont intend to, the twilight that is close to the viewer is twilight's doppelganger, 'Twotlet.' the other ponies just discovered that it isnt twilight, but a doppelganger.
  14. if you look up Dustykatt Rhoades on youtube, there is a bodybuilder manly manly man who is brony.
  15. I would get a mlp bag since idgaf about what other students think, but i dont think ill reveal to my parents that i'm a brony until i move out, and even then i wont explicitly tell them. its just too awkward to tell my family, especially my dad who would probably disown me if he knew
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