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Posts posted by deletedaccount2

  1. (I'm cool with it, just don't go overboard.)


    *frustrated grunt*


    He couldn't solve it, no matter how he tried. He eventually just gave up, and just straight up walked out of the office (and the base) into the wastelands, not forgetting the dosimeter, to try and calm down. Analysing polyalphabetics were frustrating.


    He eventually got himself lost.

  2. Soprano, who was working in a small office, hasn't left his room for at least 2 days. He was too focused on a ciphertext he had stolen, he forgot to do basic things such as eat, or drink.


    He just ran around the office building, frustrated. (Never been in a roleplay with Romance in it. It's not going to be a main topic, right?)


    Name: Soprano

    Sex: Stallion

    Race: Pegasus

    Description: Orange/yellow mixed mane/coat. Water symbol (JP) as cutie mark,

    3 skills: Speech, Small Guns & Survival

    S: 4

    P: 3

    E: 5

    C: 0

    I: 12

    A: 4

    L: 7


    Strengths: language, mathematics and cryptography.

    Weaknesses: Social interaction, combat, leadership.


    Traits: ASD (Aspergers) traits (all), being bossy-like, being terrified of everything, and not getting along with others (to the point of hitting one with a brick)

  4. "... I think so, i'm not sure." he said, being overly-cautious of the ticking time bombs under his hooves. "How many do we have to place down? We've put down at least 10 already." 


    He put down another land mine, before hearing one go off in the distance, around 20 metres away.

  5. Soprano continued to read his book, finding it... fascinating, to say the least. He heard a very faint scream, but decided to just ignore it, wanting to not get into another predicament. He has had enough of those for one day.

    He noticed a minor laceration on his hoof. He looked around for a bandage.

    • Brohoof 3
  6. "Sure. Glad to help." he said. He didn't actually know why they were trying to kill these ponies. He wasn't paying attention during the briefing, but he didn't want to sound like he was on the 'enemies' side. He started to dig the holes to plant the mines, as briefed.

  7. Soprano did not like being pulled around, but he ignored it. "Alright then. Any spots in particular you need 'em?" he asked. He didn't want to put them randomly, making someone get injured, or killed. He looked at them. It had some writing engraved in them. Numbers.

  8. "You guys have radiation medicine? I've never heard of it." he said, starting to get worried. He got his dosimeter out of his satchel. It read 0.2 µSv (1 µSv or higher is considered hazardous). "Well, my dosimeter is reading alright. What's the CPM, Re?" he said, remembering that Re had an actual geiger counter.

  9. "No, not really. I'm just curious, that's all." he said. "You know, you could always make a small bomb that dispenses isotopes if you want to poison them slowly." he said, trying not to imply to make an atomic bomb. "Not now, of course, but it's an idea."


    He tried not to panic about setting up a bomb.

  10. "What type of explosive is in it? C4, gunpowder, et cetera?" he asked. He didn't actually need to know this; he was just fascinated by it. He always enjoyed to know all of the tiny details, even if they turned out to be completely useless to what they were doing.

  11. "Not really, no. I know how they work, but nothing on how to actually detonate them." he said, thinking of the workings of an atomic bomb. He twitched. He was concerned about if it was an atomic bomb. "Eh... what type of bomb is it exactly?" he asked. He did not want to have to deal with de-contamination again.

  12. Soprano woke up at Twilight's door after being unconscious for quite a long time. He hadn't changed; his eyes still flashed. He stood up, and noticed the completely empty house. He just stayed inside, as it was night time, and he didn't want to get attacked.

    • Brohoof 2
  13. Soprano liked that idea. "Alright then." he said, slightly unsure. He was normally quite unsure of what to do, but that was just due to the anxious and paranoid nature of him. "When do we begin it?"


    Soprano noticed a lot of flora, despite the radioactive fallout (mostly Caesium 137) killing it of.

  14. "Ehh, I'd prefer not to get into combat." he said, sounding shameful. "Is there anything I can do that doesn't involve blowing someone's head off with a bullet." He wanted to try and avoid combat. He was weak, he was scared, and he was far better with strategy. (filler)

  15. Soprano remembered his excess supply of paper and graphing tools. "If one of you can map out the area, I can copy it down so we can get the troop's positions, weapons, et cetera." he said. He didn't want to fight on the front lines, but instead strategise for the group.

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