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Posts posted by deletedaccount2

  1. @,


    Soprano was confused. "Okay.... should we get a move on, or..." he said, accidentally making it awkward. "...."




    "You alright? You seem sad all of a sudden." he noticed. He was even more curious now than before. "... do you want me to go, or...."

    (OOC: Soprano is very curious. Just saying XD)

  2. @,


    "Yeah... I'm already late as it is. Ugh... it's not good to pull an all-nighter off on a school night." he said, groaning from sleep deprivation. He looked at Pinkie, then to Storm. "She's a bit hyper-imaginative, isn't she? She mentioned flying..." he said, laughing slightly.

  3. @,


    (It's Pascal, not prascal. It's just a general-purpose language.)


    "Ah, good. I thought for a second you didn't know what it was..." he said, still slightly perplexed. "...oh, you need my name?" he said.


    "Soprano Aurora is my name. Nice to meet you two." He said, offering a handshake. 

  4. @,


    (Ah, I do Pascal. I actually do have a bug in my code :P)


    "... you don't know what programming is? It's where you program a computer..." he said, perplexed at his naive general knowledge of computers. "... you sure you've never heard of it? It's quite... common knowledge now." (filler)

  5. @,



    'Did she say fly? Eh, probably just hyperimaginative.' He thought, standing up. "Thanks for that. I'm really tired due to me... well, programming. Ruddy error can't be fixed..." he said, still despising the code. "Do you do Pascal programming? If so, could you look at my code?"

  6. @,


    (OOC: Have their species changed, or are your characters human? I am very confused :P)

    "Sure..." he said, a little unsure. "Why is... she bouncing on you...." he said, even more perplexed. He picked his bag up, and looked around, still confused and disorientated. "Thanks for before...."

  7. @,



    He grunted at the poking of his shoulder, and the pain of getting concrete in the face. "Ugh...." he grunted once more, before trying to sit upright. He did not fail. "It's fine... just tired... very very tired...." he said, indeed sounding tired. "Thanks though... at least 5 other people past me."

  8. (Sorry for the late sign-up ^^);


    Soprano, now very tired after pulling an all-nighter, woke up at his desk, discovering he slept on his computer keyboard. It was still switched on.


    "Ugh...", he grunted. "All night.... still haven't fixed that ruddy code error... [nonsensical speech]"

    He saw the clock, panicked, and proceeded to get dressed for school in about 5 minutes. He started running towards the school, before giving up half way and faceplanting into the footpath.

  9. Soprano tried to find a way in, after seeing her just... vanish. He found a way in, but did not want to be confronted by the alicorns inside. He thought about it for a couple of minutes, before finding the perfect solution: distraction. He grabbed a rock, and threw it in the building, accidentally hitting one of them. He waited for them to check the sound.

  10. Soprano watched the whole incident from afar, scared of what was going down. He was scared, but also scared for their safety. He rushed towards Midnight. "Midnight! Are you alright?!" He yelled, very scared for her and Clover.


    (Sorry for going for a while. School :P)

  11. Soprano had been highlighting for quite a while now, and he ran out of ink. He gathered up his things, chngd, and walked over to the others. "So... what's this about one person here wanting to shoot another to not be blind anymore?" he asked out of pure curiosity.

  12. Soprano was in the building the whole time, not near the others. His bits stayed intact (even though he only had 5 in the first place ^_^).


    He didn't sleep. He stayed up to read his books, and review lessons. "I'm awake!" he yelled out. "Can you give me 5 minutes? Highlighting some things."

  13. Soprano was, like expected, hiding. He was hiding near the abandoned buildings still. "I'm over here!" he yelled out from the window of one of them. "I've been here the whole time!" he yelled out again. He didn't want to get into a confrontation, so he hid instead.

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