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Posts posted by deletedaccount2

  1. "Heh, trust me, i've seen worse attempts at a cutie mark. I've seen a guy that had his drawn with a pencil. It didn't even show up!" he said, laughing. "I've never met someone else that can either write shorthoof, or can speak Japanese. It's hard to practice it." he said.

  2. Soprano joked: "Maybe you should turn into a human. I'd love to see you try to walk with 2 legs!" he said, getting his camera out, and taking a picture of the group. "Sorry, I just want to remember all of this when I finally go home. Oh, the guys on the forums will be amazed!" he said, breaking the 4th wall.

    • Brohoof 3
  3. Soprano saw King's size, so he (finally) transformed back into his human self. He was finally at eye level with the King. "Ah, finally. I don't get a ruddy migraine from being my true self." he said, looking down to his side, checking his satchel for his notepad.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. Soprano noticed that it was his turn. "Oh, uh..." he said, thinking of what to say. "Soprano Aurora. Born in Canterlot, 1954 (years from Luna's banishment), and died sometime in the probably near future. I don't have any deaths in my family. Don't even know the lucky bastards. I'm learning Japanese, shorthand, and i've been dictating this entire plan." He bows.

  5. Soprano walked inside, and started to simply sketch a couple of things on his notepad. He drew a sketch of Void's malevolent form, and wrote next to it in shorthand: "AVOID THIS FORM AT ALL COSTS". "Void? Are you... still malevolent, or have you stopped threatening me?"

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Soprano ran inside the house, seeing Ahaban. "Ugh.... who are you exactly?" He said, his eyes flashing green again. He hadn't seen Ahaban before, that he remembered. He started to transcribe again, filling up 7 pages in 5 minutes.


    His iris started to change to a more green like colour.

    • Brohoof 2
  7. (OOC: Sorry for any missed sessions, i'm in a different time zone (GST +10))


    Soprano stayed outside. He continued to work on the ciphertext, as it needed to be cracked soon. He knew the key length, but not the key itself. It was 9 letters long. He was running low on paper.

  8. Soprano watched this whole incident occur. He didn't participate, he just worked on his cipher he received from the changelings. "Is everything alright now? Is Void not sociopathic anymore?" he said, putting the weapon he had held down, but getting ready to pick it up again. "If it is, we need to hurry! I really just want this fixed so I can relax, and work!" He said. His eyes flashed thrice.

  9. Soprano started to wake up from the blood-rush. His vision was blurry, his auditory senses muffled. He started to re-gain his vision after about 2 minutes, lying in the middle of a strange, gloomy forest. "Jeez, did I get a concussion?" he said to himself, noticing his new hooves.


    He screamed louder than he ever had before.

  10. @,@Mrbrunoh1,


    That decision was a no-brainer. "Neither." he said, trying to be somewhat brave, picking his paperwork up, with the Changeling's ciphertext still not-cracked. "Why are you doing this? There is no benefit! Especially from someone like me, who can't even walk a kilometre without complaining!" he said, not joking. "Now, when you've stopped being bat-shit crazy, tell me." he said, sitting down. He started working for a solution to the cipher, despite a malevolent sociopath being in front of him. "Say, can you give me a hand?" he said, trying to not be violent.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. @,@@Mrbrunoh1,


    Soprano backed away slightly. "What? The queen did this?" Soprano said, scared to say anything to this sociopathic hive-mind. "I'm good enough now! Why would I want to be controlled by someone? Come on Void, this isn't you! This isn't the independent traveller that you are!" he said, picking up a nearby stick, swinging it at his face, hitting it hard. 

    • Brohoof 1
  12. @,@@Mrbrunoh1,


    "What's wrong with you? You're not like this!" Soprano said, dropping his paperwork, running at Void. He didn't know quite what to do in such a situation, but he knew that he needed to snap Void out of it. "What's the problem? Why are you acting so savage?" he said, about a metre away from Void. His eyes flashed in confusion.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Soprano saw that Void was attacking Kelly, and he needed to do something about it. "Void! What are you doing? Leave her alone!" Soprano said, unaware that it was not the Void that they knew before, instead a new, menacing one. He started going closer and closer to him.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Soprano was a bit confused as to why he simply carried the equipment, but he didn't argue it. He wanted to get good with Star again. "Alright then." he said. "I'm really sorry about the whole... incident. I just do that when people go through my private notes." he apologised.

  15. @@Rainbow Eclipse,@@WiiGuy2014, @@The Last Derp,  


    Soprano walked through the forest near his home, exploring the sections previously un-explored by himself. He brought his film camera, just for some variety. He normally brought his digital, but he felt like digital wasn't important here.


    He explored the forest, taking pictures all along the way. He was looking upwards, until he felt something. He looked down, and saw a hole. He screamed, and stepped back. "What the..." he said, throwing a rock down to hear how deep it is. It didn't make any sound.


    He photographed it, before something came and pushed him down. He screamed, before passing out from blood rush to the brain.

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Soprano got up from sitting, and heard Malt talk about first aid experience. "You are away that I have a lot of experience, right?" he said, getting out his bandages and one adrenalin shot. "Only got bandages and one shot of adrenalin at the moment." he said.

  17. @@Mrbrunoh1@


    Soprano woke up in near the group. He must of fallen asleep for a couple of posts! 


    He limped up to Void, noticing the aura of deprivation and anxiety. He saw Void. He looked... somewhat different. "What's going on?"


    A black, smokey mist appeared around them. After it dissipated, Soprano saw Void. He wan't himself. "Are... you alright?" His eyes flashed in sadness.

    • Brohoof 3
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