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Everything posted by deletedaccount2

  1. This is a lot better than anything I could write! It's amazing so far!
  2. ~Pony -> Human~ Soprano understood what he was saying, just. He was confused as to why he simply didn't just say it. "Why don't you just say it out loud." Soprano asked. "Still, I don't understand how this is all such a big deal. I just did what anyone would do, you know." Soprano said, before going away to study.
  3. Soprano was very confused by Slash's writing. Is this some type of ancient language? he thought. Wait, no, it says: "It's my fault, I shouldn't be angry, You broke your family, I don't take no. Why?" he head it as, before asking Slash what it meant, and his interpretation. (OOC: Going to school soon.)
  4. Soprano was scared by the over-the-top emotion Slash was displaying. " why are going all crazy about it?" Soprano said, remembering the cause of all of this was him dropping the mirror. "I'm sorry for accidentally making you transform. I have sweaty hands/hooves."
  5. ~pony -> Homo Sapien~ Soprano noticed her skill for shelter making, and he saw some coconuts in a tree. "You really have a knack for survival." Soprano said, transforming, reaching a coconut. He gave it to Skyla. "I'm really sorry for punching you like that before. I was very angry and offended, and it was wrong." he said.
  6. Soprano butted in. "I learnt how to transform at will, I was killed with a sword when Slash turned into a human, came back to life, yadda yadda yadda." He said. "Wait, how come you didn't hear us?" he asked, very very confused. He thought Skyla was deaf. If she couldn't hear a stab, what can she hear?
  7. "Ugh. Telling people I came back from being dead. Yeah, that will be SO much fun." Soprano said, focusing on how to bring Slash back to being a pony, until he had an idea. Soprano [redacted] him, and he suddenly started to slowly transform back. "Good, I'm glad [redacted] worked!" Soprano said. (OOC: No, it's nothing dirty. It's just a joke I have going to redact thingszh
  8. Soprano saw Slash hurt, and ran to him as fast as possible (while having minor bruises), and splashed water on his face, trying to wake him up. "Oh, please don't let him die too!" Soprano said, shaking him. Even though he had no idea how he came back to life, he wasn't going to let someone else die.
  9. Soprano was concerned about his sister, who was crossing the road at the time. She was wearing headphones, full volume, and heavy metal music. "Sis, shouldn't you turn that off for a second?" Soprano asked, seeing a white train coming down the tracks, hitting them both. "Whatthrhell!" Soprano said, waking up from death. He looked at his injuries. Gone, just a scar. He saw Discord vanish. "Anala!" Soprano said, hugging her. He was so happy he was alive.
  10. Soprano was bleeding even more, and his heart was losing power. He woke up ever so slightly, turned into a pony for the very last time, before complete organ failure occurred at 5:45 PM. All he hoped for was that his friends would get saved in time, before he slowly passed into white in peace. (He's dead, but he will be revived... Somehow)
  11. Soprano wasn't dead, but was severely injured, with a broken rib, and some bleeding. He didn't regret his action, because destroying the mirror makes whatever form you're in at the time permanent. If Slash broke the mirror, he would be a human. Forever. With all of the strength left in his body, he called out: "Come back, I'm fine!" before passing out due to shock (when your body goes: "OK WTF IS GOING ON WHAT DO I DO OMG OMG". It's painful).
  12. Soprano wanted to stop him, but he couldn't. He was too scared. No, he needs to stand up for himself, and do whats right. With a lot of resistance from his body, he took a deep breath, and dove for the mirror, potentially getting hit by the sword. A tear rolled down his cheek before a sword went straight through his chest, coming out the other side. (Like my twist? :3 By the way, he doesn't die.)
  13. Soprano was freaking out behond belief, but he knew that he had to be brave. "I didn't do it on purpose, I'm sorry. If you want to kill me, go ahead." Soprano said, exposing his neck to him. He knew that he wouldn't kill him, but he also knew that he deserved it. (OOC: it's spelt 'bastard', with an a. Also, don't kill off Soprano.)
  14. ~Human -> Pony~ Soprano saw flash in pain, trying desperately to not be a human. He had no idea what to do in that situation, so he ran to him as fast as he could, touched him, and transformed, hoping it would carry over. Nothing. He hoped that Slash wouldn't break the mirror. *hint hint*
  15. ~Pony -> Human~ "Fine man, calm down. It's just a mirror." Soprano said, dropping the mirror accidentally near Slash. "SHIT! I'm sorry!" Soprano yelled, quickly grabbing it, putting it in his briefcase. "Anyway, I want to show you guys something really cool, a computer." Soprano said, turning back into a human. (OOP: I'm going to relax, so i'll be slower to reply.)
  16. ~Human -> Pony~ "Come on Slash, just try it! It's perfectly safe." Soprano said. "It's not that bad. Hey, wanna see a party trick?" Soprano said, transforming very rapidly, before stopping at pony. "I have absolutely no idea how the heck this works." he said, giving everyone 2 apples to eat. "I picked them this morning."
  17. "Yes, I think you are. Are you feeling... normal?" Soprano said. "Also, it doesn't work that way. I'm not quite sure how it works. This is a new." Soprano said. He was fascinated by Anala's transformation. "So... you like being a human, or what?" Soprano said, loving being a human, and not a horse all of the time.
  18. "Guys, guys, I can control my transformations now!" Soprano said, before seeing Anala. "What the heck happened to you?" Soprano said, quickly becoming a human so he could evaluate her (and not look down her skirt. He's to young for dat!). "Are you feeling OK?" he asked.
  19. ~Pony -> Pony~ Soprano was very surprised, and ecstatic that he finally got control over the transformations. "Holy crap, I can control it now?" Soprano said. "YES!!" Soprano screamed at the top of his lungs, before trying to transform again. Yep, it worked. He tried again. Still working. (OOC: I should state at the top of my replies if Soprano's a human or a pony :/)
  20. Once Anala and Soprano got to the mirror, Soprano said: "Try touching it. It actually ripples, even though the mirror is deactivated." Soprano said, touching the mirror. "See? Now, you look at this, I need to check my computer." Soprano said, walking into the forest, before having a genetic seizure. No, it wasn't a seizure anymore. It was a rapid mutation. He was finally in control, and it happened in a split second. "WOW."
  21. "Please don't talk about it. I won't lie, the more you talk about killing a bird, the more I want to punch you. Anyway, You want to check out the mirror I came through? It's closed at the moment, but it still looks very cool." Soprano said, leading Anala to the mirror.
  22. "I have a whole bag full of them!" Soprano said, getting out 5 cans of noodles and 6 museli bars. "I refuse to eat a Crested Pigeon." Soprano said. "Wait, Crested Pigeons are only found in Australia, in my world! How the heck are they over here?" Soprano said, noticing how filthy his fingernails were.
  23. Soprano saw the poor birds hit the ground. "Why would you do that? I had food!" Soprano said, yelling at Anala. "I have noodles and museli bars!" Soprano ran to the birds, crying for them. He loved birds; he had 2 pet budgies at home, and to see their heads bashed in was traumatizing.
  24. @, (OOC: We need to fast forward to the actual event soon.) "Don't bring any MLP merch. That's about it!" Soprano said, noticing the time was 9 PM. "OK, we have just 4 hours to get ourselves ready to go." Soprano said, hoping he wouldn't become a pony once he got there. He would hate it.
  25. "To me, you're very strange, holding a sword in your mouth. We hold it like this!" Soprano said, taking the sword, showing him holding it, then giving it back. "I have all sorts of stuff in here. Like this doohickey, called a hard drive. It stores data on it." Soprano said, dropping the Western Digital 3200BUDT 320 GB SATA drive onto Slash accidentally.
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