I agree.. This should be called the last generation and the whole New Hasbro should just be called Hasbro from now on in my opinion. Your right, what Lauren did was far beyond anything normal in a very good way. FIM is doing well and if Hasbro decides for a new show than it should still remain in the same generation, with the same designs and it should set the SAME standard that FIM did with the gender and age barrier. I still don't think FIM will be closed anytime soon, after all. I will say this a million times and never get tired of saying it, a good show that is kept with new ideas, characters, and a storyline every now in the. Where it is kept and taken care of for top quality. It could potentially last for ages upon ages, decades upon decades, I believe you've mentioned a show that has been running well for well over 30 years and still running? Who knows. It could end in years, could end after We all die of old age. Time can only tell, but as long as the company stays strong and keeps taking care and ensuring the best in quality of each season the show could potentially last ages. I'm just taking a wild guess here, but it's safe to say that Hasbro knows what they're doing.., with everything but Equestria girls xD (I'm really sorry if that offends you but I really just don't like the film and watching it made me hate it even more.)