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  1. Hey Sonata! An Equestria Girls fan, eh? Meh, I don't like it at all after watching it in my opinion but I do respect yours! Enjoy your stay and I'm sure you'll feel right at home here!
  2. I agree.. This should be called the last generation and the whole New Hasbro should just be called Hasbro from now on in my opinion. Your right, what Lauren did was far beyond anything normal in a very good way. FIM is doing well and if Hasbro decides for a new show than it should still remain in the same generation, with the same designs and it should set the SAME standard that FIM did with the gender and age barrier. I still don't think FIM will be closed anytime soon, after all. I will say this a million times and never get tired of saying it, a good show that is kept with new ideas, characters, and a storyline every now in the. Where it is kept and taken care of for top quality. It could potentially last for ages upon ages, decades upon decades, I believe you've mentioned a show that has been running well for well over 30 years and still running? Who knows. It could end in years, could end after We all die of old age. Time can only tell, but as long as the company stays strong and keeps taking care and ensuring the best in quality of each season the show could potentially last ages. I'm just taking a wild guess here, but it's safe to say that Hasbro knows what they're doing.., with everything but Equestria girls xD (I'm really sorry if that offends you but I really just don't like the film and watching it made me hate it even more.)
  3. I agree with you a 100000% on that for SURE, This post is actually sad to see considering all the success the show's getting/ I share the EXACT same opinion with you! And I must also say we shall see what Hasbro has to reveal for Season 5 when it comes out. I have a good feeling about Hasbro's steps with FiM. I do say it might last a very long time if they keep it up, which they are from what I can tell! Like I always say, any good and successful show could last ages if given proper care and story! Lol btw sorry I didn't get your joke until you told me it.
  4. That's just going overboard. Ermm... no sorry, I have to definitely disagree with that. I think Hasbro should just keep up their good work with FiM as always. I applaud them
  5. G4 (Still think they should just call it Final Generation xD) is a work of art in my opinion! I also think Hasbro has been doing a pretty good job so far with FiM! I am still finishing off Season 3 and It is just great! I do agree that Derpy needs quite a bit more attention but, after all, Season 5 is well on it's way in a few months and I'm sure Hasbro won't disappoint. Like I said, any show given the right care, right storyline, right amount of breaks, and right amount of additions to characters, could make it last for ages upon ages! So as long as Hasbro keeps doing what they do and continue to take good care of the franchise and ensure that there is always something bright and new to explore, then even FiM could last ages (A long time). We shall see though, because of course, I'm not sure of anything. What I do know is that they should definitely keep up the good work! It would sure help if they also followed Chaos's advice. Can't wait to finish Season 3, and after 2 more seasons I can begin the wait to Season 5!
  6. Finally got to the end of Season 2! Only two more seasons before I can join the wait for 5!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Clod
    3. RainbowSonic#1Fan


      People said S2 wasn't good. I, on the other hand, enjoyed S2. So I will not skip S3. I'm a die hard Brony :)

    4. Clod
  7. Hello CandyBits! I'm sure that you will feel right at home here then, fellow Brony/Bronyette (or however you say it)! I myself become a Brony just after the first episode! Such an amazing show! Enjoy your stay and I'm a proud Brony Forever! See you around the forums!
  8. Welcome to the forums, Yasi! We sure are happy to have a new Brony join the online community! I'm sure you'll feel right at home as the wait for Season 5 continues! I myself still need to complete Season 2 and have lot's of catching up! Hope to see you around somewhere in the MLP Forums! Enjoy your stay!
  9. Hey! Glad to see you decided to join the forums! I sure hope you make yourself comfy here on the wait to Season 5! (Still need to complete season 2 xD)
  10. Need to finish Season 2 as fast as I can. Also need to buy a Wii U for Sonic Boom

  11. So far, I don't think you will have to worry about it until the FAR future because if Hasbro stays sharp and keeps this up, it might last ages as long as long as the writers keep on adding more characters and different plots as well as more episodes not focused around the Mane 6, WHICH they are doing. So as long as Hasbro and the Writers keep up the good work, it could last ages. Just like chaos rains stated about an Anime that is still going on for 30 years that still hasn't needed a reboot. I am not sure for I cannot tell the future, but I have high hopes for this. We still have to remember that Hasbro might make a mistake in one of the seasons and that doesn't mean a reboot is needed because Hasbro sure knows how to learn from their mistake like Season 3 having 13 episodes, now we are back in the 20s again so it seems they are doing a very good job taking care of FiM in general (I haven't watched 3 yet so don't spoil me xD) So yeah, cheers to Hasbro and keep up the great work! Its going great so far! Hasbro has done very well from what I can tell (Lol I just sounded like Zakora) and I cannot wait for Season 5... no I take it back I can wait because I gotta finish off Season 2 and the rest first xD
  12. That brings lots of joy to hear, and maybe a short film SIDE series in CGI wouldn't be a bad idea! I don't mind watching it too, running it alongside MLP:FiM is also good because it won't ruin the franchise if anything goes wrong with the CGI Films. It's good to know there are long lasting shows such as that that didn't need a reboot. So far, I think G4 is doing just great. And to know that there are shows that are still running for 30 years is pleasant to hear. I have high hopes in G4. (Explanation is pretty much in my last post)
  13. Hasbro isn't going to get bored of it unless we get bored of it, because as long as we like it Hasbro is getting all the $$$ they want. I also never said it could last forever. I simply said it still has quite a bit of potential. A reboot isn't always a good thing and it is the G4 reboot that has lasted the longest. It's not something time specific. The series reboots when it needs one, and as of now, I don't think it needs one yet, of course that could mean it could last ages and it could mean a few years. But that doesn't mean that it is specifically up to Hasbro feeling bored to decide, they're not simply going to pull the plug on a Successful franchise because they are "bored". In my opinion, if the series is kept up to date with new items, characters, plots and if it is updated with more new things to explore, than the need for a Reboot might slim down to non existent. There are some series that are successful that have never gone through its last successful reboot so far, why? Because it doesn't need one, it's still successfully well kept. If a series fakes or the writers start writing stale story lines than yes. Maybe a reboot is needed. But as for how Hasbro has been taking care of FIM so far, I think its unnecessary.
  14. That's quite odd... Umm... Franchises don't need reboots if there is nothing wrong with them, and the current generation has lots of potential for expandability so... Yeah...
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