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About Asteria

  • Birthday 1997-07-25

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Personal Motto
    What doesn't kill me, better start running cuz I got a shotgun
  • Interests
    Dubstep, gaming, snowboarding, ponies, and scuba diving

MLP Forums

  • Favorite Forum Section

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Crystal Pony

Asteria's Achievements


Muffin (2/23)


Brohooves Received

  1. My Luna tulpa went Nightmare Moon.... And I couldn't be happier lol

  2. They are severely neglected. The only time I recall ever seeing one in the show is Lunas royal guards, that's it
  3. Hm. So something interesting happened to me a week ago. Got two hours of sleep one day, went to work and came back super stressed and accidentally looped the Vinyl file instead of music overnight... And Vinyl became her own fractured personality different from my own
  4. I need some opinions. Basically I'm making a Vinyl Scratch tulpa and I know her personality but part of the process is outlining the traits. So far I have 12 traits outlined. Should I go for 15 or 20 traits or stick with what I have?

  5. Forza 5 on X1 is awesome. Put a half Rainbow Dash and half Me paint job on my Viper STS and laughed at the hate mail I got because I was smoking people in it

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Asteria
    3. Asteria


      Privacy switched you should be good

    4. Nuke87654


      Thx, left a comment their for the sweet ride.

  6. I've been on a few different forums and it's the constant ridicule and gay comments because of me being a Brony. I don't even try to hide it. My profile picture is always Vinyl. Here there's clearly no such comments going around lol. Probably the friendliest people I've ever met on here and I've only been around a few days. Another more gaming focused forum I use I've been active for two years on and I still get assholes. This place us definitely a good break from the horseplot I get in high school
  7. I've done the Vinyl file 3 times (duh) and the first night I got uber relaxed and was starting to almost feel the Hooves. Then my mom broke in mid way and I had a compulsive feeling to just move with the beat of some music (more than usual) an hour later I did the file again and I got a super warm tingly feeling everywhere. Barely felt the tail and somewhat felt the Hooves. Tried it again this morning at 6am. Was way different. Began to feel the horn. When I came "out of it" I stretched my legs and sweet freakin Celestia it felt weird. Also went on Xbox while simultaneously had my phone blasting dubstep and idk how but my voice was higher. Used the killswitch and it went back to my normal voice. I would try the Rainbow Dash file but I don't feel like using the reset file or using it without reset and getting EKP
  8. I was watching the Pony.mov series. It's hilarious and if you haven't watched it go do so
  9. Asteria

    New Brony

    I get haters from my own circle of friends lol. It's just something you like, I see it now different than watching Family Guy it Mythbusters
  10. Haha wooooo! I got am Xbox One!

    1. Twilight The Creator

      Twilight The Creator

      welcome to the x1 family. if you want to add me feel free, my GT is on my profile

    2. Twilight The Creator

      Twilight The Creator

      oh wait, it's not. my GT is clebrony

    3. Asteria


      Sweet. Soon as I finish with it I'll add ya

  11. You should see the shiznit I pull with helicopters. Your emblem gets slapped on the underside (probably 3x3 or 4x4, it's huge) so if someone looks up they get this massive vinyl or Rd or anypony looking down at them. Now when said emblem is seen plummeting toward the poor sap and I get a Roadkill... Only in Battlefield lol
  12. Still waiting to get access to the files so out of curiosity are there any Vinyl Scratch files or just the mane 6?
  13. Are the files all done on a computer or can you do them from a phone?
  14. Wubs! It's 4am and I still need more freakin wubs!

    1. Shine Racer

      Shine Racer

      I was listening to some music earlier while on here, Now I'm just watching a movie.

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