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Posts posted by VitalSpark

  1. I don't really understand Guy Fawkes Night that much either.


    It's great fun if you live somewhere it's celebrated properly. Massive bonfire and firework show just at the time when the winter nights are drawing in.


    The one I don't much see the point in is New Year's Day. Nobody celebrates new months or new weeks, so why new years?

    • Brohoof 1


    You don't see Luna getting off her fat flank doing anything for Equestria.


    Luna did offer to sort out King Sombra, but Celestia wanted Twilight to handle the situation to prove herself. (Clearly by this point she's pretty much decided to make Twilight a princess, but just needs evidence that she's ready.)


    Princess Luna: Are you sure you don't want me to go as well?
    Princess Celestia: Yes. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are already there. The others will be joining them soon.
    Princess Luna: The Empire's magic is powerful. It cannot fall again, my sister.
    Princess Celestia: She will succeed at her task. And when she does, we'll know that she is that much closer to being ready.
    Twilight Sparkle: Ahem.
    Princess Celestia: Trust me, little sister.



    Then, in Episode 65, Magical Mystery Cure.  She sent that spell book to T.  Starswirl wrote that spell?  My hoof (& less mentionable parts) he wrote it.  He lived long before the Elements were found (created?), so how could his spell affect them?


    According to The Journal of the Two Sisters: The Official Chronicles of Princesses Celestia and Luna, it was Star Swirl the Bearded who originally showed the tree to Celestia and Luna when they were blank flanks. The tree had sun and moon symbols on it, which Celestia and Luna would later have as their cutie marks, and a third symbol of a six-pointed star. He foresaw that this would be a third princess' cutie mark.


    Also, you say "he lived". Nowhere in the canon has it been established that he has died. He certainly seems absent from Equestria in the present day, but I wouldn't rule out an in-pony appearance from him at some point.

    • Brohoof 2
  3. Pets are not allowed. Fluttershy keeps Angel well-hidden and advises Twilight to do the same with Spike.


    I assume that the characters mostly have parents (except Sunset Shimmer as she's not native to that world, and Applejack whose parents may have died like Equestrian Applejack's parents have) and classes, but they're not shown because they're not relevant to the plot.


    In fact, this short conversation between Fluttershy and Twilight when they first meet answers a lot of your questions:


    Fluttershy: Oh, wait! You're not really supposed to have pets on school grounds. Might wanna tuck him into your backpack. That's what I do.
    [cat meows]
    [bird chirps]
    Fluttershy: They just get so lonely when I'm in school all day.
    Twilight Sparkle: Oh, okay! Thank you!
    [school bell rings]
    Fluttershy: Oh, no! I'm late for class!

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I never got a good look at this part in Rainbow Rocks but...

    Wow, they look mega evil in that picture.

    Also Scootaloo's face is hilarious.


    The costumes are based on the ones the pony CMCs wear in The Show Stoppers.




    Personally I voted Applebloom because none of the CMCs had any votes and I thought they deserved a bit of love. (I'd actually rate Sunset, Twilight, and Sonata above Applebloom, but they already had plenty of votes.)

  5. Yes. I mostly do Perl, but also know PHP, Javascript, C, Ruby, Python, Haskell, VB, etc with varying degrees of competence.


    I work as a freelance programmer (though often subcontracted via a web design company) for various small to medium-sized businesses, charities, schools, etc.

  6. I dislike very hot weather. Here in Australia, we'd be very lucky if snow appeared... but most of the time it's always around 30-45 degrees Celsius. It doesn't help that I live in the driest state in Australia. At least we have tonnes of beaches and pools.


    I grew up in Sydney, and was pretty shocked about a month ago when I read the news that it had been not only snowing in Sydney (which is almost unheard of), but had been snowing in Sydney in October! I imagine the snow was mostly over the mountains, but still...

    • Brohoof 1


    ...Along with Big Foot, Sea Monsters, and other Cryptozoology creatures.


    Indeed. The world is a big place, and many parts of it are comparatively unexplored.


    New species are being discovered all the time. Although many of them are fairly run-of-the-mill discoveries (a slightly different type of worm), nature keeps throwing up surprises. How did this little beauty not get noticed until 2012?

  8. The chance of a planet forming a habitable atmosphere for life is catastrophically small.


    Really? If you look at evidence from our own solar system, it seems 25% of rocky planets (as against gas giants) have an Earth-like atmosphere.


    The chance that life will appear there is catastrophically small.

    The chance that such life will become intelligent is... Relatively small.


    Again, really? If you look at evidence from our own solar system, it seems that 100% of planets with an Earth-like atmosphere develop life. And on 100% of planets which develop life, that life eventually evolves to be intelligent.


    I'm not saying that our solar system is necessarily representative of other star systems in the Universe. Perhaps these percentages are way skewed. But there's no evidence to show that they are not representative either - we simply don't have that much data on exoplanets.

  9. I'm not convinced that I have a skill set that would be useful to a magical flying unicorn assassin princess. Though I'd happily live in her library and give her hugs when the stress of the job got to her.


    Best pizza flavour?

  10.  trapped under debris still alive.


    Better than trapped under debris and dead, surely?


    I dislike dreary, rainy days. If the weather decides to put on a show with a full-on downpour, thunder and spectacular lightning, then I'll enjoy the show. (However on occasions I have to actually go out in said weather, I'm less pleased about it.) But patchy rain combined with overcast skies are just dull. I'll only forgive the clouds if they give me a rainbow.

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